
Saturday 25 June 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! Have a great one! Not much bla-bla from me today, I'm still not feeling good.

I have another fish to share for Mia's fish challenge at AJJ. This fish looks like he's out for a bit of fun - lets hope he finds it!

And I have another piece for my die-cut challenge at  Tag Tuesday:

Some photos of bees:

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hello Valerie: I am sorry to hear that you are still not really feeing well. This has been a long struggle. Your fish looks like he is out for some fun and perhaps he will have a fine fishy frolic with a fish fatale in the foam! What could be better than that for one of the finny kind? I am happy to see pictures of bees. As we all know they have undergone catastrophic declines in recent years, and we need to do everything we can to boost their populations back up again. Having people get rid of lawns - green deserts effectively - would be a great place to start, and planting wildflowers instead of grass. The bees will come, pollination will occur, and the whole ecosystem including humans will benefit. Why it is so difficult to get our heads around these simple concepts is difficult to understand. Tomorrow I am leading an all day bird walk and the temperature is forecast to get up to thirty degrees - far too hot, but we will be down at Lake Ontario part of the day, so it should be a little cooler there. Fingers crossed! Sleep well, wake refreshed, drink coffee, go for a walk, listen to bird song. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thnaks David. I have often had these inflmammations caused by my auto immune disease, but never like his that it keeps coming back every couple of days. Going to speak with my doctor on Monday. They let our back garden grow wild for 2 months, it was lovely, but some complained, and now it's short again. I can't understand it. By now everybody shoud have heard whats going wrong with our world! I think my fish is really off on an adventure, let's hope he enjoys it, and let's hope we will still have fish in the sea a few years on. Enjoy your birdwalk, hope it isn't too hot! Now I need another coffee, TTFN! BIG hugs!

  2. Lovely art! Sorry you are not well. 2 million dollars would be a great distraction haha

  3. Lovely fish and tag, I hope you are feeling much better soon Valerie, great to see the bee photos.

    1. Thanks Sue, we so need our bees! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  4. Hi Valerie Your fish is really sweet loving the colors, enjoyed all the bees in the photos, and really fun memes. feel better and rest-hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a great week! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Hi Val, good morning. It's cooled off a bt here, but in the sun it*s still very hot. The whole family are on their was here, so 'll keep this short and sweet. Have a good weekend, get plenty of rest, and hope you soon feel better. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have fun with the family! Hugs!

  6. Another super Tag, which reminded me I have that fence die somewhere in my craft room, not seen it for a while, got to be there though as I don't lend any craft stuff out to friends, no matter how much they beg,lol.
    Love the busy bees, I have planted out quite a few tubs of flowers out this year, also the gardener here ( I live on a private estate ) has left a large section of the communial lawn quite wild, with the buttercups,daises,dandlions etc.
    Sorry you are still not feeling to well, hope your doctor can get you better soon...hugs xx

    1. Thanks Sandie. I had to look for the fence and tree, too, I have too much and its hard to keep tabs on everything! Glad you have some flowers for the bees, that's always good. This year hasn't really been good up till now - 4 months in the clinic and I am still not well. It has to get better sooner or later! Hugs!

  7. Wunderschön dein Fisch und deine andere Arbeit, es sind alle wahre Kunstwerke!
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir und pass gut auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. That is a happy looking fish. Beautiful photos of the hard working pollinators at work. Arh! That is a cute face with 2 horns peeking from behind the door.

  9. Love the blue color that makes the fish stand out. Amazing bee and flower photos. Rest well and feel better soon.

    1. Thanks CJ, blue is always one of my fave colours!

  10. I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. That fish sure looks like it's perky! I love your pollinator photos :) Such lovely flowers.

    1. Thanks, I wish I was as perky as that fish! Have a great weekend!

  11. Take it slow and careful getting back. Healing isn't a race, as you know. And I absolutely adore that fish! He's wonderful and I love the colors!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I am taaking things slowly but at the moment I'm just not getting anywhere! Glad you like my frisky fish!

  12. HI Valerie!

    i received an Email from Kathy telling me i NEED to go look at Valeries bee pictures!!! Love them! and your whole post .. I'm a bee lover .... lol Yet i'am a person who does not like honey.. go But i'am creating a bee mixed media altered book... so fun.. hope you feel better soon! Hugs! deb

  13. I hope you can rest this weekend. I know I'm not alone worrying about you. Love your fish and the tag. I'm going to make some of those log holes for bees. I have a little house that has lots of bamboo pieces for them to make their little nest in, but it's getting filled up! We have lots of logs-so when hubby has the chance-I'll hand him the drill!

    1. That's a great Idea. My balcony bee house is always buzzing! Have a great Weekend, hugs, and thanks for your concern.

  14. I enjoyed your funnies.
    Beautiful photographs, and a friendly looking fish.

    Hope you can rest a while over the weekend, and feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  15. Beautiful photos and fantastic art Valerie.
    Hope you feel better in the coming days.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thnaks Yvonne, thanks for visiting, stay well!

  16. Oh I do hope he finds his fun activity too. Perhaps he will join us with a school and zip around the ocean, a colorful guy in a mass of silver. I like his polka dots. And your tag is wonderful also. I like seeing your bee photos. I have some bushes called Spirea and they are flowering now. I think every bee in the yard has found them. Not only do the bushes hum, but there are a huge amount of varieties of bees on them, including my honeybees. It's fun. Have a great rest of the weekend. Enjoy. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's so wonderful to See the flowers füll of bees!

  17. I wish you a lot of health because it is the most important thing. Your works and photos are beautiful.
    Have a nice Sunday:)

    1. Thnaks so much Lucyna. Health is really very important. Have a great week!

  18. Fun fish art ~ and elegant tag art and awesome nature photography ~ Xo ~ Feel better soon ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in you days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Great art pieces! I absolutely love all the bee pictures. So many beautiful images. I love bees and you did such a nice job capturing them in nature. Love! Have a great week ahead. :) ~Jess

    1. Thanks Jess, we all need to care for our bees

  20. Lovely fish pics (art-works). Also i loved bee and flowers photos. All look great.

  21. I think this fish is wonderful. I love how you have created fish that are so very different from real ones. I even think the colors are great on this one. It's a fun addition to Mia's theme at AJJ. Love the tag, too. Wish I had some dies that were not tags or outline type.

    LOVE your photos. Is that a bug/bee motel? I want to make one myself. I really love all the bee photos you took. They are so important in our lives.

    The cat gymnastics is Bleubeard to a T. Not so with Squiggles, who doesn't like boxes or being up at night (or whenever I'm sleeping, the only time he knows he has me to himself).

    1. Thanks E. The bee homes were a project l worked on some years back with a group, it was fun. Have a great week!

  22. love that happy fish :) And your beautiful tag. :) It is also good to see your tiny wildlife. We need them.

  23. Wonderful post. I do like these green fish. LOL have a lovely day.

  24. Lots of BUZZ on your post today Valerie. I do love that tag for sure! So sorry to read you are not feeling better you. I am sending get well vibes your way xxx

  25. Another gorgeous fish and great photos too. Hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, it's a bit of a fight just now.

  26. I do hope Dotty the fish finds whatever she is looking for. She is a fine looking specimen of a fish and swimming around in the lovely blue water she is easily spotted (no pun intended) but also easily camouflaged by the spotty sea.
    Another successful page.
    So sorry you are not feeling well, I do hope you start to improve soon.
    Take care, Hugs, neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I have had great fun making these fish this month! Hugs!


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