
Thursday 30 May 2024

If I were a bear

Hi Everybody!

Today I have my penultimate journal page for Erika's and my poetry challenge at AJJ. This has been a lot of fun for me, and I hope others have enjoyed it, too. I wrote this bear poem about 20 years back. The journal page shows his lair and the poem:

I think no human can love as deeply a dog can:

Some photos of the beautifcul Rhine taken in different weathers and seasons. I need to go to the Rhine every day, it just does me good:

And a few more David Zinn's:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a great page. I love that you wrote a poem about bears, and I'm with you, it would be great to curl up and sleep for the winter. And that is a very nice page too. That dog page is so sweet too. Miss Maddie has been struggling to get her diabetes under control and now she is mostly blind, and I have decided I am now a seeing eye dog for her. Have a great Thursday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I love that you are Miss Maddie's seeing eye dog, great that you have got her back, she will always feel safe with you! Hugs to you both on this Blursday, it's a holiday here!

  2. All kinds of goodies today. I have a lot of blursday.

  3. Lovely page and bear poem! Bursday haha -Christine

  4. I love Blursday! What a great name! Too funny! I love the bears, too, it would be great to sleep off my fat rolls! Thanks for another fun page! Hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Let's look for a suitable lair where we can go for beauty sleep every Blursday! Hugs to all!

  5. Beautiful poem Valerie, I like the idea of Blursday too!! Great pictures and sayings.

  6. Piękny wiersz . Fotografie są śliczne , obserwowanie płynącej rzeki uspokaja i pozwala się zrelaksować. Miłego tygodnia życzę:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna. Do you have bears in Poland? I have never seen one here! Have a great day, hugs

  7. I just wish I coudl curl up and go to sleep right now as my back is paining me. I love the bear picture and the poem is great too. I have so enjoyed your challenge this month, something different.
    Thanks for the funnies and thinkies too, especially the David Zinn ones.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Sorry that your back is paining you, I know that feeling ! Tomorrow is the last day of our challenge, I enjoyed it, too. It's a holiday here, so a nice and peaceful day, and later I'm going for a meal with a friend. Thanks for visiting, hugs, Valerie

  8. Charlie Chaplin was absolutely right. I just finished feeding Miriam’s crows. She is not out of bed yet, but they announced their presence, and I gave them breakfast. They are such sleek, beautiful birds. I should look so good! I can tell you, it doesn’t take long for five hungry corvids to hoover up the food. It’s such a joy to have them visit a couple of times per day. I got a chuckle out of the comparison between traditional and modern artists, and it’s so true! I don’t know whether curators are genuinely drawn in by some of this stuff or whether they have been seriously indoctrinated to assign aesthetic superiority to it. I have to confess that I am starting to wonder what I should do with my banana peel today. Perhaps I could combine it with an apple core and make something that would ensure great luxury for my remaining days! Maybe I could enlist the aid of the crows. They could shit on the canvass and add even greater meaning to it all. I shall set to work on this right away. Naturally it will take a good deal of thought, so don’t expect something tomorrow. Hugs and kisses - David

  9. Yes, he was, he nailed it!. Your ideas for a painting sound fun, but not original....There are paintings in the academy from an 'artist' who paints with blood and sh*t, and he seems to earn a lot of money with it....I can't understand people buying such trash, but they do. I think I have to learn new ways! I love watching the birds hoovering up the food I put out, too funny! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Cute page. Another advantage to being a bear, for a woman at least, you wouldn't have to bother shaving legs or armpits! 😺 Enjoy your day

  11. Wonderful poem and beautifully illustrated!
    The Rhine is gorgeous, enjoy! xoxo

  12. Liebe Valerie, ich mag dein Bärengedicht sehr!
    Danke auch für deine Memes und David-Zinn-Bilder :-D Ja, da ist was dran and den artists with or without degrees... Es ist gut, dass du jeden Tag und offenbar auch bei jedem Wetter an den Rhein gehst - Frischluft tut dir gut und du bringst uns schöne Bilder mit!
    Alles Liebe,

    1. Ich kann nicht mehr viel laufen, aber ich schaffe noch jeden Tag meine Runde!

  13. Loving your "If I was a bear" page and poem, it really made me smile 😊. Isn't David Zinn's art amazing - love it! I so enjoyed seeing the Rhein in all it's different forms ❤️. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. Blursday just about perfectly sums up my life these days!
    Your bear poem is adorable. I could not agree more about dogs. They love us unconditionally and immeasurable, with such trust that we really do not deserve them
    Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Deb
    p.s. are you doing ICAD?

    1. Thanks Deb. Yes, Blursday is a great word. Yes, dogs are loyal and love us whatever. No, I'm doing the Kaleidoscope taster, that will be enough. Have a great week, hugs!

  15. I love Zinn! Thank you for that and the rest of a great post. The good news is that if it's the penultimate, it's next to last, wheee, there will be another!

    1. Yes indeed, one challenge ends and the next one starts...
      That's life!

  16. Nice post...loved the funny ones 🤣

  17. Brilliant bear page and poem,I would visit the Rhine every day too.Perfectly true thinkies today and we have a lot of Blursdays here too lol. Just Read Davids comment-banana skins are good nutrients for putting round the roots of garden plants especially roses.Crows are very intelligent and app they can count too,we nursed an injured one a couple of years ago kept in an empty rabbit hutch,used to eat out of our hands,lasted a year then sadly had some kind of fit and died!
    Carol x

    1. Carol, you are always welcome to read and enjoy comments, and David's are always fun! Crows are very clever, I nursed one for a time, and it came back daily to get some food. If I didn't notice him he knocked on the window with his beak!

  18. Can I just add I am not stalking lol I read all the interesting comments you receive.
    Carol x

    1. I can't imagine you stalking! Read and enjoy as you want! Hugs!

  19. Great... I had a great time. Thanks so much.
    A cheerful greeting goes to you... AND ...
    If I lived by the river, I would go there every day - I live by the forest, so I go to the forest every day. I'm telling you, it's divine - there and there :-)))

    1. Thanks. I think we all need our special places and rituals! Hugs!

  20. ...p.s. I hope you enjoy eating strawberries. Now is exactly the right time for it :-)))

  21. That's a great poem and a perfect journaling page to go along with it. Thanks for all the funnies and great photos too - enjoy your week ahead!

  22. I do like your bear poem.
    Blursday is brilliant ... I will certainly be using that word from now on!

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, we all want Blursday! Great idea! Hugs

  23. Iknow just what you mean about your daily walk to the Rhine. I love the photos, your art and all the funnies/thinkies you included today!

    1. Thanks, it's just a special place to be - and always the same and yet different. Hugs!

  24. It's a wonderful page Valerie, and I really love your poem!
    Great thinkies and funnies and photos too.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Alison xx

  25. That bear den looks like a cozy spot.

    I got a kick out of Blursday😂


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