
Wednesday 30 March 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I'm happy to say I'm feeling a bit better, the meds are doing their work and I feel almost normal - whatever normal is these days! Today I have another of my spring ladies to share for my challenge at AJJ, and this will be the last one. I'll be back on Friday to start the new challenge at AJJ. This is an A3 mixed media piece, using acrylic paints, pens and collaged pieces. The photos are not really good, it was a dark and dismal day when I took them:

Some spring photos:

A magnificent, mossy, old beech tree in the park:

Some funnies:

Flowers from the dining table:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those memes are beyond funny. Love 'em. Also love your lady. She'll have good luck coming her way since a butterfly landed on her, let's trust it rubs off on the artist:)

  2. Those copper eyes are striking and work so well on this sophisticated lady. And you has a wonderful bee too. You did an amazing job drawing that. I can see the gold too. Very nicely done and a great way to end this month. It was lots of fun making spring pages. Enjoy your spring garden at the clinic, and I'm glad to hear this week is going better. Hugs-Erika

  3. The two little doggie are lovely.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. So glad the meds are helping. Lovely spring art and photos. anty Bodies haha

  5. Hi Val, good morning, Hope you are Feeling better from day to day. Take Care, speak soon, hugs, Sarah

  6. A beautiful lady and butterflies, your page have all looked amazing, its good that you are creating your art and I hope it helps you to relax and forget foe a while what is going on in your life just now. Stay safe, it was good to read that the meds are working.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Thank you for the latest lady, Valerie, with a butterfly and a bee to be her companions. Now I know she is my kind of woman. Perhaps your choice of insects is symbolic, that a woman can be as sweet and beautiful as a butterfly, but watch out if you make her angry, she will sting like a bee. Too bad a bee wouldn't sting Putin's tongue to make it swell up and choke off all his words. Choking him totally would be even better. Is any man in the world more reviled? I glad that you are feeling a little more like your old self and that the medications appear to be doing their job. The degree of pharmacological intervention that can be achieved these days never ceases to amaze me. Today I was supposed to lead a group of over twenty people along the north shore of Lake Ontario on a bird walk, but for the second week in a row we had to cancel due to weather. Yesterday was a little cool, but beautiful, but today there will be freezing rain, sleet, and the prospect of hazardous driving conditions. A good day to stay at home, I think. Take good care of yourself and continue to get better. That is a direct order from all of Canada, from rich and poor, slender and portly, young and old, native born and immigrant, black, white, yellow or brown, from the youngest baby to the centenarian - stay well, Valerie. I can hear them shouting it now! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Oh David, you always make me laugh! Glad the Lady is right for you! I can't even begin to describe what I would Like to do with Putin! Sorry your weather is so Bad, it was cool Here but sunny. Have a great day, big hugs!

    2. I just took another look at the picture. I think what we have been referring to as a bee is in reality a moth!

    3. It is indeed, but as it's art you can see whatevery you want to in it!

  8. Wow what a beautiful lady, I love the butterfly and the bee, though the sentiment made me feel rather sorry for butterflies lol. I'm so glad that you are feeling better, please give me a shout when you know what 'normal' is! Take care and have a lovely week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, i'll try to find out what normal ist!

  9. I'd say the photos are still quite lovely because they show this beautiful lady with the leaves in her hair. I love how you added the butterfly and especially that incredible bee at the nape of her neck. Truly a beauty for your final entry using your theme at AJJ, dear.

    Loved the two dogs and some really cute memes, too. Glad the meds are starting to work.

  10. Good to know that you are feeling better and back to normal. Pretty lady in your art piece. Love your Spring photos. I like the 2 cute dogs snuggling together. Beautiful flowers from your dining table. Have a great day.

  11. Colours are fabulous on this great post and happy you are much better.. ♥

  12. Happy to hear you are feeling better on your medication. Hope that you continute to feel better. Love this painting, the colours are beautiful. Anesha

  13. OMGosh Valerie she is stunning. Wonderful photos too. Glad you are feeling a bit better.

  14. Another gorgeous goddess and wise words. The 7th picture from your goddess, the brick building with the t2 flowering trees in front, looks almost like one of the buildings at the college where Himself teaches. Before it was a community college, it was a parochial school and convent for the nuns who taught there. Glad to hear you're feeling so much better.

    1. The building was built for deaconesses, something like protestant nuns, who cared for the sick and needy. Florence Nightingale did her training here.

  15. I'm so glad your meds are more regulated and that you are feeling much improved. I hope they let you leave the grounds soon, now that you are doing better. Beautiful photos and a lovely springtime goddess!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Jeanie! I'm allowed out as long as I don't go too far.

  16. I am glad the meds are helping you. Those photos are not bad. Very nice.

  17. this tree looks like from some kind of fairy tale...

  18. Nestflix lol! ☺☺ Your lady is beautiful Valerie! And I love all of the spring photos!

  19. Your bee lady is beautiful. (I was tempted to say bee-utiful) and I love the bee at her throat.
    SDo glad you are feeling better does that mean they have found the cure? I do hope it means you can go home soon and begin to enjoy the balcony and the birds. They must wonder where you are.
    Great funnies, and the two dogs sheltering are lovely.
    Take care, Hugs, Neetxx

    1. Thanks Neet. I will be taking the meds for some time, i may be necessary to oerate some time, but hopefully not yet! Hugs!

  20. Glad to hear you are feeling better Valerie.
    Your lady is beautiful, and wonderful photos. I love the trees.
    The funnies made me smile too.
    Big hugs,

  21. Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  23. So pleased to read that your new meds are helping you ...

    I do like your lady.
    Your photographs are lovely.
    The memes so funny, especially the dog text.

    My very good wishes for the new month of April.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks. It would be wonderful of dog's could Text!

  24. I am SO glad you are on the mend.

  25. I'm glad you're feeling so much better. Your spring flowers are such beauties! I love that they provide floral centerpieces.

    1. Thanks. They always Put flowers in all rooms!

  26. She is beautiful and thanks for photos and funnies. V xx


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