
Friday 14 June 2024

Weekend Post - what makes me happy # 8

Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend, hurrah! This has been a busy weekend with lots of appointments at doctors and at the dentist, on top of the usual things like Physiotherapy etc, so I'm happy that it's Friday and that most of my exams and tests are finished. It's a wet, wild and windy day here, so I'm staying home and going to have a play day - painting, reading, eating, drinking coffee ....sounds good to me!

For Matilde's 'what makes me happy' challenge at AJJ I have recreated a piece I painted long ago. I took one of my van Gogh knock-offs, made lots of copies, and placed them over each other to make a sort of pyramid. I put 'my' eye in the middle:

And for Sandie's travel challenge at Tag Tuesday I went back home to London - I wish! I hope lots of you will join in her challenge, you can choose any form of travel and /or any destination....

I am re-showing some pieces from 2020, as they make me happy. And we really need light in the world just now, and in the heads of many politicians:

And a mish-mash of  Thinkies, Funnies, David Zinns etc.

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It sounds like you have the perfect rainy day plan. I really like your 2020 art, especially the first light and darkness one. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Danielle, hope you are keeping well! Hugs!

  2. So true about the fat cells. Halleluia! They're here to stay. Love your Van Gogh knock-off.

    1. Glad you're singing hallelujah, too! Van Gogh is one of my faves! Have a lovely day!

  3. Have a great day. And thanks for Pickles!

    1. Thanks, I love Pickles, it reminds me of my grandparents!

  4. Hi Val, good afternoon! I love your post today, thanks for the lovely art and funnies. And you are right about us needing more light on the world! And I laughed so hard over the fat ce!!s, too funny! Have a great weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Ha, now we know the solution to the fat cells! Hugs to all!

  5. Love your artwork! You are amazing. Lots of fun here too with the funnies!

  6. I really like the van Gogh piece, very mysterious. I like the use of blue (my favorite, happy color) that ties your pages together. Enjoy your indoor day - CJ

    1. Thanks 🙏! Blue is my fave colour, too. Have fun at Camp O!

  7. The effect you achieved with multiple copies of your painting is neat! Have a good weekend.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I like playing around! Have a great weekend!

  8. Lovely art and thinkies Valerie, glad you can get all
    Your appointments done -Christine

    1. Thanks Christine, I have to get through it somehow! Hugs!

  9. I wish I were the artsy type, but even so I've never done tags so I'm out either way 🤣 I enjoy looking, though 👍

    1. Thanks, have a great weekend! And keep speaking out, you do it so well!

  10. Very interesting artwork today and I'm sure Van Gough wouldn't object to that! It's brilliant. Plenty to think about today too and love the funnies. Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, have a lovely weekend, take care, hugs! xx

  11. ...Valerie, you have some winner this week. I love, why don't we work on natural stupidity! Amen sister!!!

    1. Thanks, that one really hit me, just so right between the eyes! It would be a very HUGE thing to do!

  12. I just LOVE that rich blue knock off pyramid you created with the eye in the center. It's gorgeous and very creative! I love the funnies this week, especially the tornado tip , but the AI compared to stupidity tops them all. My favorite baseball team from Philadelphia USA played a game in London last week, so at least some folks got to go to London even if you didn't! Take care, and have a pleasant weekend

    1. Thanks Carol! I love making things like that, it's just fun! hmmm, yes, a cure for stupidity would really be something! How nice that your fave baseball team got to visit London, and i hope they won! Have a fabulous weekend, hugs!

  13. You have earned your play day. Hope you enjoy it to the max. Lots of goodies today. That last meme is a hoot:) Hugs Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra, it made me laugh loud and long! Hugs!

  14. Fabulous artwork,love all the funnies and Pickles, enjoy the weekend.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. I love Pickles, too, just like my grandparents! Hugs!

  15. Fat cells, ha ha ha, that is exactly what has happened it, and I love your art piece the gorgeous blue and you eye in the middle, fantastic, love your tag too,gosh, I missed the last challenge altogether, time keeps slipping by..have a great weekend..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, now we know why those fat cells stay with us! Hugs!

  16. Some time I'm intrigue of backside of a person.

  17. You did a wonderful job of recreating Van Gogh's painting in blue...
    And yes, you say it –
    We need light in our world.
    A warm greeting comes from Viola

  18. Fabulous, Valerie, I love it! Hugs, Martha

  19. Your first image looks like a nightmarish tunnel where the world is headed at present, given the surge in right wing parties with a will to destroy democracy and its imperfect status. It still represents the best hope for humanity, however, and it’s hard to understand that so many are willing to overturn it in favour of authoritarianism and one party rule. In the United States now, there is a choice between a doddery old man who looks like he might fall over at any minute or wander aimlessly into the night, and another old man who is bent on destruction and revenge. In Germany I see a resurgence of right wing nationalism, hearkening back to Nazism. Have we not had our fill of that? It appears not. I really chuckled at the last bit of humour. The last time the Jehovah’s Witnesses stalked our neighbourhood several of them looked very well upholstered so they seem to have taken this adage to heart! The weekend is here, Valerie, although for you and me nothing much changes does it? Nevertheless, I hope you will enjoy it and that you and the indomitable Heike are able to get out to feast, frolic and have fun. Not too much frolicking though! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. The world is really in a scary state right now, the election results in Europe have floored me. I hope very much that this is just a phase, I just don't want to believe it. And the majority of young voters are voting left. But we need some humour to get us through each day, and I love the believing fat cells! Today I am resting, I am very exhausted just now. Have a great weekend, hugs to you and Miriam!xxxxxxxx

  20. I do like your art.
    A good collection of funnies.
    Wishing you a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a wonderful Sunday with your family!

  21. I love what you did with your older art piece Valerie. Those layers are amazing. And I'm glad you added the eye. And your tag is cool too. Plus it was fun seeing the other art you've made. It's like a great museum visit from my couch. Thanks for this great post. I hope your stormy weather passed and you had a super day at home doing fun things. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I love making alterations which give a new viewpoint, great fun. I must do more of that. It's still stormy weather here, but another home day would do me good. Have a great day, hugs!

  22. That first piece is just amazing. Thank you for your support and joining FFO.

  23. Thanks Nicole, hope you soon get good news. Hugs!

  24. I love that first piece especially! You do lovely works and the inspiration/funnies were wonderful too, thank you!

  25. A super Travel Tag Valerie, thank you so much for playing along with my theme. Hope you are keeping well, the challenge favourite post is now up, had issues with blogger, so couldn't post

    1. Thanks Sandie, Blogger was having issues all day. Have a great week, look after yourself!

  26. Your weekend sounded idyllic after your hectic week. I hope you enjoyed it Valerie! I love your tag, what a beautiful scene and your pyramid card is excellent!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, have a good, new week! 🤗 Hugs 🤗

  27. I began walking through your recreation and oh boy what a journey I had. I love first of all the colours. Such a strong blue interspersed with gold I mount the steps at the beginning and walk through endless corridors enjoying each and every step until I come to a village which was only a distant dot to begin with. Here I rest a while and refresh my body before continuing on to the end. The eternal eye.
    Love this Valerie.
    Glad you got to end the week with some rest after visiting all those physicians who came in many guises. Here's to a restful wekend ahead.
    Hugs Neet xx
    ps love the cartoons and obviously the Zinnies.

    1. Thanks Neet, I love that you walked through my picture in my imagination, thanks! This week I only have 3 appointments and next week only 2. I hope I will soon have them all done. Look after ourselfc, I hope your knee is better! Hugs!

  28. I'm late visiting. What else is new? This is the secopnd time I had to leave a comment. The first wouldn't publish.

    That tunnel effect you created is a bit scary. It shows a bit of the world, too. Thanks for a lovely entry using Matilde's theme at AJJ,. dear.


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