
Saturday 10 July 2010

Hot days and nights....

Here in Düsseldorf it is once again too hot to do anything. I wouldn't mind if it would cool off in the evening, but hot and steamy nights are not conducive to sweet sleep. The weather experts have forecast big storms for tomorrow, and hopefully some cooler air after that.
It has been sooooooooo hot that I have hardly been able to craft, I need an air-conditioned craft room. Well, I can dream about it....
I managed to get Gina's challenge LO for this month done. I didn't have any bird photos for it, as my printer is *on strike* just now (too warm??), so used lots of die cut birds and bird cages (TH Alterations), some die cut flowers and some transfers. The leafy background paper was in a packet I got from my best friend B. Gina, hope you are satisfied with my attempt. The second LO was made in May for Alma's challenge, which was supposed to have a song title in it and... and...? Can't remember the specifications any more. I used black magic paper from coredinations and a photo which Gina sent me. Tried to keep the colours simple. I hope Alma will forgive me that I didn't get round to putting up pics till now....


  1. Hi Valerie, these are terrific, just love what you have created, but then I always do. Brilliant. Take care in this heat, Annette xx

  2. I think they are both fab val, well done and hope you manage to cool down soon, hugs...

    maria x

  3. Fab lo Hoping things cool down soon hugs alma xx

  4. Thanks for the kind words, Ladies!

  5. Stunning layouts Valerie and welldone for getting them done in this ghastly heat! Its bad enough here but you have another ten degrees on us...that should be illegal! Praying for storms for you tomorrow (do share though wont you!) and some cooler weather to follow!
    Sending you breezy sparkles! Sue x

  6. Thanks Sue. Still very hot here, no sign of a let up yet, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!

  7. Wonderful as always Val.
    Le Touquet was very pleasant yesterday as there was a sea mist - just right for pottering round the shops etc.
    Sue xx

  8. fabulous layouts vall, your bird layout is almost regal like, with the gold trims on the birds. its gorgeous. i love all your flowers, and your berries, birds. thankyou for doing the challenge its wonderful.
    im so glad i sent you the photo vall, that has been in my drawer for almost 10years. you have done it proud. its amazing. i will show hubbie later when he comes upstairs. i knew you would do something wonderful with it.
    i hope it cools down for you tomorrow as they said it would, to give you a little break from this awful heat. lots and lots of sparkles.
    gina xxxxxxx

  9. Thanks Sue and Gina. Gina, I started the LO for Sue's June challenge with another of your photos, when it gets cooler I will finish it!

  10. Two wonderful layouts Val, I especially love the bird one!

    It's been damp here all day today although still muggy - ugh! Hope you are managing to keep cool somehow!

    Hugs - Carole x


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