
Saturday 16 September 2023

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Heres wishing you all a happy and hopefully relaxing weekend! 

Today I have a hybrid piece for Elle's Book, cats and tea challenge at AJJ. It's an eclectic mix of 'real' and digital put together in my graphic's programme. The books are real, the bird is my balcony blackbird and I painted the background, the cat and cup are digis:

In the first pic the sun is peeping through a hole in the bushes, and then it gets stronger and rises higher - this was all in the space of about 6 minutes:

And as I climbed back into bed to drink my morning coffee I must have pessed the button again:

And some thnkies and funnies:

I'm sure you know who this lady  is:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I haven't yet got my cat, book, and tea done. I have a black and white cat name Abner.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  2. Beautiful art work once again Valerie, lovely photos and thinkies, nice photo of the late Queen with her beloved dogs.

  3. Ein tolles Jornalpage, ich finde das so süss die schlafende Katze bei den Büchern und der Rabeund auch der Hintergrund passt prima dazu. Der Sonnenaufgang war sehr schön bei dir , hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende! Hugs!

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your journal page, Valerie. It is purrfect for Elle's theme at AJJ. That cat looks cuddle-able and I loved the stack of real books.

    Cute kitty with the mustache. Wanda Sykes said it better than I could! Not sure who the woman is (GRIN) but those corgis are very familiar!!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I had fun making it! Wanda Sykes really said it well! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Your photos are lovely and I really got a chuckle out of the quotes and jokes!! Thanks for putting a smile on my face!!

    1. Thanks so much, Judee, glad you liked the funnies, too. Hugs.

  6. Your latest hybrid page is great Valerie. Reading helps me sleep too, sometimes when I don't want to also-smile. And it is amazing how fast the sunrises and sets too. It's raining here today; luckily we're missing the bulk of the hurricane as it moved more out to sea. You do find the best funnies, and I love seeing the Queen getting that big kiss. She couldn't have been too bad of a lady the way she loved dogs that much. (And horses too.) I hope you enjoy your weekend and if you're reading, I hope you don't sleep too much-smile. hugs-Erika

    1. I know what you mean. I alwasy read in bed, and then sometimes I just can't stop. I'm happy that the hurricane didn't come too near you. The Queen really loved her doggies. Dogs are always so loving and love being near to their family. I can nver really trust people who don't like animals. I had the 2 little dogs from the neighbours here yesterday, they settled down for the evening right and left like arm rests, lucky they are just little Dachshund pups. I started a new murder story yesterday, let#s see how it progresses! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. Good morning, Valerie. I have returned from my all too brief vacation out west, and I am now ready to devote my full attention to you, and drone on and on on your blog! You will be wishing for my absence again. But I shall carry on, nevertheless! Your combination of digital and real is very pleasing this morning, and I am especially happy to see that a Blackbird is featured. This species is the uncrowned champion singer among all the European songsters in my opinion, much underrated by many. Poets have raved about Nightingales and they too have their place, but compared with a Blackbird they are the back row of the choir. We had a fine time on Vancouver Island and Miriam is now faced with the chore of editing countless pictures so that I can blog about our trip. There is also laundry to face, shopping to do, meals to cook…..stuff like that. I am quite sure that it was intended that I should have been born rich with servants to take care of me, but the dice rolled off the table! Ah well. By the way, I bought four huge tomes in Victoria and schlepped them back with me - one on wildflowers, three on birds. What’s a guy to do? We found a second hand bookstore that would not have looked out of place in the time of Goethe or Dickens. I could have stayed there forever and spent the family budget, but Miriam sensibly dragged me out! It’s back to normal, Valerie. I shall be faithful and true until November when I will be off to Cuba. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I am so happy that you are back home and can visit me daily again! I missed you! I'm sure Miriam will enjoy editing the photos for you, and in the meantime you can get the laundry, shopping and cooking done. I know you can cook well! I think that not only the dice rolled off the table.... I always used to buy books when I went anywhere, but at the moment it's only clinic or hospital when I go away from home. But I'm not complaining, I was able to travel a lot in past years and have lots of great memories. I hope you will show your books when you have time. We used to have some nice second-and bookshops here but now they have all disappeared, such a pity. But it does reduce my spending! Miriam evidently knows you well! Blackbirds sing really beautifully, mine often sings to wake me up in the morning. The crows and ravens sing, too, but not quite so nicely! Have a wonderfrul day, take care, don't work tooooo hard! Big hugs xxxxx

  8. Great journal page and love the balcony pics-sun and moon both in one pic together!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. Sun and moon together is always an extra treat! Hugs, have a great weekend!

  9. Boy, those sunsets are fast these days. One blink and they're gone. Your pages are perfect for the theme!

    1. That's true, it all goes very quickly. And now it's getting dark much more quickly, too! Hugs!

  10. Your page is purrfect. Cats, books, tea, and I do love the balcony bird, too. the kitten with the milk moustache and the little lamb are just too cute. Fabulous sunrise photos. Have a great weekend

    1. Thanks CJ, that kitten is really cute! When are you off to your retreat?

  11. So much to see and enjoy today and so much reading fun as well. First of all, I love the new blog banner. Are those chickens taunting the cat or are they following his lead? Too cute! So is that tiny black kitten with the white markings! I like your hybrid and especially that spectacular sunrise! Have a beautiful weekend!

  12. The chickens always chase the cat and the little dog back into the farm yard, too funny. I love watching them, if they don't move quickly enough they peck their backsides! Hugs!

  13. Fabulous fun piece Valerie, and you like me, press the button at the wrong time, ha ha ha, have a great weekend and take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. Lovely cat page, beautiful sunrise and I enjoyed the thinkies

  15. Lovely sunrise photographs and that is such a nice photograph of the Queen with her beloved corgis :)

    All the best Jan

  16. Great hybrid page, Val. Just read the comments this time and realized you probably reply to mine. Will have to try and go back to see from now on, but not promising as I can barely visit as I do now! eye-roll I'm slow and never can get all I need to do done. Have a good Sunday! XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, don't feel obliged to read the replies, I know you have enough to do! Hugs!

  17. Every moment matters indeed. Happy Sunday
    Sunday Smiles is HERE


    1. Yes, we need to appreciate each moment! Happy Sunday! Hugs!

  18. Thanks so much Yvonne, great to see you again! Keep well. Hugs!

  19. Beautiful art work, Valerie.
    You funnies always brighten my day.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Veronica, have a great, new week, take care! Hugs!

  20. Hi Valerie; i'm happy you linked to Sunday Smiles


  21. I like the photos of that sun coming up through the trees. Amazing what your camera can do. The "I am the boss" joke made me laugh. I wasn't expecting that punchline. Cheers!

    1. It amazes me, too. I use my handy cam, it is a very cheap 'nameless' model, but it's good! Have a great, new week!

  22. As you know I am on holiday at the moment but loved seeing your art and sunrise pics! I loved the cats watching the birds and this lovely cat curling up with a book! Hope you are feeling better these days. Its been hot here in France but expecting rain now we are about to move on and visit my son, hugs Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I didn't realise you were in France again. Let the men think they are boss - we know better! Still having a lot of problems, I have no idea how it will develop! Hugs!

  23. Oh my goodness-what a wonderful post! I love your art!

  24. Lovely hybrid page Valerie and cute kitty. I often set my audiobook on a 10 or 15 min timer when I go to bed so I can fall asleep listening. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month. Happy Journalling! Elle xx

  25. I find it so fascinating that you can marry all these different pieces together - photos, digi images and your own art work. It has made a lovely piece for your journal which is also an entry for Elle's challenge at AJJ.
    Love the photos and the thinkies/funnies too, that sun in the first photos is fabulous. Great timing with the photos.
    Hope you are well, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I do the same when I cook something - throw everything in, stir well and see what happens! Have a great week! Hugs

  26. I love your purring cat :) Made me smile. I like "This moment matters." Yes!


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