
Thursday 4 July 2024

Thursday/ Friday / weekend post

Hi Everybody!

As some of you may have noticed , I disapeared last Sunday and just got home again. I had been boasting of being able to enjoy a free weekend in my last post, but somehow things don't always turn out as they should.....On Saturday I was trying to rest and had really bad abdominal cramps, better known as belly ache. And did it ache. The I got a temperature and couldn't stop shivering, so I went to bed and hoped it would be gone by the next day. Alas and alack - oh no, it got worse. I had awful pains and diarrhea, and decided to press my emergency button which I have to wear all the time. And then I got taken to hospital, as I have already had a lot of operations on my stomach and pancreas etc. I had a nice room, all on my own, which was great!

  There I was put on various tablets, drips and drops and on the day afterwards was rolled off to the surgical dept. There I met up with the same team of nice doctors who have treated me there each time. I don't want to go into too much detail, but they went in  through my stomach, cleared all the stuff out which was causing me problems, checked my pancreas and a few more things, and by the time I woke up it was all over - I always miss the best films! 

Then I had a few days of drinking liquid, and yesterday (Thursday) I got a slice of dry bread with a mini portion of jam, yessssss! And I'm glad I had my smartphone with me, as I was able to spend a lot of time on FB to keep myself occupied. Today I was able to come home, and need to rest, so won't be writing any posts over this weekend, either.

And happy Independence day to all friends in the USA

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Not the kind of news we had hoped for, Valerie. You have been having a rough time for a long time, and it hardly seems fair. Just know that we are all thinking of you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I have missed you! I would be quite happy with a few quiet months, just at home, painting, eating nice food etc. Hope you are well, look after yourself, hugs! xxxxxxx

  2. Hi Val, so glad you are back home, and pleeeeease, stay well! Sorry that you have to have these ordeals again and again! BIG hugs fom us all, Sarah

  3. So glad you called the emergency to get checked out-thinking of you and happy you are home.
    thank you for the 4th of July wishes-it is raining here this morning
    Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much Kathy. Yes, it was good I called! It's raining here, too, we have had more rain in ths year than ever before! Happy July 4th! Hugs!

  4. Oh, my! I'm so sorry you've been ill. I'm glad you were able to get prompt medical attention, and I hope you're fully rested and recovered soon.

    1. Thanks so much. Our medical service is good, and we are lucky that the hospital is ten minutes walk away from here. Happy July 4th!

  5. I am really sorry to hear you've been going through so much with your health issues but glad at the same time they were able to bring you comfort with their help at the hospital. Thanks for the July 4th well wishes - I will be spending a quiet day at home probably surfing the internet too. Do take good care and make it the best possible weekend you can. Get well hugs

    1. Thanks Carol. We have a good hospital here, but I am happy to be home again, even if I have to live off bread and water till it gets better! And no coffee ☕☕ for a few days! Happy Independence Day! Hugs!

  6. I was hoping you were OK, but it sounds like you weren't. Oh no! I hope you get some rest now that you are home, and I'm glad they took good care of you at the hospital. Get some REST!!!!! And we'll see you back blogging when you feel better-which will be soon. Take care, hugs-Erika

    1. If I had been OK I would have joined the challenge on Monday morning! I have never missed a challenge begin. Hope you have a happy Independence Day! Hugs!

  7. Sorry to hear you have been so ill and in hospital-make sure you take care and rest well.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much Carol, now I need a break! Look after yourself, dear! Hugs!

  8. Oh Valerie, I'd hoped you were just off having fun. That's not any fun at all -- the hospital never is. Hang in there, my friend and follow all orders carefully. Art and blogs can wait. We're not going anywhere.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, a fun break somewhere would have been good! Okay, I will try to be good for the next few days! Hugs!

  9. What a horrible ordeal!!! Glad your surgery was successful and you are healing.

    1. Thanks so much, old age is not always easy, as you know, too. Hugs!

  10. Thanks for letting us know and my prayers for your full healing and recovery, XXO

    1. Thanks so much, dear, much appreciated! Look after yourself, hugs!

  11. This was most disconcerting. I worried that something was wrong on Monday and now I know you required surgery. I am so sorry you were ill. I linked your blog on Monday just in case you were late posting. I had NO idea it was because you were ill. Please take it easy. I worry about you, dear friend. Thanks for the well wishes for Independence Day.

    1. Thanks E. You couldn't know what was wrong. I will soon be up and running again. Well, err, up!

  12. Oh, bless you Valerie, I'm so sorry you were unwell, but happy you getting back to normal, you rest, and do as you are told, and you will be back on top soon, lots of love and best wishes..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Back to normal again!? I never was normal! Last night I dreamt that Honey was on my bed and got bigger and bigger and pushed me out!

    2. Thanks so much, dear Chrissy! Hugs to you and Honey!

  13. Hope you recover from your surgery as soon as possible. Keep away from bread and coffee. I know how hard it is and I agree with you about growing old.Our bodies do not respect us anymore. But it is the price we pay to get wise.Love from Brazil.

    1. Thanks Karla, nice to meet you! Oh dear, I more or less live off bread, coffee and yoghurt, help! Thanks for commenting! Hugs!

  14. Liebe Valerie, hoch jeee was du wieder druch gemacht hast, das tut mir so Leid!
    Erhole dich gut und apss auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Thanks so much, Elke! Ich hoffe dass es dir gut geht!

  15. So sorry to hear vj. Hope you are better now. Wish u the best

    1. Thanks Ashok, need to rest for a couple of days!

  16. Bardzo współczuję, mam nadzieję, że będzie wszystko ok . Życzę dobrego weekendu:)

  17. You have been having a rough time. Speedy recovery.

  18. So glad you got through this Valerie.

    1. Thanks Christine, and I'm glad you're back! Hugs!

  19. Oh no, I am sorry this happened to you. And I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Allie of

  20. Hi Val, so sorry you were so ill again, I hope that you are slowly feeling better. Look after yourself, hugs, Martha

  21. Thanks Martha, I hope you and the kids enjoyed your holiday break! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. Oh goodness! I did wonder if you were okay after you hadn't posted after the weekend.
    Sorry to read you have been in hospital, thank goodness you hit the emergency button.
    Take care and give yourself time to heal.

    Sending lots of good wishes across the miles.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, this has been a rough time and it ain't over yet! But hopefully soon! Thanks for your good wishes and have a good, new week!

  23. So sorry you've been poorly. Hopefully your surgical team has sorted you out now. Tummy problems are not nice, but especially not nice if surgery is required. There has been an outbreak of gastro intestinal problems here, caused they think from contaminated lettuce getting into the food chain, if only yours was caused through food, but it sounds as if it is something else.
    Sending healing light and hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. Here a lot of people got ill from contaminated tomatoes. Mine is an ongoing problem as I have stomach and pancreas problems and have had lots of operations. I need to control my diet better! Look after yourself, have fun painting! Hugs!

  24. Hope you are feeling well again soon Valerie. Rest and take care of yourself.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, it's slowly getting better but I am very wobbly on my feet. I need a few days to recover.

  25. Oh Valerie, I am so sorry to hear this. This explains all the FB posts I have been seeing. What a mess you sound to have been in and thank goodness for the emergency pendant you wear. I love how light hearted you make it sound but it must have been quite traumatic at the time. Let's hope they have you sorted now for a long long time.
    Just take things easy until you feel really strong (and I mean really strong).
    Hugs, Neet xx


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