
Monday 24 April 2023

T sTands for This and That again

Hi Everybody!

We're starting the last week of April already, time flies!  Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I had a lazy day on Saturday, met up with Heike for coffee and cake, and went out for a meal with Heike on Sunday. In between I read, painted and enjoyed doing my fave things.

For Elizabeth's recycling challenge at AJJ I have a new entry. This was a piece which was flying around in my 'not finished' box. Quite a few years back I made a
Frida Kahlo album  using lots of scraps of Mexican cotton which I sewed together. This was the finished album: 

This is the page I found after I had finished it. I sewed the fabric to a piece of rescued cardstock using zigzag stitch before my machine collapsed from exhaustion. So I glued the ribbon and lace on. The ribbon was from a present, the lace probably a leftover from an older project:

And I still have a huge amount of these colourful scraps....
This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.
On Saturday we went to Café Schuster and enjoyed delicious cake and capuccino. I only thought about taking photos after we had eaten and drunk everything, but we are so good hearted that we ordered more cappuccino so that you wouldn't be too disapointed....

And today I remembered to take a photo of our non-alcoholic beer:


Some spring flowers:

And I went for a coffee a couple of times in between:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The girl being shot breaks my heart. I just cannot wrap my head around such things. Just wrong. Just yuck. Just no!

    PS: Loved the other photos. Sounds like a wonderful day. Big Huggs!

  2. Such pretty blooms and photos. I really love your page for AJJ-lots of textures on this page-really liked this one.
    Does Germany always serve their beers and non alchoholic beers in these tall glasses? I have seen these on Carlola's posts too-pretty fun in the tall glasses.
    great memes too Happy new week and T
    Hugs Kathy

    1. So true about what is happening here in America-sad and disgraceful to the world

    2. Thanks Kathy. Weizen (wheat) beer is always served in these huge glasses, but alt beer - the one most people drink - is served in smaller, cylindrical glasses . There are lots of other types of glasses and beer mugs, too. The world is really in a sorry state, shooting children is soooo sad. People seem to be getting more and more aggressive, and not just in the States. Hugs!

  3. I love how you recycled that page/cover in your Frida journal. You sew so well, even if your machine was unhappy. I like how well the green lace goes with the rest of the page. I am a color freak and this is fabulous. Thanks for this great entry you have given us for AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    How sweet that you went over and above to order two more cappuccinos just so you could take photos of them. That is T Tuesday dedication! Nice to see those non-alcoholic beers, too. Thanks to you and Heike for sharing your drinks with us for T this week, dear.

    Laughed hard at the teapot helmet.

    Cat Rules at my house:
    1. The cat is only allowed on the bed or the office couch.
    2. My cats don't climb.
    3. My cats demand food when they wake, whatever the hour.

    So glad you shared Frank Yarl's plight. Same for the girl who was murdered because she went to the wrong driveway and the two girls who were shot because one mistakenly thought it was her car. Something similar happened to me in a parking lot. I was with Sally and I thought I was at her car, but when the car didn't open, I was embarrassed, but that was better than being SHOT!!!

    1. Thanks Eizabeth. My sewing machine is a disaster, I think I have to take it all apart and clean and oil everything. Loved your cat rules! I think in general there's only one cat rule - cats rule!
      We have to be so careful these days, you never know who's a got a weapon. Guns are not easily available here, but lots of young people now carry knives with them, awful!
      Happy T Day, dear Elzabeth!

  4. Beautiful sewing. Good thinkies. Yummy cappucinos and the beer looks refreshing.

  5. Beautiful photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  6. Lovely photos Valerie and a fantastic recycled art page. I hope you are keeping well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope you are keeping well, too! Hugs!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! The weekend is over, sigh, now it's back to work! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Love the recycled page with Frida, so colourful and fun! Have a lovely week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Have a good week, take it easy! Hugs to all!

  8. Good morning, Miss Tups: Sounds like the title of a book doesn't it, along the lines of "Driving Miss Daisy." I am bowled over by the kindness you and Heike showed by ordering a second coffee, only to satisfy our needs to have a picture. I know that it would have been a great sacrifice for you to drink it, but somehow you managed no doubt. I bet you two always check the location of the bathroom before sitting at the table. That huge rain barrel of beer looks like it a warrants a two-pee stop! Such an enjoyable weekend you had and were joined by Frida Kahlo even. How can you beat that? The situation in the Divided States regarding guns has always been crazy, but of late has risen to the level of total insanity, yet states are relaxing gun laws even further, not tightening up on them. The whole country is run by the NRA it seems. I could not imagine having a child in school there. I'd be anxious every day. Suddenly home schooling would become a huge option. Just yesterday I tried the door of the wrong car. So many cars resemble each other these days, and many are a dull grey colour, it's easily done. Nobody shot me, however. I have not visited the USA in twelve years, (and we used to routinely go there three or four times a year) - Hawk Mountain, PA, a legendary spot is only about a six-hour drive from home - but I doubt that I will ever cross the border again. It really is a sad situation. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, I know, we just have so much heart for others, we had to take another drink for you all! We know where the bathrooms are situated in all of the places we visit here, so we are quite safe if we need to go for a pee! All in all it was a fun weekend, but today it's been raining all day - good weather to be lazy at home!
      I cannot understand why anybody can buy murder weapons without any check - crazy. And children have to suffer. This trend to hurting kids is just terrible. Yes, just being near the wrong car could endanger you! I haven't been to the USA for 15 years or so, and at the moment I don't want to. If I ever get to leave Kaiserswerth I might visit Canada, I know some nice people there! Have a great day, hugs! xxxxx

  9. Your spring flowers are just gorgeous. We're in the rain here. And cool, but that's OK as it makes a nice low key day. Smile. Your Mexican fabrics are lovely, and I bet that is a wonderful little book. Isn't amazing how many scraps we end up with? And it sounds like you had a fun weekend with Heike. It was so nice of her to have another cup so you could get a photo-smile. And all these shooting here in the US are scary. What is sad is how some people live with so much fear that they have to have a gun within reach just because a child rings their doorbell. What a society. Have a wonderful start to your week and happy T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Today it's raiing heavily all day and quite cold, so just right for staying home and haing some creative fun! Yes, we really sacrificed ourselves with that coffee, that's the way we are!
      Yes, it's getting scary in the States with so many shootings, hope all will calm down some time. Have anice day, Erika, take care, hugs!

  10. Your Frida page is so colorful. I like how the green ribbon looks like a veil or part of Frida's shawl. What sacrifices you make for us. Ordering another cappuccino. We thank you. Love that tea kettle helmet and your floral photos are so beautiful.

    1. Thanks CJ. The green ribbon was just perfect for that page, sometimes we strike lucky! Yes, we sacrificed ourselves, and gladly! The tea kettle helmet is so funny! Have a great week!

  11. Well done... such beautiful scraps of fabric you used.
    So I'll take the cup with the cream!
    And, imagine, we also drink non-alcoholic beer here with us ... at home ... Erdinger very popular :-)))
    Greetings to you. Bottom up.
    I love the beautiful spring flowers and the ferry... a little river cruise with coffee and cake... yipp.
    hug Viola

    1. Okay Viola, take the cup with the cream and enjoy it! Oh yes, these non-acoholic beers are great and Erdinger has a very gut taste. Bottoms up, my friend! Have a wonderful week! hugs!

  12. The shootings! The entitled idea that your gun is the first response to _everything_! :(

    I love all your spring photos :)

    1. Yes, it's a sickening thought. Here stabbings are getting popular as guns are hard to get here and many people think they need a weapon!

  13. Fabulous journal and I love all the beautiful fabric and lace. Yes cats own and rule us we pander to their every need lol.Tragedy with all the needless shootings -it seems to be lots of knife crime here -the world is going mad!
    Carol x

    1. Thanksy Carol. Knife crime is getting very popular here, too, people think they need weapons to defend themselves. The world is realy going made, it gets more and more scary! Hugs!

  14. I love that pic of Frida wearing such colorful clothing and that parrot on her shoulder. You do love your coffee, don't you? That dog walking itself made me laugh.

    1. Thanks. Yes, I really don't mind my coffee! Have a great week! Hugs!

  15. Wow your Frida page is fabulous, so colourful!.It was really good of you to take one for the team with the extra coffee lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, that's me, always ready to sacrifice myself....

  16. So beautiful.

  17. Beautiful photos and I love that you go out for coffee! I also take photos of my coffee but end up not posting anywhere!

    1. Going out for coffee is almost like a little vacation!

  18. Fabulous, bright, happy piece Valerie..awesome...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  19. Love your page it is so colourful.
    Beautiful photographs of the spring flowers.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  20. Your collection of bright-colored fabric scraps is lovely. As you say, our country has a real problem with guns and with enabling and even encouraging people to use them in unthinkable ways. Lots of gun rights enthusiasts then say how sad they are about the murders and suicides that result from their policies, but they refuse to acknowledge their complicity in our appalling crime wave, and in fact promote the possession of even more guns including automatics that can do so much harm. Thanks for bringing it up.

    best… mae at

    1. I don't understand why the rules are so lax. Happy T Day, stay safe!

  21. I'm so glad you have a friend who loves going for coffee and dinner and all. Isn't that the best? And those green cups made me smile. It all looks great -- the art, the photos, everyhting!

    1. Yes, it's fun, and good to have someone who joins in! Hugs!

  22. Frida Kahlo is one of my fav artist. I like the bright colors she uses.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  23. this coffee with cream looks so good!

  24. Those are great flower pictures! And those capuccinos look wonderful.

  25. Woww Your Art page is reallyGorgeous dear Valerie ! Love the fabrics you used with so happy colours. Happy ! The cappuccinos look delicious, as the non alcoholic beers. Thanks so much for sharing the so beautiful photographs with us. And thanks too for the smiles.
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugs,

  26. Hi Valerie-
    Just wanted to tell you a quick story after you commented on my blog about not knowing what you'd do if you saw a bear on your balcony. I used to keep my bird feeders hanging off my back deck, and I came home one evening and found a bear there. He had taken the feeder off the pole and was sitting in a chair pouring seed into his mouth. True story. I wish I had a photo to prove it. Now the feeders stay down in the yard because the bears are oily and they leave black residue on the deck. I don't want them there. Just thought I'd pass those thoughts along if you ever once again contemplate seeing a bear on your balcony. hugs-Erika

    1. What a fun story, but perhaps not so funny when you're involved with it. I didn't know bears were oily! I think I'll make do with my birds and squirrels! Hugs!

  27. Loving your fabric album. The colors and patterns are beautiful! And I love all the cappuccinos that you show. They look delicious with the whipped cream on top.

    I live in a small town in Pennsylvania and this is redneck country. Everyone owns guns and we don't have a lot, if any shootings. All the things you hear in the media are mostly from big cities. The majority of people and places are not like that.
    Happy Tea Day,

  28. In all my life, I've never had a cappuccino, can you believe it? The coffees look yummy and all the photos are so lovely too! Love the fabric album too with all the fun items you added to it.

    1. Oh my, how can you live without cappuccino?! Have a great week!

  29. Love, love the cat rules!! Also, the tea kettle helmet! Your fabric piece is lovely! Happy T Day!

  30. Happy Tday! The adulting funny is my fave. Love your Frieda page! Fun stuff. Hugz

  31. Beautiful card/page with recycled materials. It is a great idea to stitch those with zigzag stitch. Hope you could fix the sewing machine. All other photos are beautiful and lovely flowers. Drinks look inviting too.
    Happy T-Day!

  32. Hi Valerie, Thank you for your visit yesterday, I love all the coloured fabrics you've used, so vibrant! Loved the funnies especially the cat one although I'm not a cat lover.
    Always beautiful photos of the flowers and of course the coffee.
    Have a good week, Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. Have a wonderful day!

    2. What a lovely colorful Frida page! And the flowers in the photographs are really beautiful.
      Two cappuccinos just for the T-party! That is real dedication!
      Happy belated T-Day,

  33. I love the updated page! It's very kind of you to have another coffee - such torture to go through As always I loved your photos - lovely blue sky! Cat rules....Ha! Ha! Ha! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  34. Ah yes, I am so good to you all! Hugs!

  35. I have no desire to visit America now that my friend has passed, besides which the insurance is too much the4se days for me to go there. I don't think I would be happy out in the street anyway so it is not a big burden not being able to visit. How can they not ban guns with all the shootings - and so many innocent kids?
    Anyway, I came here to say how much I love your Frieda book. What fabulous fabric and what a fabulous way to use it. It is so colorful and full of gorgeous images - I love it - you have chosen wisely to use it like this.
    Here's to a lovely weekend ahead for you and Heike - and many more shared days out with coffee or beer.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. America is really getting scary. I'm lookng forward to going out for dinner on Sunday again!

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