
Wednesday 13 April 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! the weather here has improved and spring is back, which is very enjoyable. Today I have another of my ladies to share, a rather quirky one this time, with the caption 'Talk to me'. There are 2 films with this title, once from 1984, a drama starring Austin Pendleton, and the other from 1996, starring Yasmine Bleeth and Ricky Goldin. And then I found another 2 films with this name as well as 2 TV series. The bird  is another of the rarities from Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and is commonly known as the larger green-feathered chatterer, a notoriously talkative and gossip loving bird::

Some thinkies and funnies:

Bedx and breakfast:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy Midweek Wishes.

    Beautiful colours in your art ...
    Great selection of thinkies/funnies.

    All the best Jan

    All the best Jan

  2. She is a fun lady Valerie. And she obviously has wonderful talents attracting animals to her, especially this unusual bird. I think she must be very kind. Funny there are so many films by the same name. I haven't heard of any of the Talk to Me films, but then I'm not very good with film names. Hope your nicer weather stays around. We have it here also. It's great. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, I was surprised that there are so many films with that name, but I only relaly know the first one. Let's hope spring stays with us!

  3. You are so cleaver with your art and the films. Nice photos and love the funnies. Have a great day, Valerie.

  4. I've never heard of any Talk to Me films, but I don't see many movies. However, your lady with her bird is beautiful and nicely done for Alison's theme at AJJ. Sorry I didn't see your request for me to link you to T Tuesday. Obviously, I was not home.

    Love the funnies, especially the broken crayons. They might be describing me!

    1. I don't watch any movies these days, I used to watch more. Yes, broken crayons do their work as well as the whole ones!

  5. Beautiful art complete with balconia-by-the-Rhine bird. Enjoyed the photos and thinkies, that essay is great.

  6. Glad you're getting some spring weather again.

  7. Your ideal of love bird is sure different. But I like different.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. Hi Val, good morning. Lovely art, and I had to laugh at the name of the bird - half of the people I know would fit that gossip loving and spreading definition! Hope you are having a good day, and that the sun will smile on you again. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  9. Nice art. I miss the chance to enjoy having a grandma. Beautiful mural. Cute puppy fallen asleep in his food bowl.

    1. Thanks Nancy. My grandparents died when I was small!


  10. I am delighted with your work. Great photos and a wonderful mural. Happy Holidays :)

  11. The Larger Green-feathered Chatterer is a bird to behold, Valerie, and given its reputation for assaulting one's eardrums I am not entirely sorry that I am unable to hear it. I have heard it on very good authority that there was even an incidence of inter-species mating, not well documented in the literature though. It involved a male Chatterer and a female Double-breasted Bed Thrasher. Between thrashing and chattering, and whatever else went on between them, it was clear that it was not going to work, and they went back to their own kind. At least this is what I surmise. Your femme fatale, as do all of the ones you create, looks absolutely stunning. The last picture really made me laugh. I have actually seen similar scenes in Asia. I sure hope one of them doesn't fall off his scooter. Have a great day. i am off to lead a bird walk. It is dull and cool this morning after a sunny day with eighteen degrees yesterday. We will soldier on regardless! Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. I am so glad you recognise this rare species, and i can believe that mixed breeding here woud not be good! Glad you like your daily lady. Having internet problems today, trying to get in a few comments before it goes off again! Big hugs!

  12. I am rolling with laughter about the eight year old's take on grandmothers. I've never seen that before and it's just hysterical. Maybe a little bit true and a lot bit not! It's enough they take us to the play horse. And the man-grandfather! Have to share that with Rick! I love that!

    1. Glad it gave you a laugh, I thought it was hilarious, too. I couldn't stop laughing! Have a great day, hugs!

  13. This was such a fun post. To start with-I love your art piece. LOVE it.
    And the funnies were hilarious. You have made my day.

    1. Thanks Debra, you make my day, too, with your lovely comments!

  14. I wonder what the bird is whispering to the goddess. Looks like Spring is in full bloom in your corner. Enjoy your day!

    1. I think he's telling her the news from the house next door!

  15. I love your lady with orange hair. Love the meme about leadership skills. Right on!

  16. Another gorgeous piece of art Valerie, thanks for linking it to my AJJ theme.
    Great thinkies and funnies too.

  17. Lots of smiles here Valerie. Loving your art work and the Bed and Breakfast especially! Hugs, Angela xXx

  18. Such a vibrant and happy page! The colour palette and design look amazing - love it 😀. Fabulous thinkies and funnies! Hugs Jo x

  19. Your pretty spring flowers are the kind I like best :)

  20. I love her Valerie and of course that rare bird! Brilliant thinks and funnies! Hugs, Chrisxx


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