
Friday 21 April 2023


Hi Everybody!

Another week is almost over, it's Friday and soon it's weekend. I don't need to go to work anymore, but Fridays and weekends are still something special to look forward to. I still set my alarm for 7 a.m. each morning so I don't waste my time, but on Saturday and Sunday there's no alarm, and I can stay in bed for an extra hour  or so, read a book, drink coffee and enjoy the view out of my window.

Today I am sharing a new acrylic painting. It's very large (A2) and I had fun painting this lady. I am linking to Nicole's FFO, and Gillena's Friday art fun. And as I have used some recycled bits and bobs, I am linking to Elizabeth's recycle and re-use challenge at AJJ. I recycled the gold discs which were part of our New Year's Eve table decorations at the clinic, the butterfly, which was on a birthday card and the washi tape which was also on the same card;

Some photos from my walk through the park this morning:

Beautiful mornings!

Some thinkies/ funnies:

Have a wonderful Friday, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glamorous lady! Lovely walk and fun thinkies. I seem to be up at 7.30 am most mornings lately.

  2. I love the eye with the little heart under it. Funny comics! This weekend we were going to hit Barnes and then we changed it up and went tonight. When I don't work outside the home, I still thought/think of weekends as special as well.

    1. Yes, weekends are special, enjoy!

    2. They really are. We only get four of them in a month and I like that they're special. We had planned to hit Barnes this weekend and instead decided to hang about the house. I baked bagels and low-sugar brownies, free from eggs, dairy and cane. Really fun! Happy Weekend and big huggs!

  3. I especially love that last comic!

  4. Hi Val, good morning 🌅. Hope your weather is better than ours! Love your beautiful new face, she is gorgeous. Love the pics and funnies, too! Have a happy Freuday! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, happy Freuday to you all, too!

  5. Weekends changed for us from a time to do things to a time to stay away from the crowds because we can do the things on other days! But weekends feel different anyway.

    best, mae at

    1. I know what you mean, I always avoid our little town at weekends as it's full with tourists, cyclists, cars trying to find non existent spaces to park their cars, etc! I take my walks in other places!

  6. Lovely art and fun thinkies, Valerie.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks Veronica! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  7. Thanks for sharing your walk with us. 😊luv the thinkies. Thanks for linking your art to AFFF


  8. ...I love your one eye beauty! Yep, just book a ticket to Florida. Valerie, I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful spring.

    1. Spring has sprung, but it's still much too cold, we have frost on the fields each morning.

  9. Good morning, Valerie: I don't set an alarm unless I have to go somewhere early in the morning. I am usually awake and out of bed around 5:00 am anyway. A lifetime of getting up early to meet the dawn will do that for you. As always, I am deriving a good deal of pleasure from another of your long-necked, wide-haired beauties. What's not to love about a woman with a butterfly nestled in her neck? I had to laugh at the cartoon about Florida. It is sadly all too true. Yet DeSantis was re-elected with a huge majority, and he is a serious contender for President of the entire country. Soon Earth Day will be replaced by Book Banning Day, to be followed by Book Burning Day and Bash Disney Day. And everyone will take their guns to town, which they now no longer need a permit to own and carry, maybe even shoot up a few people, but not mention that someone is gay, or permit anyone to gaze on a nude statue. It boggles the mind that this is taking place in the 21st Century. You couldn't pay me to set foot on the ground there.
    The weekend is almost upon you. Do you have plans to nosh with Heike? A sausage at the salon perhaps, coffee in the courtyard, pie in the precinct, biscotti at the bistro, followed by a stroll along the street. I could go on, but I am sure you would rather I cease now! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! The world is really c hanging. They are now censoring books which might cause someone a twinge, ogthers are banned, and probably will soon be burnt if it goes on like it is now. I remember the quote 'Those who burn books will burn people' - so true. It's from Heinrich Heine. I'm wondering when women will have to be veiled and scarfed to leave the house! Enough of the dark future! This afternoon I'm going with Heike to have coffee and cake at Café Schuster, always a delight! And let's see what happens at the weekend, I will keep you informed! Big hugs! xxxxx

  10. She's such a pretty lady, and I like how you recycled the gold discs. They really dress her up. And the butterfly is a great addition. She wants to fly I think, but I couldn't say where. And good for you for setting an alarm during the week. I don't got to work either but I often wake up when my husband gets up for work. Therefore I love the weekend because he doesn't have to get up and that doesn't disturb me. Smile. I'm loving that thick green grass in one of your photos too. Have a super Friday and start to your weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I always save pretty decorations to use again! I would like to fly, too, anywhere would do, one day I want to see some other scenery again! The grass in the park is always lush, and it only gets mowed twice a year, so there are always lots of wild flowers. Yes, weekend is GOOD. I know you like reading and painting, too, and when we have more time for it all, that's great! Hugs!

  11. Your painting is amazing and I found that tiny little heart weeping from her eye just captivating somehow! Love the lush greens in your photos too - it must be wonderful to take your walks every day with such beauty around you :)

  12. Such a captivating beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing it! My alarm is the morning light everyday! I leave the shades open and I just wake up around 6:15 with sunrise. Your sunrise photos are beautiful too and of course I always get a chuckle out of the funnies. Thanks for a great post.

    1. Thanks Judee, nice to wake up to the morning light!

  13. Your painting is amazing. I always find drawing faces challenging let alone painting. Thanks for sharing your photos too, I think the weather is still making its mind up over here in the UK about whether its Spring or not ha ha. That week flew, have a great weekend, Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle. I think our weather ☁️☁️ here is about the same as in the UK

  14. WOW, Valerie. I love your beautiful lady. I love the tear from her eye and how you recycled the butterfly and washi tape. It's such a great entry for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing it, dear.

    I read what David wrote about FL. The gerrymandering he created before the last election helped DeSantis, but it won't help him get any votes for President. In fact, FL politicians are backing tRump. If tRump is nominated, he will never win against Biden. Part of DeSantis's problem is, he took on Mickey Mouse and people all over the country and world love that mouse!

    What worries me is the Supreme Court and their decision on the FDA approved abortion pill. We learn today what the court decides to do about it, unless they put it off for a third time. We've got to make Roe legal again, but Congress is not willing to take it on. At least not the Republican House. The Senate seems to be in step and so is Biden.

    My bEARTHday is Saturday, but I asked Sally to take me to lunch yesterday because I don't like to be out and about on Saturday. Meals are usually more expensive on the weekends, too.

    Love your lush grass photos and the beautiful photos around your area. PLEASE take care and stay safe dear. Enjoy your time with Heike, too.

    1. The political situation in the USA is getting really bad, and I can only hope that Mr T and his friends will have no success. Hope you enjoyed your birthday dinner, I just came back from coffee and 🍰 at Café Schuster with Heike.

  15. I don't bother with an alarm I just let the dogs wake me up! The old dogs used to like to stay in bedlonger but these two are very dufferent. Lovely lady today but I'm wondering what you do with them all. You must have quite a collection. Gorgeous photos of the park and loving the bird hotel. Loved the funnies too. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I know what you mean! My dog was mostly relaxed and enjoyed sleeping on my bed, but the cat woke me every day at 6 A.M. on the dot! I keep some of my paintings, I have sold quite a lot and others I have given as presents. Have a nice day!

  16. Pretty art, love the colors. That last meme made me chuckle: Yes, that's what you get for being a feminist.

  17. Fabulous painting and love all the nature pics from your walk-you live in a lovely area
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, it is pretty here, we have nice places to walk. Have a great weekend.

  18. I don't know why I think this either, not having worked for close to ten years, but the weekends are different and special. Maybe it's more time with Rick (he still works, though this week is cycling in Indiana). Anyway, enjoy the weekend. Your photos are -- as always -- so beautiful!

  19. Beautiful diva type painting and gorgeous photos ~ especially the sky ones ~ delightful walk in the park too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  20. Oh Valerie, I love this face. Her expression and the colors are just wonderful. Fabulous photos too. Ohhh, yeah Florida. What a mess. LOL Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks Nicole, you have a wonderful weekend, too!

  21. I never set an alarm, and all days are alike for me. Going on that walk would add some joy to any day :) Your sky photos are, as always, gorgeous.

  22. Your lady is very sexy with her hair draped over one eye ... I hope that is not a tear dropping from her left eye. She should be happy as she is quite beautiful and has a butterfly on her neck. Your park is clearly springing to life ... all that lush green makes me smile. I am so looking forward to the full range of colors of Spring. Beautiful sky shots and even a rainbow ... you are surely blessed. Your Thinkies and Funnies speak some truth this morning ... moving to Florida is surely stepping back in time. Sad but true ... hopefully time will find a solution to such issues :0 Love everything about your post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Hope you are enjoying your weekend . hugs!

  23. I love the bird hotel - does that really exist?
    Such a powerful painting and I cannot get over the size of some of these paintings of yours. I started an A3 painting a couple of years ago and it still has only the background painted. I really should get myk act together and finish it off. Maybe if I set my alarm and got up at 7 in the mornings I would achieve something on the painting front.
    Love the deep blue you use in so many of your paintings, so rich and royal and perfect against the women you paint. This one is lovely and I do like the idea of the butterfly.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I like to work big! And yes, the bird hotel exists! Hugs!


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