
Sunday 15 August 2010

Naked chickens, stamping experiments, a song and a nice weekend....

Well, this may be difficult for some of you to believe, but on Friday I actually did some cooking! I went to my friend Inge, and together we prepared a nice meal for Friday evening Sabbath dinner, and invited her family, so we were 5 people all together. Not usually difficult, I know, but as I am used to cooking just for myself lately, or perhaps for one visitor, not so easy. And my cooking usually takes the form of opening a packet or the freezer and popping something into the oven, so for me this was a big occasion! I baked the bread first, so it had time to cool, and then the chickens went into their marinade for a swim before joining the potatoes and carrots for a sun-tan in the oven. They looked a lot nicer AFTER being baked, but I was sooooo hungry and excited later on that I forgot to take another piccie, so there are only pics of naked chickens and not baked ones. I seem to get confused with the words *naked* and *baked* recently, I know I told Maria that we had eaten *naked* salmon some time last week.... Anyway, we had a nice evening together, and I slept overnight on Inge's couch (rather difficult, as the couch is about a yard shorter than I am!). Yesterday we had breakfast, played skipbo, nattered a lot and ate the left-overs from the evening before, so we didn't exactly starve either! Yesterday evening I came home really contented after a nice couple of days in good company.
After a very long sleep, which is most unusual for me, I woke up to a cool, grey and windy world outside, and now it is raining cats and dogs, too. So, a good day to stay home and do some crafting. Wanted to experiment with inks and stamps, which I did, and although some things ended up in the bin, 2 of the cards I made are more or less OK. I used ceramic paper, and stamped the *moon* and the clock with resist ink from Ranger, before distressing it with *Stormy skies* - very fitting to today's weather. The images have been stamped with archival black and partly clear embossed. Used different stamps - my lovely leopard, the clock, and the owl are all from *LaBlanche*, the others from *Artemio*, *Paper Artsy* and *Inkadinkado*. The film strips have been printed onto overhead transparencies, the gadget gear is a TH die-cut, the clock hands are also from TH, and I used some stickles, perfect pearls and hand doodling to finish them off.
After that, I cleaned the kitchen, which was in a big mess after all that inky work, and made myself some potato-wedges out of the deep freeze and fried eggs for lunch, with a multi-vitamin fizzy drink for afters, very healthy - well, at least I tried, even though it was no culinary master piece....
I wrote the following poem last year, and put it onto the DC forum, but thought I would pop it on here to give you all something to sing:

The Scrappers Song
(To be sung to the tune of “mud, mud, beautiful mud”,if any of you oldies know that one!!)

Stash, stash, beautiful stash,
Nothing quite like it for using your cash!
There’s paper and ribbons
And gemstones and card,
To name them all would be terribly hard.
We buy it, we love it
We craft it and then
We’ve time on our hands
So we start all again,
We cut and we colour
And stick it with glee,
And then when it’s finished,
We say “This is me!”
It keeps us all happy
And makes us so proud,
We meet lots of scrappers,
A real crazy crowd.
We’re addicted, we know it,
We never will stop,
Come on girls, get busy,
Let’s all start to crop!

Hope you are all having a good weekend, whatever you are up to, and managing to chill out ready for the week to come. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like you had a nice and very creative weekend. Love that song, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. WOW fab poem val, brilliant, well done....

    love all your stamping, they're gorgeous and love the look of the bread it looks yummy, not so sure of the naked chicken, would have preferred it cooked, lol... but it must have been yummy for you to forget to take as photo... so pleased you had a good couple of days...

    maria x

  3. Thanks, Maria - I prefer the chickens roasted, too!

  4. Hehe Fab poem Val, not sure about naked chicken I love roast chicken I bet it was yummy

  5. Oh I must say Val I took your tag book you made me the wonderful green one to crop and all the ladies there loved it and agreed with me that you are one talented lady, and how well it all goes together. I was telling them how wonderful your tags and other items were hugs almaxx

  6. Thanks Alma, glad you liked that little tag book, too!

  7. As usual your artwork is gorgeous Val. The bread looks yummy but will pass on the naked chickens.........!! Have a great week, Annette x

  8. Thanks Netty, I could kick myself that I forgot to take a pic when they were roasted!!

  9. Beautiful artwork and a funny story, as usual! Hugs, T

  10. Gorgeous Artwork!(Not sure the naked chickens are as gorgeous though!)

  11. Well, they were nice AFTER they were baked!!


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