
Friday 1 April 2022

New challenge at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well . Today we are starting a  new month and a new challenge at Art Journal Journey and this time the talented Alison aka Craftytrog is hosting with the theme of 'play it again, Sam'. She wants us to make pages based on /inspired by our favourite films or songs. You can read more on the AJJ blog and see Alison's beautiful page. 

 I enjoyed my month hosting and want to thank all those who made such beautiful  spring journal art. 

My A3 page painted with acrylics is inspired by the 'Angry Birds' movie. The bird I have depicted is a new resident here in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and might well have escaped from the film set. It is large and noisy and enjoys hiding behind tree trunks and then scaring other birds, animals and people with it's loud, cackling 'Ha-ha-ha! I am calling on dear David to identify the bird:

A few photos and funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning. Your wonderful bird is a good start in the new day for me, what a fun page. He woud fit well to the angry birds! Hope you are feeling better day by day. Here everything is back to normal, or as normal as it every gets. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad the repairs are all finished. Have a great day! Hugs to all!

  2. I've never seen the Angry Birds film, but I sure like yours. Glad you discovered a new species of Angry Birds. It's actually too cute to be angry. Thanks again for hosting in March and thanks for this first entry using Alison's theme at AJJ.

    I love those hens and chicks. I haven't seen any of those in years. Glad they are growing well at the Clinic.

    1. Thanks E. I discovered the Jens and Chicks in a garden Here, I love them. Have a great day!

  3. What a fun fun bird. She made me laugh, and I hope she’s not too angry. We have a commercial o. Tv here where angry birds keep flying into a house. I hope this beautiful lady doesn’t plan on doing that. Smile. Fun page to start the month and Happy April
    To you Valerie!!! Hugs Erika

    1. Glad you like my Bord, she won't fly into Houses! Happy April!

  4. What a happy fun bird, looking forward to David telling us what it is!! Love the cat selfie.

  5. Such a fun and colorful picture to get Friday started! Hope you are doing well, and sending hugs, RO

  6. A brilliant page for my theme Valerie! Your 'angry bird' made me smile. He's a very handsome specimen too.

  7. Good morning, Valerie: Be still my beating heart! I almost spilled my coffee when I saw this bird. I simply could not believe my eyes. It is a little known fact, but an impeccable truth among the ornithological cognoscenti, that in the final days of WWII, opponents of Adolf Hitler developed a special weapon as a means of putting an end to his miserable life, and ending the ongoing destruction of Europe. It was based on several species of South American raptors, interbred with very careful specificity so that breeding viability was retained, but imbued with a killer instinct for small men with moustaches. The whole idea was to have the bird presented to Hitler as a pet, whereupon its fierce nature would assert itself and it would attack furiously, ripping the little corporal's head to pieces, beginning with tearing out the upper lip adornment. We all know what happened, Hitler took his own life before the fun could commence, and it has always been assumed that the small number of birds were released. They have not been seen since, but you have now proven that they are still extant in the wilds of Balconia-by-the-Rhine. To the best of my knowledge the species was never given a proper name, but was probably called Wolfgang or Brünnhilde by affectionate geneticists, so I propose to name it now. It shall henceforth be known as the Clownish Death-hawk, with the scientific name Butorinus tupsicus. I think we now need to develop a pet to be delivered to Putin, and we don't even need to focus on a moustache attack this time around. Time is of the essence, however. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Yes, wonders happen in this small, still corner of the world, and birds belkeved lost are found again. I think Mr P needs more than a bird to finish hime off, his wickedness grows from day to day! You won't believe this, but after days of sunshine and flowers it's ice cold and snowing todaay, it's April after all. Your bad weather seems to have reached us here, you should have sent it somewhere else! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  8. The photos are beautiful, especially the succulents.

  9. I've not seen that film Valerie, but I do love your angry bird, he looks so colourful and cheerful to me and not in the least bit angry. Great inspiration for Alison's new theme.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I think this bird is more of a trickster than an angry bird! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  10. Tuff birds! I hope I can join your bird in being a survivor :)

  11. I love your bird. Not so angry, just delightful! And all the photos too. I keep seeing photos of snow in Europe but it looks beautiful there to me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend,my friend.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. It's snowing today, cold and sleety snow, brrrrrrrrrrrr! Hugs

  12. Ohh this is just way too cute. You have such talent. Hope you are feeling better.

  13. That's a cute bird! A parrot, maybe?

    1. Thanks. Could be, my aunt used to have a very cheeky parrot!

  14. He is a very colourful fun bird. I've not seen Angry Birds.

  15. Hi Valerie, that's a fantastic inspired angry bird painting. Love the colours and a great collection of spring photos. It's been a case of 4 seasons in one day over here since yesterday. Halestones yesterday after what was a blustery sunny day and today it snowed inbetween the sunny episodes....Spring will be back next week aparently take care Michelle x

    1. Thanks Michelle! Same weather here yesterday and today - icy cold, rain, snow and sleet, spring has gone on holiday! Hugs, Valerie

  16. What a fun painting, Valerie! I used to play Angry Birds, didn't know about the movie :D Lovely photos! I hope you are doing better.


    1. Thanks Soma, I've never played the game! Have a great weekend.

  17. I hope you're feeling good! This painting is so cute! I especially love the photo of the green rock with the twigs behind it. I think it's a rock. Great photo!

    1. The rock is an ancient standing stone from prehistoric times, and it's on the corne of the street where I live!

  18. She is lovely and photos are great, don't disappear through the stone. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, I have often wondered what woud happen if I tried to walk through it!? Bruises most probably!

  19. Lovely photos and artwork! happy April!

  20. Oh my goodness, Valerie! I absolutely love your Angry Birds piece which is so adorable and fun. I have not seen the Angry Birds movie, but now I have to look for it!!! I always enjoy seeing your beautiful photos and just love the funny cat selfie and the S'More - words we should all live by! HUGS, Sharon

  21. I love your Angry Bird! I went to see the movie with my granddaughter - didn't expect to like it but it had me laughing pretty much all the way through! Lovely photos and funnies! Hugs, Chrisx


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