
Tuesday 29 June 2010

Rose fairies, grunge and hot weather....

After the very long, cold winter and a long wait for spring, and then summer, it seems to be here - with a vengeance! Temperatures of good 30°, & even more in my apartment, seem to be addling my grey cells, especially the ones responsible for creativity, cooking, cleaning and doing anything else apart from languishing near the ventilator with one eye on the computer, one on the TV and one on a book - oops, was that one too many?? But I did manage to get some crafting done this afternoon, thanks to litres of iced tea, a generous portion of ice, ventilators right and left and a bowl of cold water to stop my feet from sizzling.
Used some old fashioned rose and fairy pics, tags distressed with TH inks, and decorated with hearts and wings cut with a TH *alterations* die.
Thanks for looking!


  1. Love your latest tags, you are an inspiration as always Val,
    Jackie :-)

  2. As always you make the most fabulous tags, love them all. Queen of the Taggers thats you. Annette x

  3. Wow Val they are stunning indeed you are the queen of tags hugs alma xx you create such depth in a tag

  4. Oh wow Valerie, these are just beautiful, what a lovely set of tags, I love them.

    Carole xxx

  5. Thanks Alma and Carole, glad you like them!

  6. Gorgeous tags, as always! Hugs, Sarah

  7. WOW fab as usual val, they are gorgeous, well done on managing some crafting today...

    maria x

  8. Gorgeous tags Val! I just love all the ephemera you find to use on them.
    Sue xx

  9. Thanks Sue and Maria. Sue, I get my ephemera mostly from flea-markets or EBAY.


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