
Tuesday 2 August 2022

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd and I have some journal pages made back in 2016  for our 'Back to School' challenge' at AJJ, as this reminds me a bit of Chris's 'when we were young' challenge.

The first shows a group of children. I have hidden myself in the picture, and my mum and Erika are also both there. 

School uniforms in England:

Back in the 1930s - Erika is the 2nd from the right. They are all dressed in their sport dresses:

Here the kids are waiting to go back to school. The building in the background is Tower College, where I taught for a while:

A Christmas disyplay made with an art class in the 1980s:

Another art group where we made papier maché heads. This must have been in the 1970s. The kids must all me getting on for 60 these days!

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad you're back, I missed seeing your posts. :) I love the collage you made. :)

    1. Thanks Quinley, it's good to be back! Hae a great week!

  2. Lovely pages and the funnies are great!

  3. Adorable post fabulous as always with the gorgeous colours and design ♥

  4. I'm delighted you are back! You certainly have been missed!
    Love the pictures and funnies.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Veronica, I missed you all, too! Have a great week

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Fun post today, and yes, I found you in those pictures, how could I forget those uniforms....Great funnies, too, thanks for the laughs. Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah. I think we all run when we see blue flowered dresses! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. I like the back to school challenges. Thanks for the laugh.

  7. Good morning, Rejuvenated Valerie: It looks like you are wasting no time hitting your stride and presenting fine pieces for the appraisal of the contest judges and for the enjoyment of your discriminating audience. All those "real" people added to the mix is a nice touch, especially when you can include yourself and your mom in the days when you could turn cartwheels and jump fences. It's good to see school uniforms again. I was always in favour of them since they tended to obliterate some of the disparities between social classes or levels in society, and they seemed to build a certain cohesion too. There are myriad other opportunities in life for individuality. As everyone is saying, it is really good to see you back. Stay well and stay with us! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David! I like to combine reality and phantasy when I can, and here it was a good possibility. Sometimes we turned cartwheels all the way home from school, we climbed over the ruins of houses on bombsites, and it was our way of playing. They built a real playground with swings and a roundabout when I was about 10, before that there was nothing because it had all been flattened in the war. And we all wore our uniforms! Definitely better than the clothes some kids wear to school today! Have you been birding recently? Have a great day, hugs!

  8. That was a fun AJJ challenge, wasn't it? I love seeing these again. And I remember them also. And your funnies made me laugh, especially the one about catwoman and ironman. Hee-hee. I hope your day is going well. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, back to school is a fun challenge, especially for ex-teachers! I still do too much, and have to keep reminding myself to rest! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs!

  9. Oh my gosh I'm still laughing at your funnies! They are great. Always, always love your art. The first page is very sweet.

    1. Thanks Debra! Laughter always does us good. Hugs!

  10. i love this arts with photos of those kids:)

  11. Yay! You're back! Welcome.
    Loved all your pieces, especially the first one. Very clever. The funnies were hilarious.

  12. Beautiful school days post. Most kids here don't go back to school until after the first weekend in September. The kids in my town go back the last weekend in August. Still lots of Summer left. Cat woman and Iron Man cracked me up.

    1. Thanks! Glad you liked cat woman and iron man, I wish I had an iron man! Here each state starts their vacations at different time, so some will be going back this month, others not till the end of September. Enjoy your summer!

  13. It was great looking at your art work and reading the funnies.

  14. Cat woman and iron man had me laughing ... brilliant :)

    Loved your art today, it made me think of my school days ... they were good.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I enjoyed my school days, too! Have a nice day!

  15. Gorgeous post Valerie ! Love all the cards and photographs, they are fantastic. The children are always so happy and tender.
    I wish you a very nice week and a great day.
    Big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty. It's always a joy to be with children! Have a great week, BIG hugs!

  16. I like the one about meeting people where they are -- and sometimes have to leave them there. These are just marvelous art pieces, every single one. I'm loving the faces, the costumes, using your family and self in the pieces. I love this style and you do it so well!

    1. Hi Jeanie! Yes, that's very true, some people are toxic for us and we need to get away from them. I like making these sort of things, and am lucky to have all of the family photos which my mum had put in the garbage! Have a lovely week, hugs!

  17. Very interesting look back for school days in England. Love it! Some of your memes are hilarious.

  18. Great pages and posts, I hope you are keeping well Michelle x

  19. I think I've found the three of you in the first piece.
    Love the chicken crossing the road meme:)

  20. Fabulous artworks Valerie, and the funnies are excellent! It's really good to have you back in blogland! xx

  21. Love these second looks Valerie. I had a friend who taught at Tower Hill and I can't believe that we used to live so close - we lived in Penketh at that time. What a small World this is ! Great funnies - the phone call one cracked me up. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, it's a small world. I lived in St Helens and then Liverpool it was a good time!


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