
Friday 1 September 2023

New challenge at AJJ -Books, cats and tea

Hi Everybody!

A new month has begun, and that means a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time the lovely Elle from  Empire of the cat is hosting. She has chosen a fun theme - Books, Cats and Tea. And it doesn't always need to be all three on one journal page. You can read more on our blog here.

To start off  I made a page with all three and a bit more - the loving owner of the black and white cat, a selection of her books,  and Striker, her cat. Both of them like reading and drinking tea:

This last one is upside down so you can read the upside down script on the image the right way round. Sorry for the bad handwriting, some days I am just very shaky:

Yesterday we had a stormy evening, and I was happy that the clouds grew less so that we could see the wonderful, full moon:

And some Thinkies / Funnies - enjoy!

I am having a restful weekend, so I'll see you all again on Monday.

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You have depicted a cat SO well. I love my cat and I love myself. It is SO true. This is a wonderful first entry, Valerie. I love how you included the bookcase, the cat drinking tea and the books with one named Coffee, which for you is necessary. This is such a fun piece and I love how you drew the cat. It goes so well with Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Wasn't that blue moon spectacular? It felt SO close to the earth, too. Loved all your funnies, but Rosa Parks's action was the best. Have a restful rest of the weekend, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like it! I had fun with this one! Hugs!

  2. Cudny ten kot taki podobny do kota sąsiadów . Uwielbiam koty sprawiłaś mi radość tym postem. Życzę dużo zdrowia i uśmiechu:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, I knew you would like this one! Perhaps you would like to join in with one of your cats!?

  3. Hi Val, good morning, hope you're doing well. Was your doctor satisfied with you? I hope you do what she says, at least some of the time! I know you!!! I love your new journal page, so funny! This is really typical Valerie! Have a wonderful day and a restful weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hey, everyone's getting at me today to do what the doctor says! I wonder why!? Glad you like my fun page, hugs!

  4. Well your cat is full of personality! What an incredible collection of clouds. The sky is a wonderful thing, isn't it? I hope you have a good weekend ahead. Do something fun. and try and put your feet up and relax too. ASG has begun! Hugs Deb

    1. Yes, thanks! I've joined in three different free courses, so I will be busy these next days! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  5. Good morning, Valerie: I can see that your long experience with cats has enabled you to penetrate their psyche and understand completely that they are the dominant force in a relationship and that humans are there only to act as lackeys to ensure their comfort. Sure, they reward you with the odd rub against your legs and might even purr once in a while, but it’s all a contrivance to suck you in again. I was quite delighted at the dog’s method of cleaning the toilet and the cat at the same time and I am tempted to get a cat, if only to try it! I shall call in all the neighbourhood dogs so that they can line up and enjoy the performance. Might even sell tickets to the kids! Here we are into September already. It’s the Labour Day long weekend here and this week the kids will go back to school. Fall is starting to reveal itself in subtle ways and the nights at least are cooler. Some bird species are already migrating and by the end of this month the skies will be filled with migratory species. So many have perished unfortunately in the dreadful fires that have been burning all summer and continue still to threaten communities in the north. Hope you are feeling a little better and that you will be able to enjoy the weekend. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, your comments re cats and dogs made me laugh. Cats are really self-centred. My last cat was really a good cat, but the others I had were typical cats! Short comment today, I have joined in3 different art courses over the weekend, so I will be busy painting, which always makes me happy. Look after yourself, big hugs, xxxxxxx

  6. Oh Valerie this page really made me smile. How clever. I like that cat sipping some tea (maybe it's cat-nip tea). You nailed it when the woman thinks how much she loves her cat and the cat thinking how much they loved themselves. Hee-hee. This is a great page for Elle's challenge. Happy new month to you! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanksy Erika, glad you like it. Dogs always love the humans, cats are beings who look after themselves! Yes, the cat likes cat nip or mint. My Kitty used to love tea with milk! Hugs!

  7. Brilliant journal page and love the cat dating page lol-it was thick cloud here last night but got a brillint view of the moon the night before.
    Carol x

  8. Thanks Carol, glad you saw the moon. Here t was red the night before full-moon, really spooky. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  9. I like the look on the face of your cat. It’s always tempting to think pets have the same exact feelings and thoughts as their owners.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks. Cats think their own thoughts! Happy weekend!

  10. The cat dating page is too much fun and your photos are beautiful! We enjoyed that full moon last night as well and I think it was the light shining through the window blinds that kept me awake for half the night! Have a relaxing and fun weekend.

    1. Thanks Carol. The moon was indeed beautiful, and very bright!

  11. Have a great weekend, Valerie. I left a more detailed comment on the previous post.

    1. Thanks so much, I read the comments on the other post, too!

  12. OMG, Valerie! This post was hilarious! Your art piece is full of delicious humor, and the instructions for washing a cat had me laughing out loud. Thanks for making my morning! Hugs to you!

    1. Oh, and the clouds are dramatic ~ just spectacular! I went out and looked at the full super moon last night. It was gorgeous. I didn't try to photograph it though, because my eyes were hurting too much, and I just wanted to curl up on the couch with Terry. Your capture is gorgeous!

    2. Thanks Lousie. The moon is always a joy to see, and I often have a very good view here. And the last couple of weeks we really had dramatic clouds, and I love wasting time, sitting on my balcony and watching the c louds and the birds - I always find something! I hoped you enjoyed curling up with Terry. If I had Terry here on my sofa I would also prefer curling up with him!
      I hope you never need to try washing a cat! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  13. I love the theme, and I love your art. So true about cats!

  14. Nice to see your photo of the Full Moon, we missed it unfortunately where we were. Loving your funnies but Oh My! your cat is brilliant and what a cheeky character too. Wishing you a lovely creative weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Cats are cheeky creatures, that makes them such fun. But dogs are on the whole truly loving and dedicated to their hoomans! Hugs!

  15. Sooooo much fun with you. Love the drawing!!!!!!!! love the instructions for cat washing! thanks! peggy

    1. Thanks Peggy. Don't try washing the cat like that without a suit of armour! Hugs!

  16. Definitely a smile worthy page. Funny and true the woman thinking how much she loves her cat and the cat only thinking of itself. Cute embellishments, too. Skies over the Rhine are always so magnificent. The clouds are awesome and a great shot of the Super Blue Moon. Happy Painting this weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ, no moon here tonight, it's very overcast and cool. But better for me than the heat. Yes, I know you love it, my neighbour, too, she soaks up every drop of sun available! Valerie

  17. Love the cat's face. I did a book for a friend with the theme tea and cats a couple of years ago.

  18. What a fun page Valerie, I love that cat drinking the cup of tea, that tickled me, great drawings, love it..have a great weekend, mine is just starting, it's a chilly Saturday morning but I'm not going anywhere....yay..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. My cat loved tea, luke warm and with milk, and preferably mint tea! It's chilly here, too, and wet. Have a good weekend, I'm sure you will be busy in your craft room!

  19. Love the painting. The cats are wonderful. Anesha

  20. Cat painting is fantastic ~ awesome photos and wonderful lol funnies ~ Xo

    Also, thanks for your birthday wishes for Ziggy ~ he had a wonderful 'doggie day' Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. So glad your Ziggy had a great day, I hope he has a wondxerful, new year! Hugs!

  21. I saw this earlier but didn't comment as it said I was anonymous and I have been chuckling ever since, obviously for your page with that fabulous confident cat but also for the dogs suggestion for washing a cat - it seems I am still anonymous but I'm leaving a comment anyway. So jealous of your seeing the blue moon, hugs Chrisx (pear)

    1. Thanks Chris, glad it gave you a cbuckle! Why are you anonymous? Blogger is being very strange! The blue moon was wonderful! Happy weekend! Hugs!

  22. The face on your cat is so comical Valerie, they always seem to have the cream. Fabulous art work. Love those stormy cloud pics and the moon looks so impressive, I tried but just couldn't get a good picture here although the skies were quite clear..
    Make sure you get that restful weekend, I'm hoping for a less eventful weekend and no emergency call outs as I need to put down a wooden floor.. fingers crossed.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I didn't get up till 11 a.m. today, and had a bad conscience, but it was so nice just to rest and do nothing. And I slept for 8 hours, what luxury. Keeping my fingers crossed that nobody calls you out tonight, have fun with your floor! Hugs

  23. Cats are very much self center.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

    1. That is very true, cats always think they are royalty! Hugs!

  24. Striker is a striking cat so if he is looking for a date I think he will have no trouble at all. Look at the way he holds his mug of tea!
    This is a fun page Valerie, and i love how you have used all the elements in Elle's challenge. Each and every element is a delight.
    Thanks for the thinkies.fuinnies too, some great ones there. (I'd never attempt to wash a kcat)
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. Our college cat was called Striker, and it was absolutely forbidden to let him come inside or to feed him etc. But he slept on another bed every night, and was never hungry, even the principal let him sleep on her sofa! And no, I would never try to wash a cat! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  25. Hi Valerie, glad you're relaxing this weekend. Thanks so much for the loud chuckle and guffaw I had taking in your AJJ page, too too funny! You should do more like that, definitely. Our weather here is a study of subtle change. I've been sleeping in the afternoons to avoid the heat of the day now, which is still hitting 100F. But our night are getting a bit cooler so I'm up then. Still dry as a bone, though. Take care, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, gad you liked my catty page! Here the weather has normalised, just nice, September weather, not hot and not cold! I hope and pray you will soon get some cooler weather, too, it must be very distressing. And hope you get lots of rain, too, but not too much! Have a good day, I will be over to visit you tomorrow, today I am really trying to do as litte as possible. Hugs, Valerie

    2. Sorry for the spelling mistakes, my fingers have a mind of their own!

  26. Your journal entry is such fun... and so accurate. Love it!

  27. I went to comment on this yesterday and got sidetracked. But I adore this page. Perhaps it is because it reminds me so much of Lizzie. It looks like her and certainly has her attitude! Incredible clouds. I hope you can have a restful weekend and take it easy and feel improved soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I think this (c)attitude is common to all cats! You have a great weekend, too. Is Rick back from his tour? Hugs!

  28. Glad you are having a restful weekend. Love the kitty, book, tea piece. You got some amazing shots.
    Hugs, Sandra

  29. "I love myself". Hilarious! lol

    The moon was a stunner, wasn't it. I wish I could get photos like that!

    1. Yes, that's (c)attitude! I suppose if you're descended from Egyptian gods you're allowed to think that way!

  30. Lovely art.
    Amazing clouds and what a BRILLIANT moon that is.

    Wishing you a restful weekend.
    My good wishes for the new month of September.

    All the best Jan

    1. The moon is always so beautiful, love it! Hugs!

  31. Thanks for the time and effort you've put into this blog

  32. Lots of smiles in there
    My Sunday Smile is HERE


  33. I absolutely love your page Valerie! The cat is brilliant! Beautiful photos and great funnies too.
    Happy September!

  34. Totally wonderful kitty journaling page. You got all the elements, captured the thoughts of cats and cat lovers, added so much fun, and did such a great job with it. Love the cat bathing advice from the dog, the rainbow joke is funny, and Rosa rocked. Hugz!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you liked it. I had fun with this page. I would never try to wash a cat 😺😺! Hugs!

  35. Hi Valerie! It's been awhile, but doesn't mean that I'm not keeping you in my thoughts!! I LOVE what you did with Elle's theme this month. Your page is whimsical and absolutely adorable. I am in LOVE with everything about it - the way you depicted the owner, the cat (the one loving the cat, and the other loving himself! LOL) - the books, with both of them drinking tea. Just amazing. And my FAV part is page of the book you created that the cat is reading. WOW! So darn cute. You really made my day, Valerie! And I love all of your photos. Those beautiful clouds and the amazingly gorgeous full moon. They are all gorgeous. I enjoyed reading your funnies, too. LOLOLOL!!! Thanks for making my day. Hope all is well with you. Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon. I know, life gets in the way, my life is certainly preventing me from doing a lot! Glad you liked the page, I had fun making it, especially the date page for the cat! Have a great week, hugs!

  36. hahaha how true, they do love themselves don't they, though I think at least one of mine might like me a little bit lol. Your kitty looks so much like Miss P. I love that he is reading a lonely hearts cat mag haha. I was reading it upside down but do appreciate the photo you posted of it with the text up the right way, much easier. Thanks for joining me for the Books, Cats & Tea September theme at Art Journal Journey this month Happy Journalling! Elle/Empire of the Cat xx

    1. Thanks Elle. My Kitty was a wonderful cat, and I'm sure she never read chat posts! but who knows what she got up to when I was working!?


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