
Monday 1 August 2022

New challenge at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

It's nice to be back after my month of rest and quiet. I missed being here but it was really necessary to step aside for a bit.

Today we are starting a new challenge at AJJ and this time our lovely Chris  of Pear shaped crafting is hosting, and her theme is, 'When we were young'. I'm sure we all have lots of memories of former times, and here you can put them into your journal pages.

I remembered my head for this one! The flowers were painted onto the blue background, and the head mounted onto the background. The figures of the kids were added digitally using images from Serif. The quote is from the book of Corinthians, and was also added digitally:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday linky party, so here are some fitting images:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful first entry dear Valerie. It's good to have you back, but please don't overdo yourself like you have in the past.

    I know Chris is going to love this first entry because it features flowers and a garden in your head. Thanks for this great entry for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    I'm LOVING the cat before and after coffee. That had me laughing. Thanks for sharing these with us for T this week.

    That woman balancing that scale is a lot more agile than I would be in that position. Both cute and clever.

  2. Thanks E, it's nice to be back, but I know I must cut back. I liked the cat funny, too. Have a great day!

  3. Hi Val, great to see you back 'at work' again, but please, take it easy, we don't want any more heart attacks again! We've been away in Hungary, got back home on Friday. BIG hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad you got back safely, hope you didn't have too much hassel at the airport. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  4. So lovely to see you back :)

    Great post. Colourful art, great coffee and I enjoyed the funnies.

    Continue to take care of yourself,my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I'm trying to take things slowly!

  5. Welcome back, Valerie. It's good to see you again. We all hope that you are revved up and raring to go with lots of creative ideas brimming in your head. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, it's good to be back! I always think of you when I sit outside and watch the birds! Hugs!

  6. Welcome back Valerie - I wrote a long comment using the computer and it refused to publish so here I am on my old tablet. This page makes me so happy! I always love what goes on in your head and this garden with the children playing is such a perfect start for my AJJ theme, thank you! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Blogger and comments is sometimes a complicated thing.... Today my head is telling me to make myself a cheese sandwich with tomatoes! Have a great day and a fun month hosting!

  7. I'm so glad you are back Valerie. I missed you. And you came back to a fun challenge too. I am also happy to see one of your heads. This one is particularly fun to see. You used a great variety of images. I'm glad you feel refreshed and rested, and I hope your health stays better also. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, I missed you, too. Every time I saw a bee on my balcony plants I thought of you! Hope they are all doing well! Hugs!

  8. Besutiful page Valerie and fun thinkies. I missed you! Welcome back.

    1. Thanks Christine, I missed you, too. It was strange not to blog for so long!

  9. I’m glad you’re back. Regine

  10. What a beautiful journal page. I love the contrasting colours of blue and yellow and the beautiful colours of the flowers. The images of the children are fabulous, they have an old fashioned look about them and take me back to my childhood and my favourite hobby - reading.
    So good to have you back, you were missed last month but I understood as to why you were absent and I hope it has done you good taking the month off. Please do not go mad though and try to create too much, take it nice and slowly, at your own pace - your health comes first.
    Sending Gentle Hugs,
    Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I had fun with this page. When we were kids we were always outside, and I used to love taking a book to the garden. We played so many games, too, I don't know if the youngsters today even know how to just play outside. I am going to try to do less than usual, I need to cut back. Sad but true, old age has really caught up with me! Have a great wek!

  11. Welcome back! We missed you. Very sweet art today. I love the colors.

    1. Thanks so much, it's good to be back! Have a great week!

  12. Great to see you back and glad you had plenty of rest,peace and quiet and ready to crack on..and what a start with this fabulous piece Valerie, love it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I enjoyed my break but it's good to be back!

  13. So good to see you posting Valerie-hoping you are feeling much better-hugs/ loving your art and great funnies and memes-Happy T hugs Kathy

  14. Fabulous, it's so lovely to see you back! I hope you had a relaxing July and are feeling much better 😊. Your page is gorgeous, I love the head with the pretty flowers and childhood memories. Those T Day funnies are perfect this T Day too - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, I'm happy to be back. My head is mostly filled with nonsense, flowers are better! Happy T Day, hugs!

  15. Hi Valerie, great to see you back. We've missed you. You must have beautiful thoughts in your head my friend if this art work is anything to go on. Love the funnies too. Happy creative week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, it's good to be back. I sometimes have naughty thoughts in my head these days! Hugs!

  16. It's so good to see you back, Valerie, but please be careful and don't overdue things.
    Your first entry is simply beautiful, I like that journal spread. I especially like the little cat on the chin! And of course those cat funnies are wonderful, especially the coffee one! Have a wonderful week, my friend.

    1. Thanks Carola, not overdoing things is always hard for me!

  17. Welcome back Valerie. Lovely blue head and Bible verse. You had my laughing out loud at your funnies, especially the Fun Facts. (I did exactly as predicted and that really got me giggling)
    I hope you will continue to take it easy,
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I loved the fun facts, too, I think everybody tries it out - too funny! Laughter is good for us! Hugs!

  18. Loving your unique piece of art this week! Those funnies are great. I laughed at so many of them.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Laughter does us all good, enjoy!

  19. Love the 10 fun facts. I enjoyed all your funnies. Great artwork, too. Happy Tea Day.

  20. I love the floral head. Great colors. Good choice of funnies especially the black cat. Only in my case it would be tea. Happy T Day

  21. I love the smile on the top of that cuppa :) Almost a shame to drink it. Almost ;) Happy T Tuesday!

    1. The cafe where we had the coffee always puts faces on the milk foam!

  22. Such a great art piece, Valerie. So fitting for Chris' theme and I always love your art with that cool head. I know the words are meant to give us instruction, but some of the childish ways need to stay with us (smile). Love the funnies and that smiling coffee! Glad you are back - I took a little break as well - sometimes it is necessary. I hope you are feeling well. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Yes, sometimes a break is necessary indeed! I think we all still have our inner child, and that's good. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  23. It was lovely to see your head feature on the journal page Valerie and good to see you back with a blog post/ Those funnies were good as well.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Welcome back, Valerie! If I'd not seen a new post for you, I would have written in concern. I knew you were taking a month -- but if it was longer I was going to start to worry. I hope it was productive in helping your health. Lovely art, as always. It's good to see it again.

    1. Thanks Jeanie! The month did me good, but I need to continue to take things easy, which is hard for me. Anyway, I have more reading time! Hugs!

  25. Beautiful art and some great funnies.
    It's good to see you back Valerie, I hope the break helped.

  26. Welcome back to blog land.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  27. Welcome back Valerie, I hope your break was restful and refreshing. Love what's inside your blue head, it looks so happy and joyful. Take care Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  28. Welcome back, Valerie! I know everyone missed you so much. This is such a happy and beautiful work of art. I I absolutely love the quote you used from the Bible, too. Take care of yourself, my friend. HUGS!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I love that quote, too. Thanks for coming by, I missed being here, too!


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