
Thursday 5 January 2023

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Time has flown by again this week, where does it go?

For Mia's 'use a photo' challenge at AJJ I have a hybrid page. The background was painted, the text and flowers were added digitally. The photo shows a photo of my sister Cynthia - a lovely person, inside and out. She lived in the USA, but her youngest son was born when she visited us in London in 1963. It's sad to say that they  both died much too early. The verse on the page is part of a poem from Christine Rosetti:

I am also linking to Nicole's Friday faces  and Gillena's Friday art fun.

The Rhine is filling up againa:

Looking through a window just before dawn:

And some thinkies /funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful artwork with your gorgeous sister and her son Valerie, the background..Happy New Year..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. What a beautiful woman your sister was. you must miss her. I do so love that Rosetti poem. Hugs, Deb

  3. That's such a wonderful page and a lovely tribute to your sister and her son. It's sad to think neither of them is here. The verse is just perfect too. And our water levels are high too with all the rain we had, and now it is just warm enough to have lots of mud. I hope you are feeling well and life is going well at the clinic. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We have had a lot of rain, and I hope the river doesn't flood again! Lots of mud on the trails here, too!

  4. I love the Christina Rossetti poem, she's one of my favorite poets. :) And I agree with everyone else, it is a beautiful tribute to them.

    I love the photos that you included also.

    1. Glad you like that poem, too, she had a great way with words!

  5. I've always like the lawn mowing tattoo on bald men.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. beautiful page Valerie, I lost my sister way too young as well only a couple years after graduating top of her college class-we will always treasure the memories.
    great memes to hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, it's sad when people die too young. Hugs!

  7. Beautiful if sad page. Thanks for the thinkies.

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Lovely page with your sister, she was so beautiful. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  9. Eine sehr schönes Journal zum Andenken mit deiner liebeswerte Schwester mit Kind!
    Tolle Fotos vom Rhein und andere tolle Sprüche! Mir geht die Zeit auch shcneller wie man sieht um und ich hoffe dir geht es gut im Krankenhaus!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. ich glaube die zeit läuft immer schneler wenn an älter wird!

  10. That must have been heartbreaking to lose them both so young. A beautiful tribute page for a beautiful young woman and her baby. Such a lovely background for them and the lovely words.
    Love your funnies, especially the dog, how they got him at that moment I wonder.
    Thinking of you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it's alwsays hard to lose those we love! Hugs!

  11. Lovely page and poem. Love the funnies. Smiling at the hair cut and love the capture of the dog.

  12. The Rossetti poem is spot on, Valerie. Thanks for citing it. I hope that your stay in the clinic is proving beneficial and that the doctors are all working feverishly to mend your stubborn body! You have suffered far too much and too often over the past few years. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ah yes, these past few years have been difficult. It just HAS to get better! Hugs xxx

  13. Happy New Year
    Luv the humorous ones today 😁
    Thanks for linking to my New Year linky


  14. This is so very beautiful. I too miss my sister. It is a lovely tribute to her. I hope you are feeling and doing well. And thank you for joining FFO.

  15. Lovely remembrance of your sister. Fun thinkies. Enjoy your day

  16. Beautiful Page and perfect tribute. Love the photos, especially the dog. The thinkies are cute.

    Hugs and Blessings

  17. Your sister was so pretty. Wow! I am sorry that they both have passed away. Take care. Hope the Clinic is helpful.

  18. Such a beautiful and poignant page Valerie, and wonderful photos & memes.

  19. Dear Valerie, this is such a beautiful page and a lovely tribute to your sister and her son. The poem by Christina Rosetti is so fitting - no more words needed. I'm glad that the Rhein is filling up again, but it is always a weird act of balance between enough water and flooding. We are having heavy rains at the moment, one "atmospheric river" followed by the next - good for our drought ridden land, but unfortunately it also brings a lot of flooding with it and the danger of mudslides in the burnt areas. So difficult to find a good balance, but still, we're all thankful for the rain since we needed it so desperately. Unfortunately, it's still not enough to put an end to the drought. I hope they treat you well at the clinic and that your health will improve considerably.

    1. Thanks so much Carola. Last year we had drought and terrible floods, it was scary.

  20. Beautiful creation and what a lovely tribute to your sister and nephew. Sending hugs Anesha

  21. Your love for your sister is beautiful. You created a lovely piece for her. Your funnies made me smile!

  22. A lovely remembrance of your sister and nephew, I like the Christina Rossetti poem :)

    Many thanks for the photographs, thinkies and funnies.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  23. Have a nice weekend Valerie. Thank you for limking to Art For Fun Friday


  24. Valerie FFO is now up. I put the wrond day for the auto link up. Duhhh... Thank you for joining in.

  25. Your art is a beautiful tribute to a lovely woman. I'm sorry you lost her before your time. Loved the funnies also -- and especially your photo of the gate.

  26. This is a generic copy and paste because I have so many I need to visit. I have been offline since early Tuesday morning. Not only did I lose internet and phone, I also lost heat and electricity. Thank goodness for extra blankets, layering, and two very warm fur babies. Just wanted you to know why you haven't heard from me.

    I am saddened to read about your sister and her son. She was also beautiful, like you, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, sorry you had such a bad time.

  27. Oh my gosh. The memes are a hoot. As usual you got some great shots. That piece is amazing. I love the ebb and flow of color and the verse is moving.
    Happy Holidays. Hugs

  28. ...I should get a tattoo of a lawn mower!!!

  29. Hi Valerie, hope the river doesn't get much higher. We've noticed some of our rivers this week seem to have gone up again. Lovely photos. The tattoo looks good but not sure my hubby would agree to it. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela, we had bad floods last year, and then months of drought!

  30. This is a beautiful page Valerie and I loved the Rhine photos! I must say, when I saw the frog it made me jump, but that is so funny, even though it is a frog! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. I like your tribute to your sister and nephew. It’s beautiful.Thanks for the chuckles. My favorite is the drawing of man mowing hair, lol. Good cheer to you.

  32. I love this post, pretty photos! Have an amazing 2023!

  33. A lovely tribute piece. A loss is always sad but especially when it feels untimely.

  34. Your artwork is beautiful and brings, as it suggests, positive memories on someone you love ... I too lost my sister at a much too early age. I know your pain ...
    As for your Thinkies and Funnies ... I LOL again. This was a particularly good collection and the subtleness of the first is a delight. I so enjoy your posts, Valerie ... Happy New Year to you !

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  35. OMG! Sitting on the edge of the bed!

  36. Such a poignant piece with your sister and nephew, Valerie! The poem is lovely. I keenly miss my parents, and I often feel happiness when I think of them, but I still feel stabs of pain in my heart too. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to lose your sister and nephew. Happy memories to you!

  37. Hi Valerie. Happy Friday
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.



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