
Wednesday 27 December 2023

Betwixt and Between

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas celebrations,
and I wish you all a good week.

This was a strange Christmas for me. This is the first time I was not able to do any preparations as Covid flattened me. I didn't bake or make anything - no cookies, Christmas cake, trifle, mince pies - no nothing. Although I must say it is perhaps better for my figure! But I am feeling slowly better, so that's something!

Today I am sharing a mixed media, painted collage made recently. I just had fun doing what I wanted, and this is aways good. As there is also lots of blue sky I am linking to Wendy's  'Only the sky above us' at AJJ:

I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF.

And I have some thinkies and funnies:

Okay, it's Wednesday, not Sunday!

Another of David Zinn's chalk drawings:

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm glad you're able to paint and do the things you enjoy while you recover from Covid. Wishing you a better week!

    1. Painting, reading and drinking coffee - who needs more! Hugs!

  2. I am so happy to read that you are feeling better and was able to make art-hugs

  3. OH that is a really interesting painting. I like it. And I like that you are feeling better. It might have been a weird Christmas for you, but I think many people's was off a bit. Maybe it is better to say just different. And your memes are great. I love the snowy bamboo forest in Japan. I bet it would be great see it covered in white. I hope you feel even better every day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanksy Erika, glad you like the painting, I had fun playing with it! Hugs!


  4. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas ♥

  5. Glad to see that you could get back to your painting VJ ! Hope to see you back in full heath in the new year! Cheers!

  6. Hi Val, good morning. I hope you slept well and are feeling fit this morning. Enjoy the last days of the old year. Hugs from us all, Sarah 💖

  7. Love your beautiful colourful collage journal page and good to hear you are feeling better.You can have a Christmas weekend any time you like.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks, Carol, that's a good idea, I will enjoy catching up. Hugs!

  8. An interesting piece today, Valerie, and very colourful. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better and I have no doubt that soon you will be running down the street with your rollator aimed at stray dogs and children playing. They’ll be calling you the Wheelie Witch. Thanks for the advice about not eating the wrapper. I wasn’t aware that it wasn’t edible and I have been munching away up until now. Sometimes it was the best part! Our weather is gloomy and dull with rain where there should be snow, and even though I have been out walking in the woods it’s not really pleasant to be outside. I will suffer in silence, however, and take heart that the birds have to contend with it, and do very well, and remain cheerful despite it all. The greatest disadvantage is that Miriam refuses to lie down on the grass in conditions like this. Damn! On that flight of fancy, I will bid you good morning my little German strudel (or is that English muffin?). Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks for the laughs once again. German strudel or English muffin ? Good question, I could be a Struffin or a Mudel, both sound good. But wanting To Miriam to..... I'm not going to repeat it! By some ready made snacks the wrapper might really be the best part, some look dubious to say the least! And yesterday I painted another girl with you in mind - she even has a bird with her! The weather here looks dull and grey, too, let's hope the new year will bring us some better days! Take care, be good ( well, you can at least try!) Hugs to you both! xxxxxxx

  9. Another fabulous painting Valerie and just love the funnies, I have a silly grin on my face. Have a happy and healthy New Year, hugs Wendy.

  10. Ein tolles Journalbild und gut dass du so eisern warst mit all das leckere zu Weihnachten. Das kannst du ja nach holen wenn du mal wieder in ein Cafe sitzt mit deiner Freundin.
    Ich habe auch nicht so gross gegessen , ein wenig halt!
    Weiterhin gute Besserung!
    LIeben Gruss Elke ( Lebensglück)

    1. Danke liebe Elke, manchmal kommt es einfach anders als wir denken!

  11. I'm sorry you've had such a hard time of it 😢 I trust your recovery will be complete. I know it's overdue.

  12. Sorry you had the covid during the holidays. But, your blue abstract was fun to make, so that's something to cheer about. I love that smiling cat. Adorable.

    1. Thanks, that cat is so sweet! Have a good week, hugs!

  13. I am really sorry covid did you in so badly. Just rest and get your health back, then you can bake. I do love this piece of art. Have a lovely day today.

    1. You're right, there will be time for baking and cooking soon!! Hugs!

  14. I love your collage, truly there is an artist within you as you do some incredible stuff. Glad you are beginning to feel a little better, it's been a "B" has this virus for you. Hoe the new year brings better health.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I love the funnies and thinkies - especially the ice one.

    1. Thanks Neet! I have given this virus several nasty names! Let's hope we all have a better new year! Hugs!

  15. Hi Valerie, hope your Christmas was a good one, mine was, but quiet and soooo stinking hot, so it was such a delight to pop in and look at your art work today, it is fabulous, I love it, and really enjoyed your pictures with all those crazy quotes, loved the "Don't eat the wrapper one, that made my laugh come out in a funny..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, stinking hot is not good! How awful that they need to tell people not to eat the wrapper! That's progress! Hugs!

  16. Glad your feeling better. Love your collage. Covid didn't hurt your sense of humor. Still chuckling.
    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim. Being able to laugh, in spite of everything, is so important! Hugs!

  17. Lovely art and thinkies! Glad you are feeling better.

  18. We were in the same boat. Monday was the first day in 3 weeks that I felt like me. I hope you're feeling better, too. Love the Dream page

    1. I hope we are both soon back to normal. I had no idea that this would drag me/ us down for so long. Get well soon!

  19. You certainly had fun with this painting and it's brilliant! Love it. I am loving your funnies too and the most functional word in the English language is very true but the little dog at the end is my favourite. I'll tell you more about the purple bag next week. Sending Christmas hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I just started working on a new one, and I am wondering where it will take me....I will be dreaming of purple bags! Hugs!

  20. So pleased you are beginning to feel better, there certainly has been (and still is) a lot of Covid around.

    Love your colourful art and a great selection of funnies.
    Enjoy these last few days of December.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. Thanks for all the wisdom and recipes you have gifted us with over the past year!

  21. I love the blue hues! So glad you are continuing to feel better, xoxo

  22. Love your art and the quote by Degas. Hope you get better and better every day!

    1. Thanks Debra, hope you are feeling well. Enjoy the lasyt days of the year! Hugs!

  23. I'm glad you're finally feeling better.

    That's so true about online shopping!

  24. I love the shades of blue, the white stars and the spirals! And thanks for all the LOLs!

  25. ...I'm sorry to hear that you were sick over Christmas. Wishing happiness and health in the New Year.

  26. I love all of your faces and like I said before I think they should all go into a book. Be well my friend. Thank you for joining FFO.

  27. I'm so sorry you had to deal with Covid and very glad you are on the mend. It takes awhile to bounce back. You got some great funnies. Love the piece with the blues and the subtle face. Hugs Sandra

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm looking forward to bouncing again! Hugs 🤗!

  28. I'm glad to hear you are recovering well enough to make lovely art.

  29. Hi, Valerie-Jael! I'm sorry that you were flattened by Covid and that it resulted in a strange Christmas for you. I had white pneumonia along with chronic ear and sinus infections when I returned from Australia in mid-November, but I recovered in time to make some Christmas cookies and travel to Santa Fe for Christmas. Unfortunately too many cookies landed in my tummy, and now I don't want to step on the scales ~ lol! Your "I'm the dream. You are the dreamer" is exquisite. I love the colors and images. I trying to add a little art to my journal, even if I'm just starting with a few stickers. I have a long ways to go. Wishing you health and happiness in 2024!

    1. Sorry you have been ill, hope you are soon better. Have fun journaling! Hugs 🤗!


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