
Saturday 13 August 2022

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Greetings from another scorching hot day here, I slowly have the feeling that the world is changing rapidly!

Today I have a piece to share for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. This time I have a spread from my 'left-over' journal. When I have paint, or images or other things left over they get put here. I don't try to paint nicely or do a lot with intent, it's just used spontaneously:

On the left is a photo of me with curly hair, I remember begging my sister to curl it for me. and I know we were invited to a picnic. I used this (shocking) photo of me with a few stickers and some leftover pieces that fitted. The photo on the right side was one in my folder, I don't know who the kids are. Sorry about the the very bad handwriting, that's the best I can do these days!

We had such a beautiful full moon this week, here you can see the lovely moon accompanied by the planet Saturn;

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I can't believe it's Saturday again, the week has zoomed by.

    Lovely art, nice photographs of the moon and a good selection of funnies.
    Thank you :)

    Have a good weekend, ours here in the UK is going to be another hot one!

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. It's very hot here, 41 outside and 32 inside, too much ! Have a great weekend!

  2. You looked so cute with curly hair! Thanks for the funnies!

  3. What an adorable child you were, dear Valerie. I love this and it is perfect for Chris's theme at AJJ, too. I see you backed your photo with paper that used decorator scissors! Nicely done.

    LOVED the cat's comment and the birds in flight.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I gave away all of my decorator scissors to the Kindergarten some time back, but I have an adjustable cutter which I can set to different patterns. I still use my big guillotine cutter for most things, but the smaller one is handy sometimes! The cat's comment is so typical cat! Have a great weekend!

  4. Yes, you looked so cute with curly hair. Great shots of the beautiful full moon.

    1. Thanks Nancy. The moon was so lovely with the planet Saturn next to it!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are less tired today. But I think tis hot weather just finishes us all off! Lovely art, S loved the photo o you back when! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Oh yes, the weather is too hot for comfort! Have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  6. I agree, our world is changing and too quickly! I think that photo of you is sweet, and love your curly hair and coy smile. Your handwriting is fine too. Wasn't the full Sturgeon Moon just spectacular? Here, it had the most amazing colour, but at three a.m. I couldn't be bothered to go outside with the camera! Enjoy your weekend. Hope you find some respite from this heat. Deb

    1. The moon was wonderful. It was too hot in my flat so I sat outside on the balcony for a couple of hours in the night. And some batss kept me company, it was fun to see them flitting around! Have a great day, take care, and hope you have a cool place somewhere! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Hi Valerie, we had a beautiful full moon here, too! I didn't get a good photo of it - the full moon is always so hard for me to photograph! Anyway, Valerie, I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous page and especially like the photo of you. I, too, wanted curls when I was growing up and my older sister would put "spoolies," sponge curlers, in my hair. Then, when I was in high school, we all wanted very straight hair. Funny!!! And your handwriting looks just fine to me! Thanks for sharing your art with all of us. Take care, been thinking about you. Hugs, Sharon

    1. Hi Sharon, my sister had little plastic things to roll the hair around, and That was my big day when I got curled! Have a wonderful weekend, I wil, try to get round to visiting tomorrow. Hugs!

  8. I don't think that you should concern yourself with your handwriting, Valerie. It looks perfectly fine, and penmanship is not a great skill among most people even when they write with a steady hand. Believe it or not, I won the handwriting prize in high school (can you even imagine there used to be such an award?) and if I take care, even today, I can do a pretty decent job. I will have to write out a plethora of slogans and quotes to be used in your art and send them to you, and you can scan them and use them as you see fit. I won't even demand royalties, nor ask for credit. You may use them as you wish and no doubt will need a parasol to shade yourself from the reflected glow of all the compliments that will flow in like rays of sunshine. The heat you are having to endure in your apartment must be daunting, and there is not much relief when you go outside. We see out-of-control fires and parched earth all over Europe on the nightly news. Climate change is already here and its impact will be felt increasingly in many different ways. It won't belong before the last gram of ice melts in Greenland, and the last tree in the Amazon is felled or burned. What a wise species we are, what great custodians of the planet. Our leaders reflect our values too.....Putin, Balsonaro, Orban......great choices we make. At least BoJo has gone, hopefully never to resurface. I will go and get my second cup of coffee and reflect on the state of the world. Better not do that too long or I will be reaching for the whisky bottle! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I think we will all soon be driven to whisky or whatever when I see how things are slithering towards a collapse. This morning it was VERY hot in my apartment. Now it's cooled down to only 29° and it really feels cooler! I love the idea of you writing my comments for me, that would be good! I can send you a list of suggestions.... When I looks outside I could cry, the beautiful flower meadow behind the house is now just burnt brown and dry - and it's the same everywhere. And there are still idiots who settle down in the woods and make a fire to grill their sausages, with disastrous consequences. Tell me, why is the rest of the world not as clever as we are?! The war in the Ukraine seems to find no end, so sad. And Putin and others of his ilk literally get away with murder and other crimes. So, enough of that, its all too depressing. BIG hugs, Valerie

  9. Your spread page is Amazing Valerie ! Love the photographs, and your quotes. So good when you recycle. Have a great weekend, sending big hugs

    1. Thanks so much Caty, enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  10. Oh forgot to say you that I loove this moon, and that I´ve laugh a lot with your funny with dog and cat jaja. super! thanks again.

    1. The moon was lovely, and that's just how cats and dogs are!

  11. Cutie pie with your curly hair. I'm glad you used your own handwriting on the page instead of cut out words. Beautiful moon pics. It was cloudy so I wasn't able to glimpse the full moon. Stay cool.

    1. Thanks, I just hate seeing my handwriting and how it now looks. But I'll have to get used to it! You stay cool, too!

  12. Beautiful art Valerie, you look very cute with your curls. Great photos too, and I love the funnies.
    Hope you're having a good weekend, and managing to keep cool.

    1. Thanks Alison. I don't look so cute these days! Stay cool!

  13. You look so cute with curls! The one of Hercules made me laugh. Gigi hawaii

    1. Thnks a lot, now you know what Hercules was up to!

  14. What a cutie with those curls! And I loved the funnies, too, especially the cats, of course! Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! Cats always have their special place! Happy Sunday!

  15. You were and are the cutest little thing. Those memes were a hoot.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Glad you liked the funnies! Hugs!

  16. The moon was sure pretty last night.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. I love your journal idea. It's a beautiful way to capture memories.

    Thanks for the funnies. There are so many I must take and share. :)

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I have lots of journals with vaious themes, alwaysy a good place to store memories!

  18. I think your "bad" handwriting is better than mine on a good day. It looks very legible to me. And I like your leftover journal pages. I smiled at that story of you with curly hair. I like it. I always wanted straight hair instead of my hair with a few curls here and there and straight hair other places. Great moon photos too. I hope you are having a super weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I think we always want what we haven't got! It's very hot here, and I feel like I am melting! Hugs, Valerie

  19. I've got news for you: That is not "bad handwriting" lol

  20. Your childhood photo is cute. I wish you good health and good days :)

  21. There are some interesting thoughts on the funnies this week. I can particularly relate to speaking to myself as the answers are usually what I prefer to hear! We had a beautiful moon like that last week, it was massive but don't think I saw the planet. Loving your photographs too, great keepsakes. To be honest I rather like your handwriting. Take care and wishing you a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  22. What an absolutely fabulous spread! It's a great childhood memory to add to my AJJ theme I can't see why you don't like your handwriting - sometimes I can't even read mine back. Love your moon pics. The Hercules funny really made me laugh! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. What an absolute sweetie you were Valerie, that is a lovely childhood photo. My hair was very straight and i remember having ringlets (wound hair around rags) for special occasions, I love how you have made these two pages, and I am in awe of the one on the right did you do that transfer onto fabric? No worries about your handwriting, mine has gone really dreadful.
    Love your photos and funnies, the mosquito one had me laughing for ages.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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