
Saturday 20 July 2024

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Recently a neighbour gave me a pile of used canvases, which I am using just now. This one was first grounded with blue acrylics  and then textured with a stencil. I added book paper scraps, odds and ends of gold and pink gauze, some metallic flakes and a little square left over from another project. The white spiral is now blue! I had fun painting with different  colours , including some with metallics and some glitter - such fun! At the end I added a few gold dots. And I'm happy to say I like it. This is a box canvas, 9 x 12 inches:

And some thinkies and funnies:

Oh dear, I nearly forgot this one!

I have another journal page for Halle's 'I've got a Notion' challenge at AJJ.  This was made with recycled cardboard, some napkin scraps, and a few bits and bobs out of my bit-box. I sewed around the edges, and sewed on a scrap of lace at the bottom. Then I stenciled some dots and pasted a piece of transparent gauze over them:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your canvases have just reminded me I was given some a while back. I wonder where I put them? Yours are inspiring! Have a great weekend Hugs Deb

    1. I love reusing things, and free canvases are always a bonus! Have a great weekend, Deb! Hugs 🤗!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I love that glorious canvas, the colours are fabulous! Hope you slept well! I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend, everybody's at Leah's this week. I decided to stay here, catch up on my to do list and get some sleep, lovely. Enjoy your weekend, get plenty of rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Enjoy your quiet weekend and catch up with your work and sleep 💤! Hugs 🤗!

  3. I LOVE the abstract canvas. That is great art. I wish I could feel the texture. It's amazing.

    You sew SO well. I couldn't sew a straight line if my life depended on it.I love this latest entry. It is different which makes it special. Thanks for sharing another great entry at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme.

    1. Thanks E, I had big fun with my free canvas, I know you like free, too. Glad you like the piece for Halle. Have a great weekend ❣️❣️

  4. Now this is recycling with a capital ‘C’, Valerie. Not only recycling but transforming material destined for the trash heap into very pleasing, eye-catching art. What a true servant of the environment you are! Actually the mere term “used canvases” made me smile. You will probably remember when tennis shoes were made of canvas and I knew this snooty girl (her name was Lavinia, which already sounds snooty), whose parents were a little better off than most and she played tennis. She always referred to her shoes as ‘canvases’ as though other lesser mortals wore paper shoes or something. I wonder what ever happened to Lavinia? I will never know. Have a great weekend. I hope it involves pizza with Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Perhaps Lavinia painted her canvases when they got holes in the toes....I have painted some of my old sneakers, too, that was fun! No pizza 🍕 today, we were at the hairdresser, and went for a cappuccino, but it's too hot to go out again. It's feet up time! Have a great weekend, hugs, xxxxxxxx

  5. Hi Val, I wish I had AC, it's so hot here! The kids will be home tomorrow, they enjoyed being with their grandparents very much. And I had some peace and quiet for a change. I love your beautiful canvas, the colours are glorious! Have a great weekend, hugs, Martha

    1. It's hot here, too! Have fun with your kids, don't spoil them too much. Hugs!

  6. All of your artwork is amazing, and what a great use of those repurposed canvas pieces! Everything looks amazing and I love the funny about the man with hearing aids. Too funny LOL Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol, I love working with repurposed pieces, it's less stress than a new one. Oh yes, that man will sort out his family! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  7. I love that you got gifted and can use the canvases. Cool!

    1. Thanks, l reuse a lot. One man's meat is another man's poison!

  8. What a lovely neighbour you sure are making good use of them, the addition of the gold makes the design really pop and shines through the darkness. I love it Valerie.
    Your Journal page is beautiful, sounds like a great Theme, so sorry I've had even less free time this month, not been away on holiday I was away helping out family..
    All the thinkies have been a super read, started my busy Sunday off a treat.
    Sending Hugs your way Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, sometimes I just need some gold, at least on my paintings! Have a great day, take care of yourself! Hugs!

  9. Beautiful journal page, love the stitching. The canvas is divine. Have a good Sunday, R

    1. Thanks R, you have a great Sunday, too! Hugs,!

  10. I love your latest painting Valerie. It has amazing texture. The gold makes it shine too. That was super your neighbor gave you these canvases, and how it allowed you more time substrates to play on. The journal page for Halle's challenge is really lovely too. I like the big cat. Thanks for the rattlesnake quote. How appropriate for events right now. Some people have such a warped vision. What a world it is- it is too scary right now. I'm glad you shared some art to make it a little more pleasant. Have a great end of your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The world is really scary just now. And not only in your part of the world. Thank God that we have art and books to distract us and beam us into other worlds. Have a good Sunday, and a great start in the new week. Hugs 🤗

  11. I can see your mind flowing gracefully through your art. Well done!

  12. Beautiful art..have a great weekend

  13. How nice of your neighbour to give you the canvases, and I love what you shared here.

    Hope the new week will be good for you.

    All the best Jan

  14. Love your artwork. The textures and gold accents are stunning, and it’s amazing how you transform simple materials into such beautiful art.
    I enjoyed reading your thinkies and funnies as always.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

    1. Thanks, Veronica! The hugs and blessings are very welcome just now!

  15. Your canvas texture is amazing! Love it so much. I also love your piece for AJJ! So many fun sewing bits along with the stitching.

  16. How cool that your neighbor gave you some canvas. Even if there used.

    1. Yes, cool indeed. I give them a coat of gesso and then they are ready to go!

  17. Beautiful abstract canvas Valerie, and I love your page too!

  18. What a fabulous page for Halle's AJJ theme! I really love your canvas Valerie- it looks as though you enjoyed altering it too! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Excluding the gold, the colours in the canvas are so rich - WOW! And then you add that gold and it just takes on another dimension. Valerie, I love it. I love the colours, the texture, everything about it. I hope it is hanging in a very prominent position in your home now.
    The piece for AJJ is so pretty and pale by contrast. I love the lettering and the strong figure at the bottom. Wild cats are so wonderful to see moving, especially in slow motion.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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