
Thursday 19 August 2010

The owl, the pussy cat and some muffins....

The weather here in Rhineland has been really awful the past few days - storm, wind, rain, dark couds and the feeling that autumn is on its way....The swallows were swooping low over the fields, I saw bats flying around every evening at dusk - practising for Halloween? - and the wild geese have been flying formation over the house again every morning and evening, making a huge noise as usual. Perhaps they will soon be flying home, too? Today the sun is risking a peep every now and then, although the clouds are still chasing each other across the sky, so perhaps the better weather *they* have been promising us on the news will soon be reality. Here there's a saying, which translated more or less says, *When the cock crows on the compost heap, the weather will change, or stay as it is*. I think there is more truth in that than in most of the weather forecasts!
I have been spending a lot of time with my friend Inge. Yesterday we baked muffins with cranberries and chocolate chips, and did a little tea party in the afternoon for her family, with the usual eclectic mixture of small talk, gossip, coffee, cakes and playing games, so a good time was had by all....
I have been playing around with resist ink the past few days, but most of the things landed in the bin. Tried to do some ghostly faces - I am also practising for halloween - but they need a lot of improvement. The pics with my fave owl stamp are better, on them only the *moon* has been stamped with resist ink. The moon is one of four geometric shapes on a lovely wooden & rubber stamping-cube from Judikins, who has lovely stamping things, although they are hard to get here, so I am hoping that there will be another stamping fair somewhere near here soon....
And I did my glittery tag for the swap on DC, hope Jo likes it, I have called it *The owl and the pussy-cat* in memory of Edward Lear's wonderful poem. Thanks for dropping in!


  1. When are you coming to bake some muffins for me?? Hugs, Sarah

  2. YUM they look delicious val and love your work with the inks...

    I've not even opened my TH TSV yet, lol...

    maria x

  3. Thanks Maria! I think I use my things rather faster, mine are probably empty before you have time to open yours. But you do have other things to do!

  4. The tea party sounds terrific.....yum yummy yum. I love your owls they have come out brilliantly, I also love the ghosties as well. But glad we don't have flying geese, sounds horrible but must be magnificent to see. Have a great weekend Val. Hugs Annette x

  5. Thanks Netty. The flying geese are lovely to watch, just a tad too loud sometimes....

  6. Everything is just wonderful Val, scrummy muffins, and amazing owls and artwork, love it all!!!!
    Suzie xxxx :)

  7. Thanks Suzie, very kind of you! Hope you had a good time in Ireland!

  8. Those muffins look yummy Love your owls, the ghost would make fab halloween cards

    Now did someone say tea party?

    hugs alma xx

  9. Well, what about a coffee party,with tea for those who don't like coffee??

  10. I'm trying to say how beautiful the tag was, but my comment keeps disappearing! Thank you Valerie and I hope you're not too disappointed with my effort!

    Jo x

  11. Thanks Jo, I am sure I will love it!


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