
Thursday 25 May 2023

Thursday / Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had a couple of stressful days, but hey, that's life! 

Today I have  another journal page for Aimeslee's challenge at AJJ. Here I have altered an older piece and then added it to a digital background. I like making these mixed pieces:

Taken in a neighbouring town:

And some more flower images:

And some faces for Nicole's FFO and lots of petals for Rain's TADD:

I am also linking to Rain's TADD (petals) and Gillena's Friday art and fun.

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful delightful beautiful post, thank you

  2. anonymous is peggy gatto

  3. Beautiful art Valerie and I enjoyed the funnies.

  4. Today art is great. But I thought the lady in flower dress up is pretty neat.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love your art today, and the flower lady is wonderful. Does she always walk around like that? This week is flying by, and I don't think I have got anything done. Today I must at least get the washing and ironing done! Have a good one! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, I have seen her often. Sorry, short comment, not feeling good today!

  6. Your journal page is beautiful and so are all those great faces. The lady wearing all the flowers is nothing short of a one-woman show! I cannot stop laughing over that cockroach funny - it made my day LOL

  7. The yellow of your new art piece is so warm and cheery Valerie. I love it. And it is great to see and see again all the lovely petal pieces. They are really really lovely. And that girls flower outfit is amazing. I think I need a plastic cockroach too, but I don't know if my husband would even notice it-smile. Happy Thursday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I think most men wouldn't notice the cockroach....hugs!

  8. Beautiful petal piece enjoyed the memes

  9. Love those sunny, yellow flowers. Enjoy your day!

  10. The highlight in this post is the young lady who walks around bedecked in flowers. That would be quite a sight to encounter on the street. Maybe you should dress like that, Valerie. Who knows what attention you might attract, and I am sure that a few butterflies would be happy to keep you company, maybe even a bumblebee or two - if there are any left. Then we have those long-necked beauties with hair flying to the four corners of the Earth so there is lots to keep a fellow occupied here. I had better make sure that Miriam doesn't see the one about the cockroach in the bathroom, or guess what I'll be finding there! Enjoy what remains of the week and the weekend that will soon be upon us. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. She certainly looks good, but I think I will leave it to others to pose as a flowery bush. But it might be something for you, the birds could nest in the flowers, and you would be an absolute magnet for bees. Okay, don't let Miriam see the cockroach funny.....Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie xxxxx

  11. Ein wundervolles Posting mit all den Bildern und so schön dein Journalseite mit der Schrift!
    Hoffentlich hast du dann bald ruhe wieder!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, dir einen sehr schoenenTag. Hugs!

  12. Ooh Valerie, what a so wonderful page! I really like these pretty yellow flowers for the background. You have created a beautiful digital page. I really like that girl with the green dress full of flowers, she attracts a lot of attention :)
    The flowers images are magnifique and I love all the faces.
    Your funnies are incredible, thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a great Friday and weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks so much, dear Caty! I wish you a happy Friday and a lovely weekend, too! Hugs!

  13. Fabulous hybrid journal page and love all the pics especially the lady dressed in all the flowers
    carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, that lady is always dressed like that! Hugs!

  14. How beautiful Valerie full of Spring/summer colours and I love the text and layers, gorgeous piece..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. A super gorgeous post
    Happy Thursday.


  16. The week has flown by ...
    Lovely art and I enjoyed the funnies.
    Wishing you a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I hope time goes more slowly at the weekend!

  17. Piękne są twoje prace ja też lubię tulipany. Fotografia kobiety całej w kwiatach jest cudowne. Dużo zdrowia życzę i udanego tygodnia.😊♥️😊

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, have a great weekend!

  18. ...Valerie, thanks for the chuckles this morning. The flower garden lady is fabulous!!! Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom, that flower lady is really someone to look at!

  19. The lady in the flower dress was a marvelous photo catch. Of course I am wondering if she could possibly be comfortable if she sits down while wearing it.

    1. Thanks Jean. I think she needs to keep on her feet!

  20. Beautiful collection of photos, especially the flower lady!
    best, mae at

  21. I love your sense of humor. Those memes made me chuckle. And that woman wearing all those flowers - awesome! Look at her shoes bedecked with flowers, too. What a spectacle. Just love this post.

    1. Glad you like it. Sometimes I have a very wicked sense of humour!

  22. Now, THAT is a flowery ensemble, down to the shoes! Hope the stress eases and the weekend is a good one.

  23. Awesome pieces. I love the yellow. That gal truly is a flower child. Love it. Great funnies.
    Have a feel good weekend. Hugs,

  24. Sandra

  25. Hi Valerie, it's funny how some old artwork can come to life so long after it's birth and work so well with something new and works to perfection. Love it. Loving the flowery dress too, brilliant. Good collection of funnies, I loved the Cockroach one especially and might just try that Hee! Hee!. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! I like taking old pieces that I didn't like and making something new from them.Do you know where to find cockroaches in Lincoln?! 🤗 Hugs!

  26. Ohhhhh Valerie I just love this post. The flowers are amazing and how can one NOT like the flower lady. LOL Your faces are just amazing and I love that you share with FFO. Hope you are well.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I'm still struggling healthwise. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  27. That woman in her flowery dress and hat! She's enthusiastically _covered_ with blooms!

  28. I would love to meet the women bedecked in flowers. I am guessing she is a real hoot! You art is Spectacular, Valerie starting with the first piece with the wonderful discussion of "the real you". All of your ladies are beautiful and the Pup ... "My Best Friend" reminded me of my Izzi, who was indeed my best friend and I still think of her and miss her every day. The eagle made from rocks is awesome and I hope whoever made it figured out a way to take it home and mount it somewhere ... to beautiful to just leave on the ground. Your artsy ladies are always the best. You have such a talent and your creative mind is full of splendor. Thank you for this post, I loved every piece ... and I hope your stressful days have past ... I agree, part of life :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  29. Such beautiful images, Valerie! Now I've got to go find a cockroach!

  30. I'm not sure you will see this, but I LOVE the hybrid entry you gave us for AJJ. It is a real beauty. It is certainly worthy of Aimeslee's theme at AJJ.

    You packed a lot in this post. I am certainly impressed. Loved the dress and shoes on that woman. Really flowery.

    I loved the funnies, especially the monkeys on the ark and the eagle. I hope you are feeling better by now, dear. I know how stress can affect your life.

  31. Oh gosh, Valerie, I hope you are feeling better by now and if not, soon. I'm in awe of all the art in this post. It's all so beautiful! Hope you had a nice weekend and thanks so linking up another page to AJJ, xoxo

  32. hm, I´m thinking a flowerdress like that is just a little too much. :)


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