
Monday 2 January 2023

TsfT , 2nd on the 2nd and Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today Elizabeth is celebrating her TsfT link party, so here a warm welcome to  all of the nice ladies who visit here. And tomorrow is the 2nd on the 2nd, where we re-show a post published previously. I am combining both challenges as I don't have too much time here in the clinic.

The  drink photos were all taken in September 2017:

And I have a new tag for my new beginnings challenge at Tag Tuesday, where sadly not many people have joined in:

And some drinkies / thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Piękne zdjęcia :) Do takich wyzwań potrzebna jest wytrwałość.

  2. I love the look back of warm weather, drinks, and concerts in the marketplace. Even the tag is making me dream of warm weather. 170 days until the Summer Solstice. Happy Days!

    1. Thanks, it's nice to look back at fun days! Here it:s 15°, so not too cold!

  3. What a delightfully tempting selection of treats. My unsweet black coffee is absolutely boring by comparison, but I do have a seasonal mug to perk up my drink :) Happy T Day!

    1. It's good to remember those treats, but they're not for everydAY!

  4. Nah das macht Freude auf den Sommer , winke Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, irgendwann haben wir sommer!

  5. Wonderful representations of drink! I love the marshmallow world sign! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I have the sign as a postard in my kitchen! Hugs!

  6. 2017 must have been a good year for you. Nice happy photos!

  7. Hi Val, good afternoon, nice to you see you posting. I had to go shopping today, a lot was eaten here over the weekend! Love the fun tag and the lovely photos. Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I know how much the family can eat!

  8. Lovely drinks Valerie, you look great in the photos.

  9. So many delicious looking drinks in 2017. Yum! Love your tag too. :) ~Jess

  10. I love how you incorporated both T Stands For Tuesday with your Second on the 2nd. I adore your retrospective and I can see how happy you looked in 2017. I certainly remember these lovely photos you gave us and all the wonderful drinks you shared from that year. Thanks so very much for sharing these with us as your Second look and your T Tuesday post, dear Valerie.

    That is a very sweet tag. I like how spring like it feels. I will try to find time to create one before the challenge closes.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Glad you like my combo post! Happy T Day!

  11. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  12. All the best wishes for the new year to you from Viola.
    I love the coffee bike :-))) and ice cream in a glass cup... yipp wonderful.
    Thanks for the happy photos. The next summer will surely come :-)))
    Hug from me

    1. Thanks. Yes, the next summer will come. The coffee ☕ bike has wonderful coffee!

  13. All your drinks and snacks look sooooo yummy. Happy T day Valerie. And showing the tag again is a good idea for second on the sceond. And I have an art day tomorrow-hurrah-hurrah, and making a tag is on my list. I finally figured out what to do for this tag, and I finally get an art day too. I haven't had one since before Christmas. I hope life is good in the clinic. Take care too. hugs-Erika

    1. Today I have an easy day, so time for some art, too. Enjoy your art day!

  14. Lovely to see the photographs from 2017.
    I like your tag.
    I enjoyed your drinkie/thinkies.

    Hope everything is going well for you in the clinic.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  15. Wishing you speedy good health, Valerie. Loved all your pictures of food and drink - especially the interesting food bike and food truck - so creative. The flowers and frog are so pretty and fun on your tag. On the funnies, the don't ask one is my fave - I feel like that a lot. Great post. Happy T-day and Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, that's always my feeling when I drag myself out of bed in the morning!☕☕☕

  16. Great art. Delicious looking drinks. Have a great day.

  17. Nice photos of you from the past. I hope your year in 2023 includes lots of fun like that.

    best… mae at

  18. Hello, Valerie: I am pleased to know that you are safely in residence at the clinic and in good hands. I am quite sure that you must be fed up with doctors and other medical professionals probing and testing, but feel secure in the knowledge that they are doing their very best for you. Sometimes it's hard to tune up an old car, or even find parts for it! Hopefully they'll soon be kicking your tyres and saying, "She's running smoothly and is good to go!" I am not surprised that coffee was the dominant drink in your gallery above, but I have to register a huge protest that there was not a single glass of wine. For shame!! I have no doubt that you will rectify this egregious omission when next you feature a bevy of beverages. Take very good care of yourself, obey the doctor's orders, listen to the nurse and finish what you put on your plate! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, sorry about the missing wine, I will try to rectify it another time! Today our meal was very nice and I ate it all up, if I keep on like this I won't fit rhough the door when i go home! I hope you and Miriam are fit and well, well wined and dined and are busy watching your birds! Have a great day, Valerie

  19. Hope you're being a good girl and doing as you're told Lol! You'll soon be back to your old self again I'm sure. The little dog made me smile as all my dogs have loved coffee and will help themszelves to it if I leave it unattended. Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year, hugs Angela xXx

    1. How funny that your dogs like coffee! My dogs liked milk and cream and gravy, but thank goodness they left my coffee alone! hugs!

  20. What a fabulous post and wishing you a very Happy New Year! Loving that tag and those funnies made me smile 😊. I hope that you are keeping well and wishing you a very Happy T Day too! Hugs Jo X

  21. I'm going to take the last 'thinkie' to heart Valerie.. Wishing you a wonderful 2023! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Oh yes, I'm going to sit back and wait for those good days!

  22. i wish you good health and jummy coffee;)

  23. Loved all the drink photos-and warmer weather too although we have a warm day here at the lake right now-nice enough to sit outdoors.
    great mems and love your tag too. feel better Happy T hugs Kathy

  24. Happy new year 🎉 from Chile
    Lovely Tag 👏👏👏 a like details and sun flower , lavander and fun frogg

    1. Thanks so much, happy new year to you and yours!❤️😊❤️

  25. OMG luv the coffee bike and horgeous tag

    Link to my 12 Days of Christmas HERE
    The annual festival is still happening at my blog now. I invite you to link up.

    I will after the festival catch up with prompts and add my links


    1. Thanks Gillena, I will link in the morning. Hugs!

  26. Hi Valerie, I hope the stay in the clinic will be a short one and you can enjoy your home again. But most important is to be well, no matter where you are. I love your images of beverages, especially the Eiskaffee! Oh tasty. I wish you much health and happiness in 2023. - Carola

  27. Hope you are doing well Valerie, love your tag, can't wait to get back into my garden! Happy Second on the Second and Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I hope you will soon be able to get back to your garden!

    2. Here's hoping for an early (and warmer) Spring!

  28. Lovely photos, Valerie. I hope you are doing well in the clinic. You are always in my thoughts.

  29. Love the photos of you. Great post for T Day and 2nd on the 2nd. Happy T Day.

  30. you've made another gorgeous tag and i love seeing your drink photos! i am sure more people will post tags as they recover from the holidays -- i just got mine posted today! i hope you are taking very good care and feeling better every day. xo

  31. Those drinks look delightful! Love your tag.

    Happy 2023, Valerie!

  32. Those drinks look good. Regine

  33. Cool photos. :) It sounds like you had a good time. I love your art of the frog.

  34. How lovely to be reminded in your photos of the coming of Spring and then Summer with those delicious ice cold drinks. Love the drinks mobiles and thanks for the drinks funnies - have to go back for another smile at the bad hair do.
    Hope that they are treating you well and that you are soon able to return to that lovely balcony of yours.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. The dog with the bad hair do is so funny! Have a great day, hugs!

  35. Love this post entirely. The dog with bad do is cute. Been a long time since I had one of those. Not sure I remember them. LOL.

    Hugs and Blessings

  36. 'Don't even ask, just pour the coffee' - oh yes!! I hope all is going well in the clinic! Love your tag, even with the little frog! Hugs, Chrisx


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