
Thursday 12 August 2010

More glittery tags, the August ATCs and Freddie's family back again....

Some of you may remember my saga of Freddie & his family, who were always bungee-jumping right in front of my window, just there where I sit at the computer. Well, they were outside on the balcony, and I was inside, but who wants to be spied on and observed by artful spiders who spun off to the roof where I couldn't get them as soon as I went onto the balcony with vengeance on my mind and a spider splatter or spray in my hand.
For the last few weeks, one of them has once again taken up residence on my balcony. This time at the left side, at the front, and it sky-dives upwards to the balcony above if I go anywhere near it. OK, As long as it stays that way, I don't mind tooooooooooo much, although it is growing and growing and I feel very threatened by its antics.
But yesterday evening.....I went into my bedroom to close the curtains, and saw something black moving on the ceiling....I automatically scan all rooms when I go into them to make sure they are spider - free, and this one wasn't! It wasn't really a large one. But as Einstein taught us, everything is relative, and any spiders bigger than a pin-head are large. And according to this way of thinking, this one was very large, at least an inch - including legs. What a dilemma. I did not want to use an insect spray, as they are not good for my asthma, and especially not in my bedroom. Then I remembered Trick 17 - hair-spray. I always have a large can in the bathroom, which I don't use, because it also sets off asthma atacks.(Well, what I mean is, that I don't use the hair-spray, I have to use the bathroom from time to time!) It's the extra strength, long time hold from *ALDI'S*, so I held my breath and gave three blasts at the spider. It did start to move away, but that was even worse, because I could never have slept there with a spider in the room and not knowing if it was dead, alive, or just waiting.....I didn't want to use the hoover, as it was nearly one a.m., and I did not want to wake up the (sometimes) rather crabby old lady who lives downstairs. What to do?? Decided to try with a perfume spray. Got it as a present from one of my old ladies last year, a sweet and very cloying smell, rather reminiscent of flowers at a graveyard. So, I held my breath again and gave it three sharp blasts - no reaction, it was still running round the corner of my bedroom, jigging around, and causing my blood pressure to rise. I did even wonder if this was the sort of emergency that would justify ringing the fire brigade, but didn't fancy having to explain it all to them on the phone. Anyway, they refuse to take off their boots before they come in, and I didn't want that, either!! So it had to be the hoover. I up-ended it so it wouldn't vibrate too much on the floor, stretched the tube upwards, and swoooooooooooooooosh - the spider was gone. *Another spider gone to rest, safe at last on Abraham's breast; ashes to ashes, dust to dust, If the Spray don't get you the hoover must!* Switched the hoover off very quickly before anyone could locate where the noise was coming from, took the hairspray and perfume back to the bathroom, washed my hands, and went for a drink of water to calm down....
Five minutes later, as I crept back into my bedroom, all was quiet save for the ticking of the clock. But the smell of perfume and hair-spray with a hint of hoover dust was somehow evocative of an oriental brothel (NOT that I have ever been in one!!) And with this smell in my nostrils I slept and dreamt of - I'm not going to tell!!
Well, after reading all that, you have deserved to see the pics - 4 new glittery tags in mini-size and the four ATCs I made for the August swap on DC. Thanks for looking by!


  1. Oh Valerie, you have made me giggle with todays post. Sod the fire brigade...the SWAT team at the very least...kitted out with boot cosies of course! I hope your scent induced dreams were pleasant Valerie, thats the least you deserved after such trauma!
    However, in the face of adversity, you have made some more beautiful tags..what a treat to see them!
    Hugs & sparkles for you Valerie, and anti-Freddie vibes for your flat! Sue x

  2. lol Val you do make me giggle I too hate spiders Your tags are wonderful as always Val a veritable feast for the eyes

  3. LOl to your freddie story, HAHAHA I could smell the scent and hair spray while reading about them, lol......

    tags and ATC are fab as usual val, you are so celver...

    maria x

  4. Thanks girs, glad it gave you a giggle, I had to laugh too - when it was over!!

  5. Val- Im LOL here! I would've got the hoover out too. Wonder if they sell Eau De Flowers at a Graveyard in Boots?....
    Jackie :-)

  6. Thanks Jackie. I'm not sure about a Graveyard in Boots, but my old boots have started to smell like a graveyard!!

  7. oh dear!!
    between you and sue, we could never get depressed. this has given me a giggle. im glad you got him in the end.

    your atc's are gorgeous as i would expect from your work vall. there always gorgeous.
    hugs gina xxxxxxxxx

  8. Val, Your story really made me laugh. Your words are so graphic!!!!!!!!!!! Fab crafty stuff as always.


  9. Thanks ladies, glad it keeps you amused!!


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