
Monday 27 June 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is over and gone and a new week is beginning - let's hope it will be a good one. Today I have another fishy painting to share for Mia's Fish challenge at AJJ. This is another A3 acrylic painting showing a friendly and colourful fish, living in a happy sea:

Here is my friend Heike at the Rhine:

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the other ladies who join us at the party. Today I have some coffee funnies for you:

A friend celebrated her birthday last week, and I was invited to a wonderful dinner at the Schnellenburg, a very nice restaurant directly next to the Rhine. Her brother and sister in law were there, too, and we had wonderful food and a lovely evening:

I sat right next to the window opposite Heike so I could watch the Rhine and the ships passing by:

Some funnies:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I so love your fish. That's a nice view from the restraint window. Good funnies too. Hope your are doing well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, it was indeed! Have a great week!

  2. Hi Valerie, I love your fish painting, great funnies, and what great views from the restaurant-nice to be able to get out with friends too-hope you are feeling better hugs Happy T Kathy

    1. Thnaks Kathy. Glad you like the fish! The restaurant was really fantastic. Hugs!

  3. Dining beside the river looks very idyllic. You must have really enjoyed it.

    best... mae at

    1. The locality was really fabulous, a wonderful place to sit and dream - and eat!

  4. That is a happy looking fish with a sweet smile. Great view of the river from where you were seated. Thanks for the funnies.

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad yo like my fish. And in the restaurant I ate fish, grilled salmon, yummy!

  5. Loved everything in this delightful post - the happy fish, funnies and fabulous photos.

    Have a great week ahead, Valerie.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! LOVE your beautiful fish - you have been so creative with this theme, and I loved seeing all of your various fishes. It would be nice if you could put them all together, they are such good fun! Have a great week. Here all is well, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, good idea, I will try to put them together to a collage tomorrow! Have a great week, hugs!

  7. What a cute fish today. I am loving how you've been using lots of dots lately. And that looks like a beautiful restaurant. I'm glad you had a good time out. Having a seat with something to look at is great too. And your funnies made me smile. I hope you have great T day and week ahead Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I have really had fun with these fish! Sometimes it's good to try something new. Have a wonderful week, hugs, Valerie

  8. This handsome fish would be quite at home on a coral reef, Valerie, among all the clown fish, and angel fish, with anemones waving in the swell, and spiny lobsters scurrying along, and eels hidden in caves. But wait, we are destroying those reefs aren't we and they are just bleached remembrances of their former selves, devoid of life, a testament to the beauty and diversity that once was, an indictment on the stupidity of humans. Yet still be buy our drinks in plastic cups with plastic straws, knowing full well that most of them will wind up in the oceans, to continue the work we have begun in ensuring that productive ocean ecosystems cease to exist as we dredge the ocean bottom destroying all life that exists there. God forbid that we could do without plastic shopping bags to be blown to the four corners of the earth, and how could you drink water without putting it in a plastic bottle first? There are doubtless parents and grandparents who profess great love for their children and grandchildren who merrily continue on a path to ensure that a more ravaged and polluted world is left for them; sadly, in full knowledge of what they are doing. It's perhaps a good thing, Valerie, that your colourful, friendly fish is only the product of your imagination. It would have a hard time surviving in real life. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ah yes, this is so true. Here in Germany no hops are allowed to sell the cheap plastic bags to carry your goods home, all bags have to be ones which can be used for a long time. And plastic bottles have to be returned to the shops or you lose the 25c deposit- And plastic straws and other things for eating and drinking are all forbidden, too. You have to buy a re-usabIe set of whatever you need, or take your own containers. I know it's literally only a drop in the ocean, but at least something is being done. It's a start and that's good. I am alwas an optimist! If I wasn't, I would probably have jumped off a bridge years ago! Have a good week!

  9. And it's a very good start, Valerie.

    1. Thanks, it is, and more laws will make it even better.

  10. I love your fish. So pretty. I love your photos as always. Regine

  11. Your fish is adorable. You have really gone over and above for Mia's theme at AJJ this month. This one is as quirky as some of the others. So cute, so clever. And so sweet if you to share it, too.

    Gotta LOVE the coffee and wine funnies. Enjoyed seeing your friend enjoying her birthday and the restaurant where you four celebrated. Thanks for sharing this event and some really clever coffee and drink funnies with us for T this week, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E. Something must be wrong - Blogger has really published your comment! I have had great fun with the fish this month.

  12. What?! No photos of the food at the restaurant? Come on! I like your cheerful fish, this time with no big lips. Laughed at the cats and coffee joke, too funny. Gigi hawaii

    1. Really. I was so hungry I forgot! I had grilled salmon with a pesto glaze! Yum!

  13. Love your painting, what a fun look on his face. Sounds like you had a wonderful evening. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  14. I refreshed and now my comment to you is gone. Blogger hates me at both ends this week.

    1. So sorry, but I had to laugh at what you wrote!

  15. Lovely fish art, really enjoyed the funnies! Glad you are out and about having such fun.

  16. Looks like a lovely day out and the fish is so sweet, love it and the funnies too. Hugs, Angela xXx

  17. Love the funnies Valerie... i had to giggle at a few of I'm enjoying seeing your fish for AJJ.. so creative! Good food.. good friends.. beautiful restaurant on the Rhine.. how can you go wrong??

  18. Your fish looks so happy judging from the broad grin on its face. I love your funnies, too. The restaurant looks lovely, I hope the food was delicious. Dining right at the Rhein is splendid.

    1. It is a happy fish indeed! And I ate grilled salmon glazed with basil!

  19. Great fish! fun. I love your funnies, too. Now that looks like a wonderful restaurant, and for sure wonderful scenery. Happy T Day!

  20. Fun and happy fish art- love the colors. Nice to spend time with your friend- and a view of the boats passing on the Rhine is a added bonus! Good funnies:) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I love looking at the Rhine and all that is happening there, it's very relaxing!

  21. Valerie, I love your smiling, colorful, happy fish. Great pictures - I would have sat in that same spot you picked and never wanted to leave that fab view! Super funnies too! Fun post and happy T-day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, I would like to live there with that window, but it's not going to happen in this life....Hugs, Valerie

  22. Love your bright colored fish. That restaurant has a lovely view of the Rhine. What a great place to go with a friend. Loved the funnies.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I would like to go to that restaurant more often, it's so beautiful!

  23. Your fish page is so happy. The restaurant looks so charming. I'd want a window seat to be able to look out over the water. I'm glad you were feeling better so you could enjoy your outing. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks Cj. The window seat was the best pasrt for me! Happy T Day!

  24. Great jokes! I loved our time on the Danube! Would do it again.

    1. Indeed, the Donau is also a beautiful river. I love living near the river!

  25. I like your friendly fish. A happy sea would be a good place to live :) The view from the window seat looks perfect. Happy T Tuesday!

  26. That is a colorful and happy looking little fish.
    Oh that is a beautiful restaurant, and in such a beautiful location! Right by the river. What did you eat?
    I had a good old chuckle t your funnies. None of which I had seen before.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Grilled salmon with a Pesto glaube, wonderful.

  27. Fabulous fish and so lovely to see your friends smiling face 😀. It looks like you had a wonderful time together! I love all the funnies too, those little kittens are adorable. Wishing you a very Happy T Day 😁. Hugs Jo x

  28. love your fish Valerie and all the funnies, especially the cat one about the tin opener lol so true. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Ah yes, so true. Cats and dogs are different in thie respect!

  29. Such a nice looking fish :)

    All the best Jan

  30. That is just about the perfect fish for the challenge over on AJJ. What a lovely fish it is, so bold and brightly coloured against a bright background too. I love when you use your dots.
    So glad you got out with your friend and what a lovely restaurant that is, beautiful to sit by the Rhine like that and watch the world go by.
    Thanks for the funnies - amusing.
    Hope you are ok, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I had fun with my fish, giving them all different expressions, etc . That restaurant was realy dvine! Hugs!


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