
Thursday 18 July 2024

Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF

Hi Everybody!

I had quite a busy day up to now, and even had to get up early - that was the worst thing! I'm always awake early, but I like to take my coffee back to bed, and then read, enjoy my coffee (and a cookie) and get up a bit later. Anyway, I digress....Today I had an appointment in Düsseldorf to get my hearing aids checked. I travelled by tram, and then walked the last bit -along Königs Allee and then through Schadow street, a huge shopping mile. And at one time an ice-cream jumped at me, so I had to buy it! Eventually I got to the hearing aid specialist, had a hearing test which showed that my hearing has got worse, and then my hearing aids were re-programmed so that they suit me perfectly. After that I went downstairs to the other department, where all the opticians are. My eyes were tested, and my sight has also got worse, so I was fitted up for new glasses. And I went a bit mad and chose red frames for them. In a few days they will be ready, and then I will go there again to collect them.

Today I have a mix of faces and some fun for FFO and AFFF:

Everything is from 2014:

This is a crazy piece I made just for fun, and with lots of faces:

I always love Pickles:

I had short hair back then, perhaps I will get it done like this again:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Some beautiful art from the past. Sorry your hearing and eyesight have worsened. At least you are able to compensate.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I don't like it either, but this happens when we get older! It c ould be worse! Hugs!

  2. Fun faces. Am sure the red glasses will suit you!

  3. Hi Val, lovely to see some faces which I haven't seen before. I wonder just how many faces you have created? It must be a huge amount. Hope you soon get your glasses! Hugs, Sarah

    1. I have no idea how many faces I have made - I can just say it was probably too many! Hugs!

  4. Lovely faces and the kitty with the heart markings just melted my heart. I'll be seeing if I can get a hearing test at my physical. I'm not hearing well and sometimes it's hilarious what I think people are saying!

    1. I know what you mean, and it's better when we can hear clearly and give the right anyswer!

  5. Fabulous and fun faces and I would love red glasses, I nearly went red last time but changed to blue at the last minute, but red next time I think..I need to be a rebel..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chriss. I have nearly always had tortoiseshell glasses, but now it's red. y serious days are over! Hugs!

  6. Always good to get hearing/eye sight tests done.
    I think red glasses will suit you.

    ... I like Pickles too :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, perhaps I can take a photo when I have my new glasses!

  7. I like your morning coffee routine. Sounds kinda like mine 😊 It's a shame to see the gradual decrease in my sight and hearing, but I'm grateful there are fixes that'll work along the way.

    1. As you say, we have fixes. In the old days it must have been much worse when people had no help, or had to run around with an ear-horn!

  8. As always lovely art. It brings me joy.

  9. I always liked your face art. Very nice. Sorry about your worsening hearing and eye sight. It happens! But, since your favorite color is blue, maybe choose blue frames?

    1. Thanks so much! Yesy, it happens, and we just have to deal with it!

  10. More joy! I like your faces a lot. Aloha

  11. ...Valerie, too often the Golden Years aren't so golden! Red frames sound like fun to me. Pack as much fun into your days as you can. Be well.

    1. Thanks Tom, I'm doing my best to have fun. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and go swimming, and that's a time where you can swim in peace! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Valerie, you are a woman of extremes. One day you sleep all day in your chair and the next you get up early! Such is the nature of variety, perhaps, and it is said that variety is the spice of life, but red glasses might do it too. Red glasses will make a statement. They will announce to the world that the embers still burn brightly. We will all be looking forward to a picture of you in these new spectacles so be sure to post one soon. Big glasses seem to be the trend these days. Some of them occupy half the face. I am glad that you got your hearing aids tuned up too. Now with improved hearing and sight the world will be unable to hide its secrets. Eavesdropping when you have lunch with Heike will rise to a whole new level. No whispered secret from adjacent tables will be safe. Have a wonderful weekend - and no sleeping all day. A little afternoon nap is permitted, but no more. Thus I have commanded. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, thanks so much for your gracious permission to take an afternoon nap. For me afternoon is from 12:01 till 17:59, so that shoud allow me a nice little afternoon nap, yessssssssss! If I am allowed to wear a mask over my face I might take a picture of me in my red glasses - we shall see! And I always enjoy hearing a word here and there from people sitting at other tables, and try to string them together to make a story! Now there will be no stopping me!
      Are you leading a walk today or tomorrow? If yes, have fun. Have a great weekend, enjoy your food that Miriam cooks and of course, the bottle/ glass/barrel of wine you enjoy with it! Hugs xxxxxxxx

    2. No organized walks this weekend, Valerie, but we will be out and about anyway. I have one walk to lead next week - Wednesday if I am not mistaken. Better check that! July and August are generally a little slow.

    3. Okay, enjoy relaxing at home - like doing the garden, cooking the dinner etc! I suppose in July and August it can get very hot!

  13. Those are some lovely pieces from the past. I am glad they are able to adjust your hearing aids rather than needing new ones. Adjustable glasses would be nice ~ but then you wouldn’t get pretty red frames.

    1. Thanks so much. Adjusting is easier that buying new ones, that's true, but I am looking forward to my red ones!

  14. Replies
    1. I knew you would like it! Happy weekend, hugs!

  15. Today you have so many cool faces. I love the one with the magnifying glass. I don't remember seeing that before. And your new piece in red is fabulous. It feels exotic. And might even match the new glasses. I bet they will look great. I really need some new glasses, not for vision but I'm sick of looking at myself in the others. Maybe one of these days. I hope you're not too exhausted, and that you have are having a great Friday. hugs-Erika

    1. The faces I showed today are all from 2014 - long, long ago! Heike always wears her glasses although she doesn't really need them. That new piece was just having fun, but it's very crazy!
      And sometimes we really NEED new things, even if we don't really need them!
      Have a great day, hugs!

  16. Great post, Valerie. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  17. Sounds like you had a successful day getting both ears and eyes sorted, can't wait to see the red frames, they sound great. It's such a pleasure to visit your blog as there is always something to smile about. Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. I try to keep my visitors happy! Have a great weekend 💟

  18. Glad that you got your 'tune up' ~ we all need one especially as we age ~ Wonderful and creative post as always ~ such fun ~ looking forward to your 'red' glasses ~ fun too ~ lots of hugs to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks so much, Carol! I love to think I had a 'tune up'! Have a wonderful weekend! ❣️

  19. Będziesz super wyglądać w nowych okularach. Bardzo podobają mi sìę twoje prace. Wspaniałego weekendu życzę:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  20. Liebe Valerie, mein Mann trägt auch ein Hörgerät - ich finde es toll, dass diese Geräte inzwischen schon so klein, fast unsichtbar und leistungsstark sind.
    Was dein rotes Brillengestell betrifft - meine neue Brille ist auch rot, ansonsten habe ich noch eine in schwarz-rote mit austauschbaren bunten Bügeln und eine gelb-grün-orangerot gemusterte. Langweilig war gestern (oder überhaupt nie ;-))!
    Ich mag deinen "mix of faces and some fun for FFO and AFFF" - mein favorisiertes Bild ist das mit Ziege und Schaf - zwei soo entzückend aussehende und miteinander kuschelnde Lieblingstiere von mir - herzerwärmend!
    Alles Liebe und happy weekend, Traude

    1. Schön von dir zu hören, liebe Traude. Ich habe wenig geschafft in den letzten Wochen, ich bin nur permanent müde und habe wenig Energie. Ich hoffe dass meine Energie bald zu mir zurückkehrt. Das Foto von den Beiden Tiere aneinander gekuschelt ist allerliebst. Die Tiere zeigen uns Menschen wie es geht. Dir einen guten Abend und ein Schönes Wochenende, alles Liebe, Valerie

  21. Lovely things to see again. I'm taken with the half face and red flowers.

    1. Thanks Lin. It's fun trying out new things! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

    2. When you said about your funky new glasses I immediately think of Iris Apfel and Prue Leith. Icons of colour and style in the more mature lady. Hugs Deb

    3. Thanks Deb, but I have a long way to go before I look like that! Hugs!

  22. Fun ladies, including your short hair pic;) Love the idea of coffee, cookie and a book in bed of a morning:) Hugs Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra, it's a great way to start the day!

  23. Loving all the faces and art today, Valerie. I hear you when you talk about failing vision (mine is worse since cataract surgery) and hearing. But new glasses are always fun!

    1. Yes they are! We need to concentrate on the fun bits!

  24. Really wonderful post. Yes, I like getting up early but not to go to the doctor. LOL Glad you got your ears and eyes taken care of. Love all the art and photos but especially that cow. Ohhh and the chicken that has pecked someone already. That is too cute. Have a great weekend and thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Have a good weekend, take care! 💕


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