
Monday 7 August 2023

T sTands for do your own Thing

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend. I rested, did some reading, bought some new books via Amazon Kindle, and spent a lot of time painting, amongst other things this lady with wild hair. I sometimes get fed up with always making things for challenges and just need a break and time to do my own thing or have my own fling, whatever!

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link party, where we meet up with ladies from all over the world and show what we have been drinking or doing etc. So here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Picasso evidently liked coffee:

I can't find most of the pics I took this week, so just a photo of my cola-zero while waiting for Heike:

And some more foody/drinky pictures:

I couldn't be bothered to cook so mostly had fruit with a mix of creamy quark and jogurt for lunch:

Those seem to be my shoes on the floor:

And a coffee collage:

A few thinkies:

This was just my feeling this week!

I only drink Cola or coffee, but the rest fits:

This weeks flowers - a small vase, but beautiful:

Happy T Day, have a great week,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. The weekend went by so quickly ... here in the UK we had Storm Antoni - - and this is meant to be summer!!!

    I do like your lady she is so colourful, and what a great coffee collage.
    Hope the new week will be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Jan, I watched the horrors of the storms in the UK and Europe on TV, so awful. Here we have had too much rain, the Rhine is very full, but no bad damage.
      Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your blue haired lady is a beauty and looks happy so she makes me happy when I look at her. Now I will look up what quark is, it looks like perhaps clotted cream.

    1. Thanks so much. Quark is a creamcheese, you can get it fat-free or nice and creamy, and this time I chose the creamy one, yummy! Have a great week, hugs!

  3. Glad to hear you've rested I have not! I am sure I will pay for it now tomorrow, but there we are.
    Yes. Your woman has got wild hair, but my goodness, it's really lovely. I wouldn't mind hair like that. I have been painting a sunflower. Hugs Deb.

    1. Rest is si important. I don't get much done at all these das, but I prefer doing the things I like. Hope you are not too knoked out today! I would love hair like that, too! Have a great week, hugs!

    2. Sorry for the strange spelling, my fingers are being very uncooperative today!

  4. Lovely flowers and nice work!

  5. I like coffee as well.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  6. Good to know you are reset for the week ahead :) nice work on the wild haired lady vj

  7. Hi, Valerie! I've enjoyed catching up with a number of your posts. I've been in Nova Scotia visiting my family, but now I'm home again. You create such unique and beautiful faces whether they're for your fun or for challenges. And your collages are amazing. I was wowed by how you worked pictures into corrugated cardboard. I would end up with a sodden mess. I was sorry to hear that you were experiencing trouble standing, walking, and climbing stairs. That is so frustrating and unnerving. I'm glad to hear that you are improving. When I was experiencing the same issues, I found it helpful to walk and to do exercises in a swimming pool. Your coffee collages reminded me of several wonderful mornings we gathered at my sister Bertie's kitchen and deck for lattes. One of her daughters worked as a barista while in university and taught Bertie how to make all kinds of coffee drinks. Bertie would stand there and make delicious latte after latte according to each person's request, 10 or 15 in a row. She told me the last latte morning that her dreams had come true. She always wanted a home and deck with room for the whole family to gather, and she finally had it. Great thinkies and funnies. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Louisa, I wodered where you were hiding! It's quite a way for me to a swimming pool, and at this time of year they are mostly filled with kids - not the best place to do exercises! Two years back I did a weekend Barista course at a hotel near here, and it was great fun, so I can underdstand you all enjoying yourselves with lattes. Glad that girl now has the home of her dreams, that's something. Have a great week, hugs!

  8. Hi lovely lady, your art work is sensational and I always admire the funnies and pics of interest. You asked how Bella is, she is home now a month and so happy and a beautiful natured young girl.. very much gone back to puppy stage as well but she will get out of that eventually. Sending you the biggest hugs xx

    1. Thanks so much Annie. Glad to hear Bella is back home. I think she needs you to fuss round her after she did her job so well! BIG hugs to you and Bella! Hugs! xxxx

  9. I know what you mean about making things for challenges. Sometimes you just want to play. I like your just play for fun face. It has happy and fun colors. And I see you have soda caps like they had in Iceland. That is cool, and I think they should have those more places. The fruit looks yummy too. When it's hot sometimes that's all you need. And don't you just love your kindle? Have a great start to the new week and happy T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, sometimes I need to play! In Europe these soda caps have to be used on all of the smaller bottles, and it's a good idea. The will be extending it to larger bottles soon, too, and the milk cartons now have these caps. Anything which helps to reduce the plastic waste everwhere. The plastic bottles don't usually get thrown away as there is a 25c deposit on every plastic bottle so most get returned. I love fruit and yogurt, always a fun meal, but today when I was shopping with my neighbour I bought mself a hot meat ball, yummy. You have a good week and a happy T day, too. Hugs!

  10. What a fun, enjoyable post today with your amazing painting, fun food pics and so many things to ponder. I LOVE the funny about positive thinking, I'll have to remember that one LOL Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Carol, positive thinking is good, and that meme is reall fun! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  11. Good morning Your Exquisiteness: Now, I understand perfectly this desire to forget about challenges and deadlines for a while and do something merely to please yourself and flex your creative muscles. Miriam is exactly the same. She has an Etsy shop and much of her time is occupied with making items for sale there, but every so often she decides to start on a quilt to satisfy her creative genes, and then she’ll work on it, sometimes for months. She then either gives it away, or sells it for a price that mean she made at least sixty-five cents an hour for her labour! And so it is with your beautiful, vibrant, interesting, colourful lady. Gorgeous she is. If she hung on my wall I would blow kisses to her every time I walked by. I hope you obtained some good titles for your Kindle and that you spent many happy hours reading. All that remains is to get your diet back up to par. Seems to me that you are overdue for leafy green vegetables and salad. You’ll be happy to know that my dietary consultation comes at no charge. Stay well, stay happy,
    paint often, see Heike, drink coffee, eat sausage, drink beer, eat cole slaw, walk sprightly, watch birds, greet people, and gaze with admiration at Canada Geese. Hugs and oodles and oodles of kisses - David

    1. Yes, something we just have to do what our heart desires, or eat what we like and just do nothing, lately I am always telling myself I need to do this and I must do that. But WTF, I don't need too! 65c an hour is not the ay to get rich quick. I think handmade things are alwas sold too cheaply, nobody can pay the 'just' amount. I'm glad you like my lady, she will be hanging on my wall, too, sou can send kisses via the ether! I bought 2 good books - one is a crime book, and the other a non fiction by by Michael Lewis, 'The fifth Risk'. Also horror, crime, lies etc! At the moment

    2. Ooops, pressed the button too quickly! At the moment I am satisfied with yogurt and fruit and coffee, but when I feel better I will get back to my usual eating habits! I am going to Heike for a coffee when I finish this comment. Sorry if there are lots of mistakes today, my fingers are not behaving! Have a great day, take care, BIG hugs. xxxxxx

  12. i like coke zero:D it is my favourite thing to drink

  13. I'm with you on making things for challenges, it can be good to encourage you to make stuff but it can also start to feel restrictive. I used to make samples for various companies but after so long it just felt that I needed freedom to do what I wanted to do. Love the funnies especially the one about the Jellfish, brilliant. Have agreat week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. I've already cut down on 2 challenge blogs, so just have 2 now, but sometimes it seems like a lot! Yes, that jelly fish funny explains a LOT! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  14. Love your coffee collage and your blue-haired lady.
    And of course, the funnies too.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  15. Another gorgeous goddess and I love your blue suede shoes! Happy T Day

  16. Fruit is really wonderful this year -- and it's blueberry season. You nailed the reason i don't do challenges. It's the pressure of it. If I'm going to do a challenge, it seems I'm better making up one of my own (which I suppose is more like goal setting!). Loved the meme about wanting to be alone with your art supplies!

    1. Exactly. I need more time just to be me and for me. Selfish perhaps but I think I am going in that direction! Hugs!

  17. Your painting is great! I'm still smiling over the jellyfish quote! A nice post. Hope you are feeling good.

    1. Thanks Debra. That jellyfish funny keeps making me smile, too. Have a great week, hugs!

  18. I love your fabulous colourful lady with the wild hair ,great funnies and I do love your blog header I spend more time than I should staring at it lol
    Carol x

    1. Thanks so much, Carol, I'll have to change to a header with less calories! Hugs!

  19. Love how you shaded her face and always gorgeous eyes on your faces. Cooking is exhausting. I made Honey cook only on Sundays during the summer. Has helped my waistline, lol. XOX

    1. I am not a good cook, mostly I just make quick things, like scrambled eggs or salad, and I do love to go out for Pizza or noodles or Chinese food, so I don't starve! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  20. Looks as if you are feeling better this week -- I hope you really have some energy back now.
    best, mae at

  21. Valerie, I can completely understand your reasons about not always wanting to do challenges but do something jusr for yourself. That's how I feel about challenges (and mostly don't do them) and that's also one of the reasons for my blogging break. Sometimes you need to have time just for yourself and do something for yourself that you totally enjoy. This is so important and I can only encourage you in doing so. If you do enjoy doing the challenges, great, but if they become somthing you feel pressured about it's time to step back. I like your lady, she's lovely. Have a good week!

    1. Thanks Carola, glad you understand what I mean! I love doing challenges, but sometimes it's just too much, and being so ill lately has taken away a lot of strength, and I just need to make some decisions, where to cut down, and where to go on. I can't do as much as I used to, and this leaves me very frustrated. Sooner or later I will get myself sorted! Thanks again for your input! Hugs!

  22. I love your painting of the girl with the wild hair! Sounds like a great way to spend the week, reading and painting.
    Your coffee collage looks yummy as does the berries and yogurt. And of course, I love your funnies.
    Happy Tea Day,

  23. Glad that you could have a good rest, read some books and spend your time with what you like the most. This painting of a girl is really beautiful and it is attractive with blue hair. Lovely flower vase too. I enjoyed reading your quotes as well.
    Thanks for the share, Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Amila, have a great week, happy T Day!

  24. Love your wild child. Your ladies always have such expressive faces. Snort on the jellyfish:)
    Hugs, Sandra

  25. I can relate to the challenges. I can't even keep up with the ones I am required to create and photograph. Your blue haired lady is wonderful. I really like her long neck, too.

    Your coffee collage is out of this world. I really like the cap on the Coke, too. I wish all drinks had that type of cap.

    My favorite thinkie is about the ship at the airport. I actually laughed at that one.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely drawing, your various drinks, that wonderful fruit, and your thinkies with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie. Sorry if I've missed some posts, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! Perhaps you need to drop a few challenges that you join in!

  26. Love your art. Your lady has wonderful and colorful hair and I love the flowers. I know what you mean about challenges calling you and getting fed up. Love the coffee pictures - especially the collage. Your funnies/thinkees all spoke to me today. I think it may be my favorite mix I have seen you put together. Happy T-day sweet, Valerie. I hope you are feeling well and have fun with your art supplies! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you liked my wild lady! The funnies /thinkes were really good this time, I do my best to please my customers! Have a great week, Sweetie!

  27. I love it when you create just for yourself. She is a beauty. I love all the detail too. Great funnies and I would so like some cold watermelon. Have a great week.

  28. I especially like that Picasso coffee pot.

  29. Beautiful lady and hair! I love looking at it. Lovely coffee collage. We eat a lot of fruit, and quite often have fruit smoothies for breakfast. Happy T day.

  30. I get what you say about having a break from art you need to do! I have my mini journals that I enjoy making pages in just for fun. I love your lady here - I wonder....what would I look like with a blue rinse? Lunch looks good! Beautiful sunflowers, Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Try it Chris, I think blue would suit you good! Hugs!


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