
Wednesday 27 March 2024

This and That for Thursday and Friday

Hi Everybody!

Just another short post, sorry, too much to do and not enough hours in the day to do it. BUT - I hope to be able to go home next Thursday, on April 4th, so that's something.

Today I have another hybrid piece for Chris' On all fours challenge at AJJ:

And for Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF I have some old family photos:

My mum

The family before I was born

My great grandmother



Great Aunt Fanny

Grandma and Granddad

Great Grandmother with her girls, Fanny and Sadie

My Uncle Benny's wedding

My mum as a little girl

My mum holding me

So, that's all for today!  Have a great one
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my! what wonderful photos and you are so cute. I love the All fours project too and that colour is amazing. Take care and have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

  2. Great colourful journal page,love all your beautiful family photos and fingers crossed you are able to go home next week-take care.
    Carol x

    1. I hope so, too. I have to go once more to the surgical despt. next week, but that should be it!

  3. Hi Val, good evening! Hope you are feeling better! Glad you will soon be going home, I'm sure you have had enough of hospitals for the time being! All is well here, and I am having a restful week. Keep getting better and be careful on stairs! Hugs from us all, Sarah.

  4. Your family pictures are such treasures. Your mum holding baby you is just awwww. You're so cute. I had the same style shoes, too!

    1. I think we all had shoes like that back then!

  5. Hi Valerie, I enjoyed your lovely family photos, Love your art too-hugs Good to ready you can go home soon-hugs

  6. You certainly do have many pictures of your family, Valerie. I have very few but it’s not a cause of concern. Miriam has many more, but never looks at them anyway. Maybe one day I’ll scan them and put them on line, although I still think we wouldn’t look at them. Some people are into this kind of nostalgia and others not, I suppose. A friend of mine, whose husband spends an inordinate amount of time taking, downloading, editing and filing pictures feels quite angry at times about picture-taking in general. She says she becomes a “photo widow” and most of the images, once filed away on the computer, are never looked at again. I know that’s true of us. Great to hear that you will be going home. I’m not sure whether that’s happening today, or next Thursday. Either way, it will no doubt be a joyful event. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I love those photos, and still cherish them, even if my family didn't cherish me! I have them all in my computer, too. I go home next Thursday, I have one more visit to the surgeon next week who wants to examine my ribs and sternum again, but I am not going to let him do an more - enough is enough! Take care of ourself, hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  7. Every photos has a story....i like classic can bring my memory in past....have a nice day

    1. Thanks Mbul, photos are sometimes a link to our past! Have a good weekend, hugs!

  8. I love your old photos of your family - what treasures they are! That's wonderful news you'll be going home soon and I'm sure you're looking forward to that! Have a fantastic weekend.

    1. Oh yes, I am looking forward to going home and doing what I want again. It's a wonderful clinic, but home is home! Hugs!

  9. Hi Val, sorry I haven't been around lately, we are preparing for Becky's wedding and it is so much work! I will be happy when its over!Hope you are doing well. Love the photos and their clothes, so elegant! Take care! Hugs, Martha.

    1. Go on, you know you will be sad when it's over! All the best to you all! Hugs, Valerie

  10. That's a very interesting piece you painted. Very colorful and striking. You looked so blonde and cute as a baby. I liked looking at the clothing you English people wore back then. Those pics reflect the times, now gone.

    1. The clothes were much more elegant back then!

  11. Oh I'm glad to hear that you are going home next week, there's no place like it! I love your colourful piece, the background is amazing and then some! I always love to see your family photos. My mum has loads that belonged to my grandma and great grandma and we really need to sort them out while she can still tell me who everyone is. Take care and have a great day, Sue xx

    1. The background is really colourful, colour makes me happy! Hugs!

  12. I love your bright happy colourful art work Valeries and what wonderful family photos, such a happy family as in those days not a lot of people smiled for the camera, your Mum was beautiful and you were such a cutie..Happy Easter, stay safe..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, much appreciated. I treasure those photos! Happy Easter to you and yours! Hugs, Valerie

  13. Love your creation. Your family photos are beautiful. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter! Hugs!

  14. I really enjoyed seeing all your family photos. They are wonderful and such a treasure to have them. I have photos of my grandparents and parents ( I'm in my 70's) I wonder if my grandchildren will even keep them.

    1. I found the photos in a bin after my mum threw them out. I have no one to pass them to.

  15. Oh Valerie, what an adorable page for my AJJ theme,, I love all of your photos- really special post today, hugs, Chrisx ps Glad you're being 'sprung' next week

    1. Thanks chris, Its been good here, but I'm looking forward to home!

  16. Lovely art so colourful.
    Great collection of family photographs.
    Good news about going home next week.

    In the meantime, take care, lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. I'm glad you found time to create a page. I know you must be crossing all those medical T's and dotting I's so you can leave. But that must mean you are finally better! Amazing family photos and you are the cutest! Ah, memories of the little smock dresses with the Peter Pan collars and capped puffed sleeves. I think every girl my age had at least one. xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I have a lot of assessments to pass till I get home . I think the clothes we used to wear were much nicer than those worn these days. Or am I just getting old? Very old! Hugs Valerie

    2. Thanks Aimeslee, I have a lot of assessments to pass till I get home . I think the clothes we used to wear were much nicer than those worn these days. Or am I just getting old? Very old! Hugs Valerie

  18. Lovely page and precious family photos!

  19. So alte Fotos haben einfach was Spezielles. Ich schaue gerne alte Familienfotos in SW oder noch in Braun/Weiß an. Da frage ich mich auch immer wieder, wie die aussehen würden,wenn sie heute mit Farbe gemacht würden.
    Alles Liebe und eine gute Zeit

  20. Your family photos are a treat to see. I have very few photos from my mother’s early childhood, though she and her friends took lots of photos when they were in their teens and twenties. I’m aware of how my photo habits changed with the invention of digital cameras — things are really different now, and I love the new era of photos all the time.

    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. My family evidently didn't take many photos. I ran around with a Kodak Brownie box Camera, and I loved taking photos. But digital cameras are wonderful! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  21. Everything about this post gives me joy -- the wonderful photos of your family are real gems. I love those. And your page! WOW! I love the splash of color, the freedom, the cats, everything! But the best news of all is your impending release from the clinic. That's good news, a real reawakening as spring sets in. Big smiles here!

    1. Sometimes I just go mad and need some wild colours! Hugs!

    2. Very creative and colorful creation ~ love the family photos ~ such history ~ hugs,

      Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
      A ShutterBug Explores,
      aka (A Creative Harbor)
      carol l mckenna

  22. What a delightful post, Valerie!
    Your family photos are precious, each one telling its own story of love and nostalgia.
    And your artwork is stunning!
    Glad to hear that you'll be going home soon.
    Wishing you a smooth recovery and many happy days ahead. Take care!

  23. those kind of photos are so special.... memories which are forever captured in photos

  24. Ein wunderschönes Posting mit deiner Familie und ich wünsche dir eine schöne Osterzeit!
    Lieben gruss Elke

  25. I'm so glad you will be able to go home again next Thursday - I keep my fingers crossed that it's really happening. Your old family photos are fabulous - I have to say that I treasure those old photos as well, especially my parents as children, but also their parent and grandparents. I hope you had a nice Easter - or still having it since you have Easter Monday as well, lucky you!


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