
Thursday 14 April 2022

Thursday/Friday post/ Rains TAD

Hi Everybody! 

I have some more good news. I can go home again this afternoon and stay there till Friday morning. I get all my meds to take with me, and am looking forward to spending a night in my own bed! My bed here is okay, too, but there's always something special about your bed at home! Sorry I haven't visited anybody today, it was just very hectic, and tomorrow I have lots of time so will be round to catch up on you all!

Rain's theme this week is 'a fond memory', so I dug out some family photos again. 

My mum as a child:

My mum and my elder brothers and sisters:

My great-grandmother rachel:

Me back in the 1970's, some pics from a photo booth. I'm making a funny face in the second one because I tought it wasn't working properly, and at that moment it worked::

My husband as a school boy:


My lovely great-auntie Fanny:

And I have another starry night piece for Alison's 'play it again, Sam' challenge at AJJ, I'm thinking again of Don McLean's wonderful song. This is an A3 piece painted with acrylics and acrylic markers:

Some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful family photos and of you too. I love your starry pieces. Thanks for the thinkies. Enjoy your time at home!

  2. Valerie, that is absolutely the best news! And you're right -- there is no bed like the home bed! Because it is home. I know your time home will be absolute heaven. And just think -- soon enough you'll be back to stay! Yay!

    Love seeing all the wonderful photos of you and your family. Those are such treasures; I'm glad you have such a wonderful collection. (That mural is to die for!)

    1. Thanks Jeanie, good news indeed! My bed is waiting for me! I really have a lot of old pics which I mostly rescued from the waste bin! Hugs!

  3. Stunning colours beautiful photos and creativity ♥

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Love all the old photos! Such fun ones of you. Beautiful art, too, Love the Stars. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. I do like your starry nights and I bet it took ages to do all those dots in the various colours. So effective.
    Love love love the vintage photos and the ones of you, such lovely memories to look back on and cherish. Great funnies too and I especially like the naughty bird.
    Great news about you being home for a night. Hope all goes well.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I felt dotty myself by the time I was finished! Have a lovely day, hugs!

  6. How exciting to get to spend the night in your own bed. I bet you are thrilled! You are right about sleeping in your own bed. Oh I love this example of starry nights too. Very clever. And I bet it was fun to make. And I like seeing your old photos, especially those of you from the 1970's. Where do the years go? I hope you sleep well and enjoy your home time. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, where do the years go? Time flies so fast!

  7. What a treat to be able to go home for a while, Valerie. I am sure it has been fun and you will no doubt have had a chance to greet the neighbours again. Your starry sky is really starry. I remember being at the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego and looking up into the sky. It was like something I had never seen before. Great series of photographs of your family, and especially of yourself in the full bloom of your inflorescence. I have to say, your smile was more appealing than your snarl! Where have the years gone you are probably saying. It happens to me when I lead a birding group somewhere and realize that I have been going to the same spot for over fifty years. The sad thing is to contemplate the complete loss of other spaces as urban expansion has encroached everywhere. When I moved to Waterloo twenty years ago, the population was 99,000. It is now 140,000. Every time new houses are build more land is lost to wildlife. Of course once houses are built schools and strip malls follow, gas stations go in, roads are laid down. The natural environment is becoming ever smaller and compressed into unviable parcels. Better ai don't dwell on this to much. It fills me with incredible sadness. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Your comment had landed in spam, but I rescued it. I have No Idea while Blogger sometimes dies Things Like this. And especially with your comment, which I always look forward to very much. Here we have started a petition and protest group to stop all of the fields and Woods being plastered over. This is a beautiful place and we want it to stay this way! Have a great day and take care, hugs!

  8. I just posted a whole comment, Valerie. I read it over after it appeared, and now it has gone. How this happens, I have no idea.

  9. Sometimes, it is good to take out and look at all the old photos. No bed is better than our own bed. I sleep better in my own bed.

  10. What fun vintage photos. And those photo booth photos are always a kick. Especially the unsuspecting poses caught on film. The funnies have me smiling too.

    1. Thanks Annie, I love old photo Booth photos, too!

  11. So glad to hear you can go home for a little while and sleep in your own bed. Nothing quite like the comfort of your own nest. I think the joy of you going home soon shines through your starry night piece. The old photographs are wonderful to look at, too. Such a beautiful family. Sweet dreams ✨✨

  12. Oh so happy for you that you get to go home for a bit ~ hope soon you get to stay home ~ Beautiful post as always ~ favorite is McClean's Starry Night and the funnies are delightful ~ be well ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in all your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Some gorgeous memories

    Happy Thursday


  14. The photos of your family and you are beautiful. I am so happy you are home, at least for a few days. You are right nothing like your own bed. Have a lovely day.

  15. it is so good to sleep in our own bed:D

  16. Loved the family photos and the starry night. You and your mum looked a lot alike, didn't you?

  17. I hope I do not wake you in your own bed as I send this comment, great news Valerie here's hoping you will be spending more time at home very soon. I love your family photo's fond memories of cherished ones. I especially love those of you in the photo booth, my Mom has some of me and her I must see if she remembers where they are.
    Your starry night painting is very hypnotic, really fab and the goats in their Sunday best really made me chuckle. Sleep well Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, those goats are better dressed than i am! Photo booths were always fun, I dont think they are around any more, we have selfies instead! You didn't wake me! Hugs

  18. Great family pic's Valerie, your Mum had a very strong resemblance, in my eye, to Princess your art piece, very hypnotic and beautiful..take care..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, that's true, there is a resenblance! Hugs!

  19. I was thrilled to read about your going home for a few days. I'm sure that lifted your spirits. I loved the Don McLean song and how you represented it. It is beautiful and I am sure very time consuming.

    I really enjoyed seeing photos of your family from the past. I had never seen those of you from 1970. They are wonderful. Cute funnies, too. My favorite was actually the mural on the wall of the housing unit. Enjoy your time on your own, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E, it was good to sleep in my own bed again, I enjoyed it! Glad you like the old photo booth pics. The mural is in a neighbouring town. Hugs!

  20. Hi Valerie, so pleased to hear you're coming home and the photos are amazing. It's so lovely to have photos of your family. I feel sorry for those who don't know anything about their history as it makes me feel that I am part of their story. The goats definitely gave me the biggest smile today, just love them. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! I have lots of family phoos, mostly rescued from the runnish bins! The goats are better dressed than I am!

  21. Wunderschöne Eindrücke von dir und deine Familie! Toll dein Punktbild, ich liebe diese Farbgebung und die Witze!
    Schön dass du eine Nacht übernachten konnest und bald bist du wieder ganz daheim!
    Schönes Osterfest wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir wünsche ich ein schönes und friedvolles Oster Fest!

  22. Lovely photos of long ago. Great memories. I love your art with all those dots.

    1. Thanks so much. I'm getting addicted to dots!

  23. Beautiful art and wonderful photos Valerie! I love the photo booth snaps of you, and I love the delinquent bird.
    Hope you enjoy your time at home.
    Have a great Easter.

    1. Thanks Alison, the delinquent bird made me laugh, too!

  24. I loved this whole post, Valerie ... all the old pictures of your family and of you with your beautiful smile. And the Starry night ... I live near a big city and the lights drown out the beautiful night sky ... I miss it and look for opportunities to go places where I can see it again. Thank you for the reminder. I want to ask, though you don't have to answer. I was not aware that you weren't at home and I am wondering why such a prolonged stay at a clinic. I do hope that you will be able to come home to stay ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Had a lot of problems, and then heart problems to top it all, and was taken in an ambulance with blue lights flashing to another hospital, it was very scary. I'm now well medicated and am looking forward to going home, and hope I will be able to manage with a little help. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  25. Love your old photos, your art and the funnies. Take care.

  26. Still loving the pics. You look like a child of the sixties/seventies.
    Happy Easter, my friend.

    1. Thanks. I still have the same hairstyle 50 years later!!

  27. So pleased that you will be spending time at home.

    Lovely to see your family photographs.
    I like your art, and my favourite funny is the one with the goats, it made me smile.

    Enjoy your time at home.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  28. It was good to see your family photos and the fantastic journal page, but the best new was that you were going home for an overnight stay. I hope you enjoyed being in your own bed again, it won't be long till you get home to stay.
    Be safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  29. So pleased you got to go home, and I agree there's nothing better that your own bed! We've been visiting family and I was so happy to sleep in my own bed too 😁. Wow, I loved seeing all your family snaps, so lovely to have them to remember your family by. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Your own bed is always the best! Happy Easter, hugs!

  30. That is wonderful news! Progress :)

  31. It's neat seeing old pictures like that.

    And there's no place like home.

  32. I really loved seeing your photos! Starry Night is fabulous - gorgeous colours! Glad to know that you could have a night in your own bed! Brilliant funnies, hugs, Chrisxx

  33. Hi Valerie! Your family photos are lovely. Your Auntie Fanny is beautiful, I love the look of that photo, kind of reminds me of the 1920's photography! I love the funnies and your starry painting is gorgeous!! ♥♥ Glad you enjoyed your own bed for a little while! ☺

  34. What a fabulous post! I love your stary night painting - ghose colours are gorgeous. I have a photo booth picture from the 70's too lol. Take care, Sue xx


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