
Thursday 24 August 2023

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece for Chris' challenge 'where in the world' at AJJ. The background picture is a free-to-use photo taken by Drew Rae and found at Pexels, and  the other characters were added from my collection of odds and sods. The 2 ladies are hand-made lino cuts, ca. 6'' tall that I made back in the day when I could still use my fingers properly. The quote is from Nelson Mandela:

And On Friday we will be enjoying Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF, where I will also be linking.

So here some faces, dug up from my vaults:

This is my Great Grandmother again:

And this lady looks sad:

And this I made in 2020. I drew the figure onto folded paper, cut round it  through all the layers and pasted it onto the first page of a new journal I was starting. We used to make paper dollies and animals like this when I was small. The positive attributes I used for their heads were a freebie from Tam:

This is also an ancient piece:

Child reality back in the late 19th/early 20th centuries:

Journal pages- top left is a photo of my mum, me and my big sister Ruth in the early 1950's. I remember I was standing on a box to make myself look bigger!

This was made after a trip to London and a wonderful concert I enjoyed while I was there:

I think everone knows this man - I just hope the leaf doesn't fall into my coffee:

The photo is one I took in the fields at the bottom of our street. I digitally changed it to look like a painting and then added an overlay - fun!

And this is the Sky disc from Nebra - a wonderful face!

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good afternoon! I thought you had forgotten to post today! We had our last visit to the hospital today, everything is okay. S can go back to school next week so that's good. Love your beautiful art, both pieces are lovely. Have a quiet weekend, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sara, that's good news with S! Glad you like my pictures today! I am having a lazy day, and enjoying it! Hugs to all!

  2. Everything is so interesting and fun to see. I'm especially loving those old photos and laughing out loud at that leaf falling into your coffee LOL Have a great day!

    1. Hi Carol, are you still looking at the picture and waiting for the leaf to fall?!! Hugs!

  3. I love your paper dolls! They're darling. AND your new banner with the goats. Your African art is beautiful. In a couple of days when my next post goes, I will have a clip from the opening of The Lion King broadway show.. I think you had to be channeling that music when you did your pieces. When I post it, watch and you'll see. Wonderful images, all.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Strange that those old dolls, as simple as they are, still speak to us! I love Lion King. I saw it twice here in Düsseldorf but only once in the theatre in London. It really is a dream for me! I often have that music in my mind when I go to sleep! I am looking forward to your next blog! Hugs!

  4. Jestem zachwycona wszystkimi pracami, które tu pokazałaś bardzo piękne portrety . Bardzo podoba mi się wykorzystanie starych fotografii. Mam nadzieję , że listek nie wpadł do twojej kawy;)) Miłego wieczoru życze:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, so glad you enjoyed my creations! Abd David is still wearing the leaf, my coffee is okay! Hugs!

  5. Was für ein wundervolles Posting, ich bin begeistert von all den ausgedachten Bildern. Fabelhafte Kreative Ideen wie du hast und malen kannst!
    Schönen Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Ich hab viel getan heute, und brauche jetzte Kaffee um den Abend zu überstehen! Dir einen schönen Abend! Hugs!

  6. Love all your colourful artwork,old pics,paper dollies and the pic you changed to look like a painting
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much Carol, have a great day! Hugs!

  7. You know what a fan of faces I am but i must admit I prefer yours to the printed ones. Must say they are good to remind you of a wonderful time at a show though but I hope you understand my thoughts.
    I am impressed with your lino prints. I detested teaching that lesson at school, I could hardly get on with it myself never mind teach it (plasters at the ready) but I got through the six weeks we had of doing it each year. I love the African scene you have created for us, the orange is a fantastic background for the black - you should have that framed for the wall.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I prefer painting, too, but that was the most wonderful show I have ever seen.

  8. Sorry, posted too soon. I loved cutting and carving, and woodworking. Now I can't do anything without a struggle. And today I fell over and hurt my good knee. Okay, moan over, good night!

  9. People in old photo, to me. They looked stressed.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  10. So many goodies today. Love them. So did you see Sinatra and the pack when you went to concert. What a treat. Sandra

    1. That really was a wonderful treat - long ago and far away! Hugs, Valerie

  11. You are such a talented lady. Everything is special. Have been to several concerts and enjoyed them all.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim, I think those concerts back when were so much better than what is often shown today. Hugs, Valerie

  12. What fabulous art you have given us today, Valerie. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the African art with your amazing lino cuts.

    All those faces are fabulous. You always make such amazing faces, it's no wonder you have such a repertoire of them. Simply awesome art today, dear.

    1. So simple . a great photo background and a few images, but it turned out well! Glad you liked it!

  13. I forgot to mention how much I love those paper dolls. They look like fun to make.

    1. They are fun and easy to make. we used to make them in my fisrt year at school, when I was 5 - so long ago! Hugs!

  14. There are so many beautiful and different art pieces shown. Thanks for today's stash


  15. You certainly do have a treasure trove of creations from the past to draw on, Valerie, and we can trace the progress of your creative life, ever soaring and improving, with much left in reserve no doubt to thrill us with things yet unseen. In the meanwhile I am practicing drawing two straight lines, and I have to say that after six months of dedicated effort I am improving, and will probably get it right by the end of the year. Maybe P01135809 will soon have lots of time on his hands to work on crafts from his cell. He has no talent though so we shouldn’t expect much. I was so sorry that they didn’t put him in that filthy, third world gaol for a night, but there is hope still! Yesterday I spent the morning with a good friend who is expert in Goldenrods and learned a lot. I think that many fail to appreciate the number of species and the variety among them. Then when I came home Miriam had made focaccia bread on which I made a sandwich with lettuce, sweet onion and tomato, all fresh from the farm and it was delicious. Then I had a nap! Such a great day. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I am sure that person would make 2 straight lies into something evil and depraved. I know we shoudn't wish otherr people ill, but with him I would really make an excemption! There are so many varieties of life on earth, we must learn to appreciate them before they are all gone. In spring I sat on some grass with a friend, and we noticed that the 'common' daisies were all different, one prettier than the other. We had ver storm weather this morning - thunder, wind, lightning, the whole show. And a whole month's worth of rain in a couple of hours....Your food yesterdday sounds good, but I have raspberry cake for this afternoon - Heike' brother brought it for me. Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  16. ...Valerie, you have a wonderful assortment with fabulous sentiments. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  17. Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  18. Great assortment of pages. I love the image of Einstein. He was so smart but still had a sense of humor.

    1. Thanks Gene, humour is always so important!

  19. Your African piece feels very warm. Perfect for most of Africa. Those ladies are great and so are the animals you added. Here on the news they said that a zoo in Ohio had a giraffe who gave birth to a calf with no spots. She is amazing, as are all giraffes. And I love seeing all these faces, especially the older ones I have never seen. You have so many interesting takes on a face. And many clever ones too. I hope you've had a good week and weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I saw that giraffe calf on TV last night, so beautiful! Giraffes are fascinating animals. Well, they all are! Glad you enjoyed the faces, too. I've still got some I made when I was a child! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  20. I enjoyed looking at all your art pieces posted here -- my favourite is your sad lady with the sunflower hat.

  21. Oh Valerie this is a fabulous post. So many faces, some I remember from the past. Just brilliant to be sharing with FFO. I really like your new banner too. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Hope you are keeping well, hugs, Valerie

  22. your great grand mother looks very elegant:)

  23. Some really nice art. I like that African piece a lot, and what a great quote from Mandela.

  24. Great series of collage work ~ all so creative ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. More brilliant art work. I love those goats they area gorgous pair. Great collection of past nwork and the paper dollies are so much fun. I think it's good to look back at past projects it's always worth a smile too but great to give you ideas when you get stuck for ideas. Have a great weekend, Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Goats are funny creatures, always so perky and full of tricks. I Must go and visit them again in the park!

  26. Wow that was a walk in the past Valerie, great projects, journal pages, art work, colours and happy memories, fantastic..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  27. I love the collages you create, Valerie! And the faces you paint are always expressive. I love the Rat Pack pieces! The Golden Gate in Downtown, Las Vegas has some great photos of Frank and the rest of the guys. I'm sorry your fingers continue to frustrate you. May they improve! Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Louise. The concert with the Rat-Pack was the best ever, ever, ever! Hugs!

  28. Love your beautiful art as always.
    You have such fun and creative ideas.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

    1. Thanks so much, Veronica, enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  29. Lots of gorgeous art today, as usual, taking us for a walk down Memory Lane. Hope your weekend relaxes and refreshes you. XOX

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  30. Oh my Valerie, this page is absolutely wonderful - gorgeous colours too! Loving the faces. Thanks so much for making this for my AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  31. Your great grandmother looks regal. I got a kick out of the fig leaf lol

    1. Hmmm, do fig leaves wither and fall off in autumn??


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