
Monday 6 February 2023

T STands for The same, the same

Hi Everybody!

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth 's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

This is my messy table once again:

Some coffee  memes:

This cow stands outside the butcher's shop all year round:

For Erika's  seeing red challenge at AJJ I have another hybrid piece. The heads were collaged some time back, the background was hand painted. The quote and birds were added digitally:

Nice decorations in the house:

And a funny:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely red page and happyT day!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good rest at the weekend. Here all is well. Love your art and pics as always. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  3. Klasse deine Fotos mit Kaffedurst und Blumen und deine Journalseiten , und viele andere!
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke, dir eine wunderschoene Woche! Hugs!

  4. I think that a table should only be declared messy when a week's crumbs have accumulated, Valerie, and maybe a banana skin starting to ooze slime, so you are still on the neat and tidy side! Your heads give a whole meaning to the term "redhead" - no hair just red head! The birds perched there are a very nice touch and surely indicate a level of intelligence that we should all strive for. Speaking of birds our crows have become every more regular and more confiding. It's not quite at the stage where they'll snuggle up on the bed, but I'm working on it! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ah yessss! Tables are there to be used! And I keep my coffee cup clean and eat my fruit before it goes bad! Birds in heads are fine with me, better than heads with nothing in them anyway! Glad your cross are getting less shy. When they cuddle with you please tell me! Big hugs, Valerie

  5. I agree with David. Your table doesn't look bad to me. Of course if it was my table it would look like that too. Well maybe even worse-smile. And I am loving the heads in red. I'm so excited you have some heads for AJJ as I do love your heads. Thank you. I appreciate your joining in since I know you're not 100% yet and busy with things at the clinic. I do hope you are getting some rest. And I hope you have a lovely T day too. I'm thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed for some speedy recovery. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much Erika, I like working with red. No I'm not 100℅ yet, hope I'll get there soon! Hugs!

  6. Your table is not messy at all. Love your coffee meme.

  7. The black birds look very striking on the red heads. Your table is rather neat and cheery. The coffee and the apple are eyes. A smiling banana mouth, and a cute tub of jam for a nose. Happy T Day

    1. Smiley food, that's a wonderful thought, thanks!

  8. You sound optimistic today. Hope the treatment is going well. Love those tulips!

  9. Lovely flowers on your window seal Valerie, Loved your art and great memes too Love that cow-I have a miniature cast iron cow that looks similiar to this one-he sits in the living room area Happy T

    1. I have a whole family of cows at home, I'll take some pics when I get back home! Hugs!

  10. Oh my-your funny made me smile! Hope you are feeling better.

  11. I can relate to your love your hybrid piece of art, love the red and all the details and love all the coffee theme photos..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Loved everything. That last meme is a hoot;) Hugs

  13. Sadly I can relate to those bands Valerie. Just finished my Latte and thought I'd see what you've been up too. Loving the flowers but those heads, now they are just amazing. Wishing you a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. Yes, those bands are all familiar to me, too. Time goes by so quickly. Glad you like my heads! Hugs!

  14. Beautiful decorations with lovely flowers. I like these coffee memes. This artwork is beautiful with both hand painting and digital art.
    Have a great T day!

  15. Your last funny is so funny :)

    All the best Jan

  16. Your nemes gave me a good laugh today!! Your flowers are beautiful.

  17. I also wish you a good day
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  18. This is my third attempt to leave you a comment. They disappear into the ether.

    I love the red heads. They are brilliantly created collages. Just lovely. That is a great background, too. They are really perfect for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    Your table is NOT messy. By the time you eat your fruit, the table will practically be bare. Nice to see the coffee on your table and all the coffee memes and funnies. LOVED the cats with coffee, but that last one was the absolute best. Thanks for sharing your art and your coffee, the table, and the memes with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    Now it seems I get "Failed to Publish."

  19. Ha, my comment published itself too quickly. Happy T Day!, Hugs

  20. Valerie, if that's your messy table, I have a news flash for you. That is FAR from a messy table. First, you can see the table surface. Second, you can see everything on it. You're just fine!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, i must learn to see diferently! Have a great week !

  21. You call that messy? lol I think I'll go have some fruit :) Happy T Tuesday

  22. Hi Valerie, I love your tulips, they are my favourite flower. Hope you are well. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. I love tulips, too. Today I bought myself some daffs, love them, too!

  23. Happy T day Valerie... Your tulips really caught my eye! Are they real? Your red heads got my attention too.. love the addition of the birds.. Your memes never cease to make me smile! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks. The tulips are real, there are tulips on all of the window sills here in the clinic, so pretty! Hugs!

  24. Great funnies! I love the pretty tulips, the perfect way to liven up any room is to add fresh flowers. Fun digital art this week.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. I love your new header. And those red heads are amazing! Really beautiful.
    I love having real flowers in the house. I must remember to treat myself to flowers every now and then. Your flowers are gorgeous and I bet they give you much pleasure.
    The rock band funnies are hilarious. Of course I am familiar with all of those bands due to my age. I wonder what they really look like now (if still alive)....
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. Yes the rock bands of our youth will have changed a lot! Hugs!

  26. Oh Valerie, you'll have to try harder for owner of the messiest table! Your red heads are wonderful! Loving the cats, jealous of the tulips and chuckling away at the rock bands! Belated Happy T Day. Hope you are ready to leave the clinic sometime soon, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Okay, I will have to mess my table up more. In 4 weeks I can go home, that's good news! Hugs!

  27. Great funnies Valerie, especially the last one, it did make me laugh. Very clever.It is always lovely to see the flowers in the sills around the clinic, they really do make an effort to cheer everyone up.
    Love your two heads collage, what a fabulous way to illustrate Erika's theme at \AJJ.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. 2 heads are better than one....glad you like the funnies! Hugs!


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