
Wednesday 15 March 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Time is flying by, as always, there never seem to be enough hours in the day. But perhaps I'm just getting slower - that is really a good possibility!

Today I have a hybrid piece for my anything goes challenge at  AJJ:

And this is meant for my birds challenge at Tag Tuesday:

And I have been spending some money. I needed some new shoes and went with Heike and chose some very comfortable sneakers:

And then I decided that new shoes need new socks. 
And they were on special offer, I couldn't resist!

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and cute thinkies. Glad you did some good shopping

  2. Hi Val, good morning. Love both of your Pieces today, so pretty. Great thinkies and funnies, love the one from MLK, he was always so spot on. Have a wonderful day, take care, hug from us all, Sarah

  3. Lovely post. A stylized version of Da vinici's vitruvian man was my office logo. Nice art and thinkies vj.

    1. The Vitruvian Man is one of my all time faves!

  4. Your vitruvian man is possibly my favorite of all the da Vinci drawings. I absolutely adore what you have created for us today. Quite exciting and full of energy. This charming entry is perfect for your theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your bird tag is sweet and I like your new socks and shoes. Great color, too.

    All of your thinkies are great today. Some are quite thought provoking. Enjoy your mid week, dear.

    1. Forgot to tell you I hadn't finished today's journal entry when I accidentally published it.

    2. Thanks E! Glad ou like it, too. I have sometimes published posts too early, too. These things happen! Have a great day, hugs!

  5. That's fabulous piece. Always a powerful figure which is used to itd full advantage here. I love the background, I think that colour used for the lettering is fantastic. It really hits you when you first look at the piece.
    Love how you have used it in your second piece, very clever - and in both colours it really works.
    Great sneakers.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, da Vinci was really a genious, and I love this image. Gladx you like my sneakers, they are so good to wear on my painful feet. Hugs!

  6. This is adorable and so arty. Hope you are well, sending hugs x

  7. Great job with the scarecrow and the birds, Valerie. New sneakers and socks, dining out at sausage marathons, waffle gorging and coffee slurping - you are just living the highlife girl. I have to say that your new footwear is very funky, quite suitably Valerie-Jaelish. You will have to take a picture and show us when you are wearing them and you set out to promenade aside the Rhine, with stops along the way for coffee, pastries and people watching, of course. Oh, just one more thing - the beautiful bird in the third picture from the bottom is a Lilac-breasted Roller, a gorgeous creature - just like you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Oh David, you are too funny, you always make me laugh. As I read your message I was sitting once again in that restaurant enjoying my food and drink, what a coincidence! Myy highlife goes on and on, and I'm enjoying it! Good to knows ablot the Lilac-breasted Roller, definitely a new one for me - but as we know, Balconia by the Rhine is full of surprises! Have a great day, BIG hugs, Valerie xxx

  8. I am loving the DaVinci take. It's great to see it with some color around it. And art is a really good theme to add to him. And I am loving your scarecrow and bird. My tag is ready and I'll be posting it Friday so keep your eyes open for it. And I like your new shoes. And socks too. I recently bought a new rain jacket but it has a warm lining so it has gotten a lot of use lately. i'm glad I picked it up although at the time I wasn't sure whether to spend the money or not. Happy Wednesday. Thanks for the well wishes memes. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I think art keeps us sane! Looking forward to seeing your tag! I think you need good jackets with your weather! Hugs!

  9. I like that friendly scarecrow :) Cute sneakers and socks. Nice. I like your style!

  10. Twoje prace zawsze mnie zachwycają. Buty super zakupy w promocjach to dobry pomysł na zaoszczędzenie pieniędzy i sprawienie sobie przyjemności. Miłego dnia😊

    1. Oh yes, shopping in promotions is a lot of fun! Hugs!

  11. Hi Valerie, you can't be slowing down looking at all the gorgeous art work you manage to produce but you're right there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day. Lo ving the new shoes and socks, they look really comfy. Martin Luther King was a very thoughtful person, just wish there was more of them. Pleased you like my little drawers on the desk. They are useful for keeping the things you use regularly to hand but I still get in a mess Hee! Hee! maybe need to have a clear out of those drawers that I don't use so often. Have a great week. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela, I need to reorganise my table to maximise the available space, hard! I am a messy!

  12. Love those shoes and socks. Cool buy.

  13. Great memes. I especially like the work in progress. Love your pieces and the tennies and socks. Woot. Woot.
    Hope someone is near to mollycoddle you:)

    1. Thanks Sandra! I was invited out to dinner today, that's really being mollycoddled - full stomach, no cooking and no cleaning up, yesssssssss1

  14. i enjoy the similarity between your journal page and birds tag. both are excellent. xo

  15. Love your "Art" piece and also your cute new shoes and socks. What is it about that -- you just feel even better walking with good shoes and socks!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, the new shoes are very comfy, so good for my feet! Hugs!

  16. Fabulous art Valerie! I love the dotty socks to go with those brilliant shoes! Will hopefully catch up one day, bed now, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I hope I can wear my socks for a long time before getting holes in them! hugs!

  17. Love your tags Valerie. I hope you are keeping well and enjoying being back at home again. Great shoes, love the socks, funnily enough I have just bought new shoes too,lol. x

    1. Thanks Sandie, I'm happy to be back home again, I just need to get used to making my own meals, doing my own shopping etc! Hope you are well! Enjoy your new shoes! Hugs!


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