
Thursday 11 August 2022

Thursday / Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Another week is speeding by, the weekend is coming nearer! Today I have a piece to share that started out more or less by accident.  This is what it looks like finished:

I started out with some cream paint which I wanted to spread with a card. When I looked it had developed sort of ridges, and I decided to make something from it instead of flattening them out. I grabbed my clay balls and pushed them into the still  wet paint:

Then I dripped some of my home made brown coffee ink over the beads:

Then I decided to add some gold:

After that I added some scraps of old letters, some gold dots, and some white feathers tipped with gold glitter:

Then I added some honey coloured glass beads:

A cut out eagle flew onto the page:


This was a fascinating process, making something that was not planned, and not meant for any challenges, just for me. And I've made a new folder in my photos, 
'just so', as I intend to make more spontaneous pieces - just so!

And I have another piece for my challenge at Tag Tuesday, dots and stripes. I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and  Gillena's Friday art day:

And some funnies to finish off:

Have a great day, take care, 
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good way to spend the day.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Lovely textured page and a nice tag. Thanks for the funnies.

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better today, and that the heart problems settle down again! I LOVE your new page, totally different and very fascinating, great colours, too and I enjoyed exploring all the details. Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like the page! Have agreat day, hugs to all!

  4. Your new page is absolutely amazing! Serendipity indeed. It brings to mind the Nature Table of my childhood days in school. Hope you are okay.

    1. Thanks Deb, glad you like it. It was serendipity creating it, too . just doing what felt right, instead of having to stick to a theme. We had a nature table at school, too, I wonder if they still have them these days. Have a great day, hugs!

  5. Apologies Valerie for not calling in so often just now. I have had a good read and catch up and have to say that this page you created looks fabulous, great textures.
    Look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Don't worry about not visiting, it's just important that you feel well!

  6. doggo conversation is so cool xd

  7. Good morning, Valerie: There seems to be little justice in this world. My accidents are just that - accidents - some times of great magnitude, disasters, catastrophes, cataclysms even, whereas yours are transformed into appealing, lovely works of art with gold even, and words of wisdom. And then you follow up with mystique, charm, grace and elegance. Mystique is a quality I certainly don't possess, charm much less, grace not a chance. Elegance. Forget that! You have left me in such a state of self-deprecation, wallowing in the depths of odious self-pity, feeling unworthy from every perspective, I doubt that I shall ever be able to recover. I hope you are willing to shoulder the full responsibility for this state of affairs. It is up to you! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. David, you are definitely not lacking in all of these things - your charm has reached me across the miles, so believe it. And elegance is something not really needed, you are always dressed for the occasion, and that is how it should be. I am sitting here typing under difficuties, it is so hot, I am melting. My thermometer showed 44 degrees this morning, and that is a tad too much. I'm sorry your comments often land in Blogger Jail, but I always release you as soon as I switch the computer on. I check my comments folder with great care. I wish you a good day, with all good things you like! BIG hugs!

  8. I notice that, as so often happens of late, my comment has disappeared, so perhaps you can check your spam folder, Valerie. Virtually all the comments I have left this morning have similarly disappeared. It is getting so frustrating that I am seriously thinking of giving up on commenting. Some bloggers know to check spam, others have no idea and don't even know that fellow bloggers have taken the time to visit their blog and show their appreciation. Bah, humbug. If my name stops showing up, Valerie, you will know that it reflects no lack of interest, and I will still be looking at your blog. I may just stop leaving comments. And to think this all used to work so well!

    1. Yes, the new ideas Blogger has introduced are really no improvement. But please, come and visti me, what would I do without my daily dose of David? But yes, it is frustrating and most of us are experiencing the same problems. Be courageous and keep soldiering on! BIG hugs - again!

  9. This is beautiful, Valerie, love it to bits! Hugs, Joan

  10. In the heat of today I feel just like Bugs Bunny! Exhausted, and I only made one card - took me all day more or less. Everything is so much effort when it is so hot.
    Your tag is lovely but it is the first piece that fascinated me. How beautiful is that! I so enjoyed watching it unfurl into something that reminded me of Dreamcatchers with all the feathers and beads and dangly bits.
    I love texture and this certainly has lots of it, a fabulous piece. Truly fabulous!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like it! Yes, it does have a lot of dream catcher elements. It's hard to concentrate on this heat, I think we all felt like Hugs Bunny today! Hugs)

  11. The memes were hilarious. Love the pieces. The first one is so creative. Kudos.

  12. OMG!!! your creative muse is smoking hot. really luv what you created from your smudges.
    Luv the card for Nicole's face prompt. Have a nice Friday


    1. Thanks so much Gillena, I have linked to your blog, too! Happy Friday, hugs!

  13. You did a great job with the cream paint art. Very interesting and you are very creative. Love the funnies.

  14. Wow. This is stunning Valerie. I love all the details, and you certainly added those coffee ink drips neatly to the ridges. I think your instincts were straight on when you left the ridges. And using the feathers and the other details too.There is a lot to look at, and I want to look at it. Your tag is great also. I hope you're having a lovely week and feeling good. Happy rest of your Friday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks so much, Erika! Glad you like my page, I had fun with it, it's good sometimes to just play!

  15. Oh Valerie, this first piece is just brilliant. The little girl in your FFO piece is so cute and all of that beautiful hair.

  16. Very creative and beautiful! Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks 

  17. It's amazing how creative you are. You let the imagination flow. This would make a very nice wall hanging.

    1. Thanks a lot, I think I will put it on my wall! Have a great weekend!

  18. Wow, what a stunning page! I love how it spontaneously came together, your applied wetaint and clay balls so perfectly to create a beautiful Native American feel - amazing 😊. That's such a pretty tag too and the funnies made me smile! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

  19. Valerie, I love this "accident"!!! It is gorgeous! Clay balls? Now you made me curious, I don't really know what they are. They look great here and give so much texture. I would frame this and hang on my wall. Have a lovely weekend, hopefully not too hot.

    1. Thanks Carola. It's extremely hot here, roll on autumn! You can buy those little clay balls, I have 2 jars in different sizes . I love playing! Have a great weekend!

  20. Oh Valerie, your Art page is Wonderful! I really like to see how you have been creating it, it is a very interesting process. Sometimes, we start something, without knowing how we are going to finish it. And we are pleasantly surprised.
    I also love your tag, it's beautiful.
    Have a great weekend, and big hugs

    1. Thanks so much, Caty. Have a great weekend and keep cool. Hugs!

  21. Full marks on your fabulous art page :)

    All the best Jan

  22. I was incredibly impressed with that amazing art piece you created. I absolutely love it. I think the clay balls, once covered with paint and dye look like wildflowers. It is fabulous.

    Your face tag is lovely and I am in awe of it. LOVE how Bugs feels, too.

    1. Thanks E, sometimes it's good just to play. Those little clay balls are fun to use and give such wonderful texture! Bugs really says it all! It's extremely hot this morning, I think I will just go back to sleep!

  23. This piece (the first) knocks my socks off. It has such a wonderful organic feel -- I love how you shared the step outs because it really brings it to live. I would love to see this one framed in a shadow box so the textures had room to breathe -- or even mounted on a stretched canvas. It's a stunner.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I like it, too, and really enjoyed watching it grow!


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