
Saturday 30 December 2023

Last Post for 2023

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all who sent lovely cards and  messages for Christmas and to wish me better. I will take pictures soon and show them. I am feeling a bit better, but still having a lot of pain and problems to walk, but the doc  said it will get better. As long as I can do some painting or crafting each day I feel comforted. When I started painting this face I was planning on something different, but somehow it changed and I ended up with this blue lady and her blue bird, and I like it! This afternoon I am going to gather all of my markers and paint pens, and sort out those which  are dried up or not working any more,  which should help a little bit. We shall see! This will be my last piece for Wendy's 'above us only sky' challenge at AJJ:

And a tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday, wings:

And now some funnies / thinkies:

More from David Zinn:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your blue lady and blue bird are beautiful. Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks so much Judee, happy new year to you, too, take care. Hugs!

  2. Piękna jest ta niebieska dziewczyna z ptakiem. Życzę dużo zdrowia i radości w Nowym 2024 roku.:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, happy new year to you and yours!

  3. Glad you're doing somewhat better, Healing Energies sent to you. I Loved some of your Memes Today, especially the Yellow one... apologize to me... LOL

    1. Thanks Dawn, yes the yellow one is my fave, too! I borrowed it from someone on FB! We seem to have the same sense of humour! Hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good afternoon. I love your pretty. blue lady and her sweet little bird, they are both lovely. Happy new year to you, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, take care of yourself, hugs to all and a happy new year! Hugs!

  5. Glad you got a good report 👍 That lady's face, her expression, strikes me as open and ready for the New Year :)

    1. My lady is ready for everything, like me! Valerie

  6. Love your beautiful blue lady and bird-and think that maybe a kitty hawk in the nest lol.Hope you feel better soon and best wishes for the New Year.
    Carol x

    1. Kitty Hawk is good! Have a great weekend, Carol, hugs, Valerie

  7. Where has 2023 gone!!?? It just doesn't seem possible that this is the last weekend of this present year.

    Many thanks for sharing your lovely art this past year, I've also enjoyed seeing your lovely lady today and here's to more in 2024.

    Sending lots of good wishes to you for a happy (and healthier) 2024.
    Take good care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much, Jan! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  8. Hi Val, hope you are feeling better day by day! The whole family is coming here for New Year so I have been very busy getting everything ready. I think I am more or less ready now!! I love your beautiful art, too, that blue girl is gorgeous! I wish you lots of good health in the new year, stay well, be happy. Hugs, Martha.

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  9. Hey Val! Glad the doctor says things will get better. Pain is no fun. I'm with you, if I can create each day, that's the best. Loved the eyes again. You do an excellent job with eyes. Love the street art too. I've seen various ones similar and they always make me smile. Here's to 2024! Huggs & Bugs, Ivy.

    1. Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That was supposed to be a smile face. Came out wonky. Here's my second try :-)

  10. I think that lady has the perfect expression to end 2023 with. She looks hopeful. And happy with what has been. Adding the little bird was genius too. I also like your tag. I haven't had any time this past week to make any art, but hopefully once we get past the new year. And good luck sorting. I am doing some myself; the new year is a good time to start fresh. I hope your health keeps improving. Art always helps with everything, doesn't it? Take care, and have a wonderful last day of 2023. hugs-Erika

    1. My sorting is still just a big heap! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  11. I love your blue lady. Blue is my favorite color. It goes well with the green eyes and red lips. Happy New Year, Valerie!

    1. Thanks so much! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  12. Beautiful art Valerie, love your blue lady and bird! David Zinn art is very clever isn't it! Happy and healthy New year to you.

  13. I love your study in blue, and the way you have incorporated words into the flowing hair. the little blue bird is so pretty nestling at her throat and I can seed why you like this particular portrait.
    Sorry you are not up and running as yet, however it is heartening to hear that the doctor is pleased with your progress. May I take this opportunity to with you all the very best for the coming year.
    Hugs Neet xx
    ps love the David Zinn art

    1. Thanks Neet! Glad you like it! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  14. Happy New Year liebe Valerie und hoffe dass nächstes Jahr eine bessere Gesundheit hast und viel Liebe in deinen Herzen sich erfüllt . Du bist so eine starke Frau.
    Wunderschön dein letztes Journal page und all das andere!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Thanks Elke, much appreciated! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  15. Beautiful page, Valerie. Such a great expression on her face. And your tag is very cool. Happy to hear you continuing to progress, keep the faith. Happy New Year to you! XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I'm doing my best! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  16. It will be quite obvious to you, Valerie, that my most fervent wish this morning is to be a bluebird so that I too could alight on this beautiful blue lady! What a joy that would be. Your women have been created in so many colours I could choose one for each day! I would change the names of the days of the week. Monday would be Maroon for example, so that would be Mary, Tuesday would be Turquoise so that would be Tania and so on. I would be like a sultan of old with a harem at my disposal, except that mine would be virtual. Damn! Still sounds like fun though. As for the mystery bird in the nest, it is obviously a Grey Catbird; that’s plain to see. I am glad that you are recovering and feeling somewhat better. A little better is undeniably preferable to a little worse. I hope that you will be able to get out into the fresh air and take a walk soon. That will be therapeutic. All the very best for 2024. I hope to spend the year with you and provide you with a little humour. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. A harem sounds like fun for you, huh? But think, all of those girls could gang up on you, and then what? But still, I wish you wonderful and fantastic fantasies all with birds on their breasts, and all just waiting for you....So. a grey catbird, sounds too good to be true! Your posts always do me good and make me laugh, so I will happy to spend a year with you! All the best, health and happiness for you and Miriam, hugs, Valeriexxxxxxxx

  17. Your blue lady and blue bird turned out lovely! I love how you sit down to create with an idea in mind, and something steers you in a different direction producing wonderful results. I love that creative tag too. Thanks for the thinkies/funnies and I know I would not look good in prison garb either - orange and stripes are not flattering to this old body LOL Wishing you continued good health in the coming year along with happiness and prosperity too.

    1. Thanks so much, Carol. Yes, prison clothes are not what I want, either! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  18. The blue haired woman looks so wise. An old soul in a young body. I love the tag with the wigs off the tag. I hope the New Year brings you health, continued creativity, lots of fun, and maybe new art supplies. All the best.

    1. Thanks, if I can choose I'll take health and art supplies! Happy New Year to you and yours, hugs!

  19. That's such a beautiful painting, your design is so peaceful and zen, and I love her hair ❤️. You captured eyes so beautifully as well. I hope that you are feeling better and recover quickly. Take care and wishing you a very Happy New Year! All the best for 2024, may it be full of peace, good health and happiness ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks so much Jo, Happy New Year to you and yours, all the best, love, Valerie

  20. Another lovely painting for my challenge on AJJ, many thanks for your support. I hope you feel better asap, and have a wonderful 2024. Hugs Wendy

  21. You know how much I enjoy your art but I do really like Feet. Valerie, I wish for you all the goodness that 2024 has to offer. Happy New Year, my friend.

  22. I'm glad to hear you're improving.
    Sending healing vibes your way!
    Love your funnies as always, especially the grumpy stone.

    Happy New Year, Valerie!

  23. A wonderful Tag Valerie. Pleased to read you are slowly improving, I do sympathise with your mobility issues, I am suffering the same at the moment. Take care. xx

  24. Replies
    1. Blue is such a lovely colour! In all it's variations. Happy New year! Hugs

  25. I am so grateful, Valerie, that you can continue to paint and create, despite that mobility issues and the pain. I hope all those things alleviate soon and you'll again be able to take your lovely walks. Until then, I wish you all good things in the new year, with your wonderful art and your upbeat and inspiring attitude that always urges me on, too. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We need to inspire each other!

  26. Your blue lady and bird are just fabulous Valerie. It's hard to be patient when we are sick but hopefully you will feel a turn for the good soon. Your tag is very beautiful too. Take care xxx


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