
Friday 28 June 2024

Friday / weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

I had a busy week again so I am planning on taking the weekend off on my blog, which will hopefully give me lots of time for being creative!

I'm starting off with a  mixed media face I made this week. I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I enjoy doing things like this. I am linking to Nicole's FFO:

I started off with making a collage on the left side, which I toned down with some diluted gesso:

And I had fun:

I am linking to Matilde's 'what makes me happy' challenge at AJJ

This was one of the Kaleidoscope pieces inspired by Tiare Smith. The blue Stripes with heads are meant to represent the people in our lives who helped us, or were kind to us. There are lots of positive words written on the 'people'. This was a very meditative and fun piece to make:

I started off b painting the background with phytalo blue, onto which I dripped water to make some lighter spots. Then I added dots and circles with acrylic  pens:

And I have some more faces, which  are all connected to a postal theme. I am also linking to Gillena's AFF:

I love making stamp men:

This one is mock vintage, using a copy of a letter I have, and adding stamps and stamps if you know what I mean:

This one was made smilarly

And this was definitely my fave, and I still use the head for my avatar. She's pulling mental floss through her ears to clean out her head!
(Please don't try it!)

And this was the fun postage stamp which was my inspiration:

Some photos, funnies and thinkies:

Views from my balcony  and from the Rhine:

Today I had a doctor's appointment on König's Allee, the most expensive street in Düsseldorf  - not somewhere where I go shopping!  It was extremely hot and sultry, but at least every room at the doctor's was air conditioned, so my four hours thee were bearable. They had water dispensers everywhere, too. But I was stll very happy when it was time to go home:

A lot of building work is going on, and I liked the 'people' fences they errected:

That's all for today!
Have a great Friday and a great weekend, 
take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The shades of blue(s) in your mixed media face are fabulous! I always feel uplifted after reading your funnies and inspiration. Thanks.

  2. Such a wonderful post. I love the one for FFO but my all time fave is the floss through the ears to clean the brain. That is just brilliant. Enjoy your time off and thank you for joining FFO.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I love this one, too, and sometimes I would love to Close my brain and see if it works better!

  3. Hi Val, another wonderful post! I love your beautiful art, especially the blue pieces, love the colours. The face really draws you in. Love the funnies and the photos of the Kö. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Sarah

  4. This was a fun post. loved all of your art work, images and thinkies and funnies.

    Hugs and Blessings

  5. Sorry I am not in blog land much, between plans to move interstate at the end of the year to be close to family and the group, time is limited, think I may just take the weekend off to. A really beautiful arty design and gorgeous result, I'd love a weekend with you just to play with paints. Thanks for the funnies. Keep happy luv from Aussie xx

    1. Thanks Annie, it would be lovely to have play date together! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  6. Liebe Valerie, ich glaube, es gibt auf der ganzen Welt wohl kaum ein Werk, das wirklich "to everyone's taste" ist - und darum geht es auch gar nicht. Dein Kunstwerk wirkt harmonisch und man merkt, dass du Spaß daran hattest. Mir gefällt es - und ich freue mich, dass du uns das "making of" gezeigt hast. Die Idee, den Menschen, die gut und wichtig für uns waren, eine Malerei als "Denkmal" zu setzen, finde ich ebenso wundervoll! Schön, dass ich nun auch weiß, wie dein Avatar entstand :-D
    Dass du froh warst, beim Doktor wieder rauszukommen, selbst wenn es dort noch so schön gekühlt war, kann ich gut nachvollziehen. Geht mir auch immer so, obwohl ich stets Lesestoff oder ein iPad zum Spielen dabei habe ;-). Danke auch für deine Funnies - besonders musste ich über "duckface" und das Männerspielparadies lachen ;-DDD
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. That's so true. One man's meat is another man's poison! At the moment I can't do a lot because of being ill, and only do what I enjoy. Surface made me laugh, I see so many people looking like that. Sorry I am writing English, I'm working on an ancient hand held that only writes English! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. I've had a lovely catch up Valerie, its a while since my last visit. I loved seeing your art and the photos. Enjoy your weekend off and take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne, look after yourself! Hugs!

  8. That is quite a face, Valerie, to which one could ascribe whatever values one wished. It is certainly open to interpretation. As for visits to the doctor, they can be long and tiresome, and I am sure you were happy when it was time to go home. There are things we have to do, but we don’t have to like it! The weekend is upon us - enjoy! Hugs and kisses - David.

    1. Thanks, dear David, you have a wonderful weekend, too! Hugs! Xxxxxxx

  9. ...Valerie, "a healthy mind in a healthy body" is a wonderful thing. For many as they age the choice is one or the other. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Indeed. My mind is still working well.....hugs!

  10. I was reminded last evening that art doesn't have to be "to my liking" for me to appreciate it. Although I do love that mixed media face. And I love the elements you used to make it alive and interesting.

  11. I'm loving all the art today, especially your 2 latest pieces. Blue is the color of the day, and it is a good color!!!! They are both really interesting to look at. I also love your balcony views,, and getting to see a bit of Dusseldorf. Have a great arty weekend. And restful too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am having a blue phase just now! I need to rest at the weekend and not get up so early! Hugs!

  12. I thought the stripes had flowers on them which would still work with people who have influenced our lives. Gorgeous views from your balcony. Glad you were comfortable at the doctor's office, and it's always good to be back home. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Yes, they could be flowers or faces, I enjoyed making that piece! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  13. You have been busy. I understand. Take care. You have but one life to live.

    1. Thanks so much. I have problems commenting on your blog, I don't know why! Sorry.

  14. I always love to see how art work develops and the finished projects are brilliant. Going on the striped one you must know lots of nice people. Think I could do with a mental floss Lol! Loving the photos too. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks. I think we could all do with mental flossing now and again! Hugs 🤗

  15. You have created a lot of beautiful things again... a feast for the eyes.
    Yes, give yourself a little break from blogging on the weekend
    Keep working on your works...
    I'm looking forward to your results. It's good to use the time when you're in such a good mood :-)))
    The view from your balcony is fantastic – how beautiful, one photo is always more beautiful than the next.
    I now have fireflies in the garden and a hedgehog...heavenly. I love.
    A happy greeting goes to you.
    Cheers - summer is beautiful. Enjoy.

    1. Thanks so much, Viola. Fireflies and hedgehogs 🦔🦔🦔, it sounds like paradise. Have a wonderful weekend! 💘

  16. Have a wonderful, restful weekend!
    best, mae

  17. FABulous projects Valerie, I loved the first one, my favourite, great funnies and a room with a view, how lucky, I look at my neighbors' long grass, now muddy grass as the cars have driven all over it, what awful people, I'm glad I'm old and don't have to talk to them, ha ha ha, have a wonderful weekend...for some reason this is not publishing..I'll try again later, I have copied my comment and will return..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Sorry your neighbours are not so nice. I have good neighbours here, that's nice. Blogger is making a lot of problems just now! Have a great day! Hugs!

  18. Four hours is a long while at the doc. I'm glad they had air and water. And I hope the appointment went well for you.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I hope today will not be so hot! Look after yourself!

  19. That top one may be my favorite so far ❤️ I'm glad the doctor office was comfortable especially since you were there so long.

    1. Thanks so much! It was a good place to be in such hot weather!

  20. Test! My comments did not publish again. I see someone else is having problems too. Blogger and it's foibles strike again!
    Have a good w/end, Hugs, Deb

    1. Most of my comments land in spam, and I have to declare them as safe each time .... You have a great weekend, too! Hugs!

  21. Yet another fun post, Valerie.
    I enjoyed all of your art work, images thinkies and funnies.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks Veronica, have a wonderful weekend 💖🤗 hugs!

  22. Such wonderful variety of creativity ~ the first collage is my favorite but your post is awesome ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Lots to look at. Your first face is very creative.

  24. Hi Valerie, hope the doctors appt. went well! Love all the art and so happy for you it made you happy to make it! The blue collage reminds me of Picasso, so I guess his blue period, lol. Happy week ahead, xoxo

  25. Happy memories of Koenigsallee when I spent happy times over there. Thanks Valerie.
    As for your blue mixed media piece I never will tire of seeing these, especially with one of your faces on it. Your post makes me happy too.
    Thanks for the thinkers/funnies especially the Botox one, brilliant! Also for your own photos and the lovely artwork.
    Hope it was a good restful weekend
    Hugs Neet xx

  26. i am in love with your projects:)

  27. Hope you had a good weekend. The mixed media face painting is incredible.

  28. I love your kind piece. What a wonderful idea. Hope your weekend is relaxing and enjoyable.
    Hugs, Sandra

  29. Nice place and I love your work :D

  30. Lovely art and such great views from your balcony.
    Hope you've enjoyed a relaxing weekend.
    My good wishes for the new month of July.

    All the best Jan

  31. I love all of your faces! Those skies are spectacular and I love seeing more of your area, Hope all is OK with you, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I'm still not feeling good, it can only get better! Hope you are doing well. Hugs 🤗.

  32. I love to see your colourful faces, they are so fresh and full of freedom! I hope you enjoyed your weekend of art, and can't wait to see what you created. Take care and have a fun week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I got nothing done as I ended up in hospital! Hugs!

  33. Fabulous art work Valerie. Love the photos and the funnies. Hugs Wendy K

    1. Thanks Wendy, have a great week, hugs 🤗

  34. Beautiful artwork Valerie! Great to see the inspiration behind your avatar.


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