
Thursday 31 August 2023

Thursday /Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well, I have been resting a lot and trying to recover after falling. Today is cold, rainy and grey outside, actually weather I like very much, but I have decided to give myself one more day at home before I go out again. As I write this it's  Wednesday, and my lovely home help has just left. My home is spick and span, he works very well. And I thought it might be a good idea to write a couple of blogposts in advance instead of at the eleventh hour!

On Tuesday evening it got stormy, and then the rain poured down, and I sat in the corner of my balcony - to keep dry - and took photos. Some are very grainy, it got dark quickly, and I only had my phone to hand. I put my camera in a safe place - but where? And ideas where I might have put it?!

I have lots of faces to share, some of them new ones, and will be linking them on Friday to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF:

This is one I have already shown:

This one was made at the same time, but hasn't been shown yet:

I showed the doggy a couple of weeks back on my blog:

This lady has also aready been on show, and the next 2 heads, too:


This is a characature of me (ugh) made at a town fair a couple of years back. I'm happy to say we didn't have to pay for the pics!

And I have no idea what posessed me to make this Lady :

More fun faces:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Monday 28 August 2023

T sTands for something or other

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing an A3 acrylic painting, once again with a vase and a cup/glass, made 2 weeks back. Once again I had fun playing with dots and circles - stamped with a paint pot lid, and just playing around. This is of course my ticket to Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink/link  party which will be beginning this evening. Not much bla-bla today, I fell twice at the weekend and am in a lot of pain:

And this is what my table looked like when I was finished. Actually, it did'nt look much different before I started on it - I need to do a little clean up:

And I love how my painting-water glass looks:

I deadheaded my balcony flowers and a few tiny pieces were too nice to thow away. The little glass they are in is one of the sherry glasses from my great Auntie Fanny:

From above:

And on the shelf:

Coffee on Saturday:

So sweet:

Egyptian cats:

Do they still treat us as gods?
Well, I sh*t in  a box nd then they clean it!
Very good!

Have a Happy T Day, Take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 26 August 2023

Where in the world?

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I have another piece for Chris' challenge 'where in the world' at AJJ. And this time I want to ask you to which land  all of these pictures are connected. I'm sure you will all know straightaway1 To make this collage I used pieces of older collages made many years ago and made a remix:

We are having a stormy, bad-weather phase, but I prefer it to too hot any day! This was yesterday evening:

And I took the pics of my balcony garden early this morning before the storm started:

My hens and chicks get bigger from day to day. It was fascinating to watch the rain falling like a waterfall, and thunder and lightning made a good background concert:

And some thinkies and funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!