
Saturday 26 August 2023

Where in the world?

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I have another piece for Chris' challenge 'where in the world' at AJJ. And this time I want to ask you to which land  all of these pictures are connected. I'm sure you will all know straightaway1 To make this collage I used pieces of older collages made many years ago and made a remix:

We are having a stormy, bad-weather phase, but I prefer it to too hot any day! This was yesterday evening:

And I took the pics of my balcony garden early this morning before the storm started:

My hens and chicks get bigger from day to day. It was fascinating to watch the rain falling like a waterfall, and thunder and lightning made a good background concert:

And some thinkies and funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cloud photo is beautiful.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better today. I love this historical journal page, very well done and a clever way to use the theme! And the answer is .....drum roll.... England! Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully with less pain! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Oh yes, we recognise the symbols of our native country. Sometimes I wish I could go back! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Liebe Valerie, toll England so zu verpacken in dieser Tagebuchseite, die liebe trägst du im Herzen .. wunderschön ausgedacht!
    All die tollen Fotos am frühen morgen fbalehaft die Wolken und Sonnenaufgang und dein blühender Balkon. Den Lacher von den witzigen Fotos.. schön war es wieder.
    Ich wünsche dir ein geruhsames Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Freut mich dass es dir gefällt, Elke. I didn't want to do the 'usual' London pics again, that would have been boring! Dir ein schönes Wochenende, pass gut auf dich auf, Hugs!

  4. Your balcony looks lovely, Valerie, a veritable garden unto itself. And that’s the kind of garden that is manageable and you don’t spend half your time weeding, knowing full well that what you yank out today will only reappear tomorrow. Here we are, Saturday morning already. The weekend has arrived and all the crazies will be out on the road. We tend to not stray too far from home on Saturdays and Sundays and even then we head into rural areas where traffic is light. Come to think of it, that’s what we do mostly anyway. I expect that you will be meeting up with Heike for fun, food, frolicking and beer-drinking. Enjoy it to the fullest! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. I am not a gardener, but here I m having some success and I'm happy as long as it lasts. This morning I had to go shopping, and the crazies were all on the trams, and getting in and out with my rollator and shopping bag and people trying to shove you out of the way was not easy, so I will be spending the rest of the day at home - I have lots of books to read, and lots of paper and paint, so it will be good! Hugs xxxx

  5. I like your random image page. I think it makes a great page about your home country, without being all touristy. I like how you included Queen Victoria too. It gives it a bit of history. And your succulents are amazing. I can't grow succulents or cacti very well. Rosemary too. Funny how I have a pretty good green thumb but for some things my thumb is just black. smile. Happy weekend and I hope it cooled off. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much, dear Erika. I'm not a friend of touristy pages, so this was my solution. You can grow so many plants well, so you must have several green thumbs! My herbs all died off last year as it was so hot and dxry for weeks on end, and my balcon has no shade. But I'm happy with what I have just now! Enjoy your weekend, hugs to the pups, especially Maddie! Hugs!

  6. Your plants are doing so well and I'm so jealous of the lower temps and the rain! Take good care, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee , I am so happy that it's cooler and that it rained. Hope you are keeping well, had a fall yesterday and nothing broken, but everything hurts! Hugs, take care.

  7. That's a fun collage for where in the world, and your gardens and balcony weather views are amazing. I LOVE the gratitude graphic along with the funnies! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks Carol, my flat has a wonderful view, that's true. Hugs!

  8. Love the fabulous collage and could that be England by any chance lol.Great pics and love the healthy looking succulents-we have not had a good thunderstorm for a long long time-keep forecasting them but seem to pass us by!
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, how ever did you guess England?! We're expecting more storms tomorrow, I love to stand on my balcony and watch. Have a nice Sunday! Hugs!

  9. I know where your collage is based and it is fabulous, BUT, now I am singing, postman Pat, postman Pat, postman Pat and his black and white cat. thrumthrumthrum..oh, my, going to be a long day, ha ha ha....and look at all your succulents, I hope mine grow well, I've just started with them as it gets too hot here for anything else and the way my property is facing..okay, and I'm too lazy to go outside and water..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Now, how did you guess that!? Nice memories for me, watching TV with my grandchildren and singing Postman Pat so loudly that the neighbours complained! Hugs 🤗❤️

  10. From your collage, I can just think of England. I love your garden. The succulents seem to be thriving.

  11. If nothing else gave away the location Postman Pat and Jess did! I don't take the heat well either. Stormy day still give wonderful skies don't, they? I do like your wonderful pot full of hen and chicks, they're so tactile. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, Postman Pat is really unique!. It's cool here today, and a bit sort of sunny- windy- rainy - really nice! Hugs, take care.

  12. Lovely journal page, Val, great fun. And yes, it's England - where else! Hugs, Martha

    1. Thanks Martha, have a great, new week! Hugs!

  13. LOL LUV those inbred dogs. Happy Sunday


  14. amazing job!!! congrats , beautiful photos
    have a great week :)

  15. Succulents don't live for me. Yours look great! August is our hottest month, and that's almost past. The temps will be decreasing and rain increasing here come September. Most of us are ready...

    1. I'm enjoying these cooler temps and rain, so are my 🌺🌹🌺! Pity about the succulents, mine are growing very quickly!

  16. I would like say hurray for the English postal system but our local sorting office is in a mess. Our post lady told us so. We once had no post from one Saturday to the other, when only 2 items arrived,. The following Tuesday we had 19 items delivered one of which (a weekly subscription) was a whole week late. Your page however is fantastic- glad you got Postman Pat in there. Another great page for my AJJ theme, thanks Valerie! Your balcony is looking amazing - I have lost a few plants this year but I think they had had their day anyway, Hope you are looking after yourself, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! The post here sounds much the same. Such a pity that the good service we used to have is no more. Hugs!

  17. Beautiful painting. Looks like you had a great time painting. Anesha x

  18. That sky is gorgeous, how i wish I could replicate that in my journal.
    Love your balcony garden, what a lot you have on it and how much pleasure it must give you to wake up each morning and see everything.
    Now I wonder where your page is representing? Obviously I know this one and recognize quite a few characters although Postman pat and his little black cat were not around when my son was tiny. It was Andy Pandy and the Woodentops.
    Hope you are feeling well
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I got to watch Postman Pat with my grandchildren. Again and again and again... It made them so happy. Hugs!


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