
Monday 18 September 2023

T sTands for This and that...

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a fun and restful weekend. I certainly did, just reading, painting  and some feet up time. On Saturday I had to go to the shops, so rewarded myself with a large cappuccino from Cafe Schuster:

I enjoy sitting there in my fave window seat, and watching what's going on outside:

And of course, I like to watch what's going on inside. 2 elderly people sitting opposite (probably younger than me!) were tucking into breakfast, and they really ate every last crumb. When the waitress came with the bill, the woman said that it really hadn't tasted good at all, and they were very disappointed. The waitress said, 'If it doesn't taste good, you can tell me straightaway, and I'll tell the cook and you'll get a replacement. But after eating it all, no, it's not possible any more!' After the waitress had gone, the man told his wife, 'See, I told you it wouldn't work!'
I'm happy to say I paid for my coffee and didn't complain.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink & link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

I spent a lot of time in my rather messy, arty kitchen at the weekend, and took some photos. You can see several of my kitchen cows:

This cow lives on my coffee machine. She has a spring under her body, and vibrates when the machine is dispensing coffee:

I am planning on painting the doors of my kitchen cabinets soon, I want something bright and beautiful, perhaps! But  I think it will be some colourful abstracts!

A few of my recent beverages:

And some thinkies / funnies:

And some pics of the evening sky after sunset:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, sounds like you enjoyed the perfect weekend.
    That is so sad about the couple at the restaurant the waitress handled it well-instead customer should have praised the restaurant for the excellent food-that's some people I guess.
    I loved seeing your cows, loved the memes and funnies this week too, especially the one turning the tv off-that's what we have done too with all the nonsense going on.
    Have and awesome week hugs Kathy

    1. Thaks so much Kathy, I miss you not joining in with the challenges or T Party anymore. The food there is very good. They were just trying to get their breakfast for nothing. Take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. The is a great orange coffee cup. And I'm glad that waitress was sharp. That's a sleazy attempt to get out of paying for your meal. It's fun seeing your kitchen too. I like those cows and seeing your art wall too. I have a cow cookie jar on the top of my cabinets. And I love the idea of abstract painted cabinets. I bet they will brighten up those white walls. My kitchen has one white wall and a brown-ish red (called barn red) wall. It needs to be repainted not because I'm tired of the color but because it just needs refreshing. One of these days. have a super start to the new week and also T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. I love going there and getting that huge cup of coffee, just the thing! A cow cookie jar is something I don't have!

    2. OOps, I wasn't finished. I like having some colour around me, and I can't buy a new kitchen, so I thought I woud do it my way! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. I'm coffee lover.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. Wow on that elderly couple. I know your newly decorated kitchen cabinets will be fab! Your coffees look good

    1. That elderly couple was trying to avoid paying, that's mean. I hope to start next week with my cupboards - we shall see! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Have a happy week! Hope you are feeling better, and I'm glad you had good weather! I love the idea of painting the doors and I'm sure you will do it well! Love from us all, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, a happy week to you and yours, too! Hugs!

  6. Wow, Valerie, what a thing to have to overhear at the restaurant, I wonder if they were grifters or destitute? Yummy beverages and FABULOUS Art Kitchen, loved the tour. Your wall gallery is amazing, love it! Hope you have the best week, xoxo

    1. They were grifters, just trying to avoid paying. My kitchen gallery has been growing for years. I must take some pics of my other rooms, too! Hugs!

  7. Was die Leute spinnen mit so einen Trick nicht bezahlen zu müssen, das ist gemein.
    Deine Küche sieht süss aus mit all den Kühne und Tassen, wenn du auch noch abstrakt die Küchentüre bemalst *wow* da bin ich gespannt drauf. Deine Malecke mit all den tollen Wandbilder sieht so schön aus und all die Farben dazu klasse.
    Ich schaue auch gerne raus und die Leute um mich herum an in einen Cafe.
    Der Sonnenuntergang ist bezaubernd gewesen bei dir und ich habe mich was erholt am Wochenende auch.
    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich sitze oft mit Heike und wir geniessen Kaffeetrinken und People Watching, das macht Spaß! Dir eine gute Woche, alles Liebe!

  8. I know what you mean about seeing elderly people and then realizing that I'm probably older than they are. The couple you observed do sound like a piece of work!

    I love seeing your kitchen. Have a good week.
    best, mae at

    1. Oh yes, we always talk about the 'oldies', and forget we belong to them! My kitchen is mostly used to paint, I am not really a good cook! Happy T Day, hugs!

  9. Thanks for the peek into your kitchen with all the beautiful works of art and cows. I'd love sitting by that window enjoying my coffee too, but those folks being dishonest about their meal are a nuisance. I will never understand why some folks can't be honest and grateful for what they have instead of trying to get something for nothing, but that's just how it goes sometimes. Glad you had some feet up relaxing time over the weekend, and I love the funny with the 3 cats! Made me giggle on that one :) Enjoy your week ahead!

    1. Glad you enjoyed seeing my kitchen, my neighbour is a neat and orderly person, and is not really ebnamoured of my decorations. Have a good week, take care, hugs!

  10. That was a funny story from the cafe. All the cows in your kitchen made me smile. I would love to come for a visit to see the cow dance on top of the coffee machine. 😺 Your sky photos never disappoint. Just beautiful. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, I already looked to see who it was from. Have fun on the Island!

  11. Oops, I forgot to add CJ after my anonymous comment

  12. I am so pleased you had a good weekend. I look forward with eager anticipation to seeing how you do your kitchen doors. Hugs, Deb.

    1. I think it will be many weeks before I get all the doors done! Hugs!

  13. Good morning your Imperial Take-it-Easiness: I am quite sure the old couple in the restaurant had been taught well by their parents to finish every crumb on their plate and that even in their dotage they are still following those directives. It’s a practice we should all respect. I am confused - and not a little dismayed - at a buffet restaurant where people load their plates so high they have no chance of finishing all the food they take, let alone getting it safely back to their table without spilling some. If only they would take a little and go back for more as often as they wished until they were full. I can see that coffee has pride of place again and I am not surprised of course. There is probably a patch of garden in some vast plantation somewhere set aside as the Valerie-Jael Tups corner, just to furnish your unquenchable thirst for the magic potion. It must be very pleasant to visit your favourite spot, sip and stir, and watch the world go by, some of it all a-frenzy, while you sit in quiet contemplation of life. unless Heike is with you, that is, when you set about attacking sausages with gusto. Given the fabulous display of art on your walls I can hardly wait to see the results on your kitchen cupboard doors. I am sure it will be abstract perfection. Today is Monday and I have a busy week ahead, including leading a full day’s outing on Saturday for a group of dedicated birders. I am looking forward to it. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I know what you mean about büffets, where they heap their plates so high they can hardly lift them let alone eat it all. People are greedy! It's nice to have a great variety to choose from, but it doesn't mean you have to eat everything. Yes, for me coffee is important. Yesterday I made myself a wonderful omelette ´and enjoyed it very much. This evening it will be a slice of bread with peanut butter, I feel lazy! It will be a big job to do all of the kitchen doors, but I have time- I hope. Have a great week, enjoy your walks and all of the wonders you see when you are on your way. Hugs xxxxx

  14. What a pretty cup and saucer! It's a shame people put wait staff in that position. The couple didn't see it as theft, which it is, and I wonder if they'd have done that if they'd seen it as theft.

    Beautiful sky!

    1. I think some people like being naughty! The cup and saucer is really lovely, and soooo big! Have a great week!

  15. I love this post. Your cows, your art, your colorful sky, that wine joke between those elderly people -- keep it coming!

    1. Thanks, I do my best to satisfy my visitors and diligently search for new funnies! Hugs!

  16. Thank you for your visit. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Sad that some people try to get things for free like that. Take care. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. Yes, somepeople are like that! Have a great week!

  17. Love your kitchen. I have a cat/coffee tin too in the kitchen;) The cat and drugs meme is hilarious. Take care, friend. Hugs Sandra

  18. That is the prettiest cow i have ever seen. Maybe you could paint your kitchen doors to match! I love the wine funny, that really made me smile. The photos are gorgeous too. Happy creative week, Angela xxx

    1. Glad you like my cows! Have a great week! Hugs

  19. Great post Valerie.
    Love your cows, a wonderful selection of funnies and beautiful skies.

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  20. I thought I was early for once, but it seems like I'm late again. That is a nice large cup of cappuccino, Valerie. Those "oldies" were brazen. The man at least knew they were doing wrong. I've only sent back food twice since I've been in Wichita. Once the restaurant added a horrible tasting sauce to the Mexican food I ordered. The photo didn't show the sauce and when I tried it, I nearly vomited. The second time, the eggs were cooked so long after I asked for "up easy." The waitress took just the eggs back after I asked her to leave the rest of the food, so I could eat while others were eating. Neither time did I even take more than a bite of food before I asked for the food to be remade.

    I LOVE your cows. I think they are all awesome. I think someone should buy you a cow cookie jar or even the set of coffee/tea/sugar/flour. I look forward to seeing your new doors. As someone who has refinished doors in my kitchen, I can assure you, it took me nearly five weeks to do mine. and MINE were just white!!

    Love the memes, but the one about the cats had me rolling. LOVED it.

    Thanks for sharing your coffees, your cows, your funnies, and your amazing sunsets with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. I know what you mean, if food isn't right you need to say it straightaway. I think I only sent something back once, it was completely covered in a thick layer of salt and not edible. But you don't eat it up and then complain! I'm looking forward to doing my doors, but I think I will only get one door a week done. I hope it will look good! Hugs!

  21. Adorable cows. And I love the funnies and your collection of drinks. The TV one is spot on!
    Happy Tea Day,

  22. Oh I love this post. Seeing your kitchen cows made my day. I do love all of your paints and art too. hmmmm... as I was reading the story about the old couple in the coffee shop, I had the feeling they couldn't afford the food. However, if you are going to do a ploy like that ya gotta be smarter than that about it. I cracked up about the wine cartoon. Like I said I really loved this post. Have a great day.

    1. Those 2 oldies could certainly afford to pay. Some people just like to get out of paying! Have a great week, hugs!

  23. Love your kitchen. The cows and the signs are great, I just knew you would have a coffee related one (or two). So much for us to see and ooh and aah over - brilliant. Excited to see what you do with the doors - with your skill it should be good.
    I was appalled at the old couple, I wonder if they do that on a regular basis with everywhere they go?
    Great thinkies and funnies as always.
    Hugs, neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, my kitchen is like me, colourful and a bit crazy! Have a great week!

  24. I love seeing the areas where people live and create, especially artists. Your space is so delightful -- it has whimsy and fun and joy. Cats, of course, and your beautiful art. This might be one of my favorites of your posts!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, I'm always happy to suit my readers! Hugs!


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