
Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Tale of Fairy Good

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a fairy-tale poem written quite a few years back and made into a book. This time I have just used the poem and made a new hybrid journal page for it. Okay, fairies. Some of us never grow up! And sorry, no bla-bla today, I am just exhausted

I have written the text here a bit larger in case you can't read it:

The tale of Fairy Kindness Good

Once upon a time in an ancient wood

Lived a little Fairy called Kindness Good.

Her home was hid in a magical glade

Of majestic trees where no human strayed;

Where no ill could happen nor sickness destroy

Her Life made of laughter and sweetness and joy.

A unicorn regal, with shimmering horn

Would graze there each night from dusk till dawn.

At the sun’s first rays he lay down to sleep

While Fairy Good over him watch did keep.

She ate from sweet nectar she found in the flowers,

And drank from a spring with magical powers.

Her clothes were woven from gossamer fine,

Her wings like butterflies golden did shine.

She hasn’t been seen now for hundreds of years,

But fairies don’t die, so please have no fears.

And if at dusk you see a glimmer

Of golden dust or diamond shimmer,

It could be our beautiful Fairy Good,

So take care and quietly leave the wood.

Some thinkies / Funnies:

These photos were taken on the road where I live, I love this rather wild garden and driveway:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I enjoyed the tale of fairy good.
    Quite close to where we live is a woodland fairy trail, and it is popular with young and old... especially Grandma's! LOL!

    Great funnies/thinkies and nice to see the photographs of the wild garden near to where you live, nice colours.

    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan. We're never too old for fairies!

  2. Lovely page and story! Thanks for the thinkies -Christine

  3. Hi Val, good morning! This is so lovely, such a beautiful idea, I will read it to the littles at the weekend' they will love it, too! I have another photo shoot today, for a wedding, should be fun, so I will need to get my gladrags on! Have a nice day and try to get some rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I hope they all enjoy it! Hugs!

  4. So Pretty! I like these colors and the photos added ! Sorry for lack of visits but trying to de clutter and prep for our move in a few months time xx

    1. Lovely to hear from you again, look after yourself! Hugs

  5. Do you mean you wrote that poem? I think it is absolutely fantastic. If I wrote something like that I would be well pleased with myself. And fairies too - I must be another Peter Pan as I use fairies a lot in my card making. Most call us Lavinians.
    Love that furry first thinkie and the Facebook and password ones are hilarious. Thanks for all your wonderful posts.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, so glad you like it. I used to write a lot of poems, this one was made into a little book which was sold for a charity! I love fairies, and I have a lot of beautiful Lavinia stamps, too! We're never to old for such lovely fantasies! Hugs.

  6. That's a lovely poem you wrote and it looks perfect on the creative book page too. I almost lost my coffee on resetting the password! LOL Thanks for another entertaining post filled with tender moments and giggles too. Take care of yourself please!

    1. Thanks Carol. I always have bother with passwords and recently spent a frantic half hour trying to change a password. At every try they told me it wasn't right, and in the end I wrote something very rude and bingo! It was fun. So WTF, let's just write what we frickin' want!

  7. Sweet page and a charming poem. I hope you feel better and get some rest. Take care.

    1. Thanks, I have a lot to do just now, and need more rest!

  8. Sweet poem! I would love to see a fairy some day.

    1. Oh yes, so would I. When I was small we had glow bugs in the garden, and I thought they were fairies..... Hugs!

  9. Hi Val, I love the beautiful story and picture, so pretty. The kids will love it. Sorry to hear you are so exhausted and hope you soon feel better! Hugs, Martha
    Did you get so much rain today, too?

    1. Thanks, Martha! Yes, we got lots of rain, too. I stayed home, did some painting but not much else. Hugs!

  10. that's a beautiful poem and I laughed at the Facebook funny too - I will have to borrow that one! I really liked the photos too - I like a wild garden. I hope you feel better soon, take care and have a restful weekend Michelle x

    1. I love wild gardens and places! Feel free to borrow memes or images!

  11. Beautiful poem and journal page,love the wild garden and password reset lol.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks, I think we all know about passwords! Wild gardens are lovely!

  12. Oooops meant to say hope you feel better soon.
    Carol x

  13. Did you write that beautiful poem, Valerie? Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. The wild garden is just what I love, and I bet the bees love it, too. The words about trauma are spot on. Have a good rest of your week. Hugs - Carola

    1. Yes, I love writing poetry. Thanks 🙏 Hugs!

  14. I like the roadside garden. I got a kick out of the Facebook meme😂

  15. Adorable poem and I love your page with all the cute fairies and animals, so magical..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. No matter what's going on in my life you always make me smile. Loving the one about the senior trying to reset their password, brilliant. Have a great week. Hugs Angela x|Xx

    1. Thanks, Angela, I'm glad if I can make people smile 😁😊😁

  17. I'm not sure how I missed this one...I must have needed a nap that day-smile. Hey, it's great that you went full fantasy. I love the unicorn. And the poem. And the long driveway you like. I have those same purple flowers blooming all over the place right now. The bees love them. I hope your month is ending is a happy and healthy way. hugs-Erika


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