
Thursday 3 February 2022

Thursday/ Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all doing well! Life here at the clinic is good, but sometimes rather exhausting, so I'm looking forward to climbing into my bed!

Today I am sharing another tag for my steampunk challenge at Tag Tuesday :

And I have another piece for Elizabeth's what's your style challenge at AJJ:

I am also linking to Paint Part Friday

And I have a few funnies / Thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your funnies today, the toilet, doing the laundrey, and a cat that will not quit the story of my your steampunk tag and your gorgeous face with the flowing red hair and flowers, just gorgeous Valerie.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  2. Hi Valerie, I always love your faces, great tag too, and loved your funnies-have a good night-hugs Kathy

  3. Lovely art and good funnies today!

  4. I like your latest tag Valerie. I think that is Charles Dickens. He makes a good steampunk person. And I am loving this latest face and her halo. You should look up Miguel Martinez of Taos, New Mexico. He paints so really fascinating faces too, and yours are a bit similar to his. Or his share some similarities to yours. I think you would like them. Get some rest, and happy end of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I looked at that painter on the net, he's great, I will visit his site again!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope all is Well in your corner of the world! Love your beautiful Art, as always. All is well Here. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Beautiful art piece in the first. Nice face. Thanks for the funnies. I wish I could sleep like that cat.

  7. I love the cats in your steampunk tag, Valerie. It seems to be a cat themed post today. Your lovely red haired woman is a gem. Your faces really ARE your style, dear. Thanks for sharing her with us at AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    Gotta love the cat jokes today. Squiggles is trying to get my attention right now. He wants food and I just gave him some an hour ago. I used to clean house like the lady who was going to do laundry. I finally learned the right way, after being frustrated and never getting anywhere. That one hit close to home. I hope you get some rest, dear.

    1. Thanks so much, have a great day! My cat was always hungry!

  8. Great funnies there Valerie. So sorry to hear the days are exhausting at the clinik. I thought you would be mainly resting and having lots of socialising. I do hope you begin to feel better soon.
    I just love that tag - everything about it. But I came here to look at your work for AJJ and was delighted to find another of your paintings. You do these gorgeous portraits and it is definitely your style. Love the flesh colouring, so good.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. We do have time for socialising and walks etc, but this week and the last one were just hard. It will get better! I love painting faces!

  9. Good morning Valerie: I hope you had a very good night's sleep and that you awoke refreshed and ready for anything that comes at you. Full marks to Erika today for noticing Charles Dickens in your steampunk piece. I wonder how the expression, "What the Dickens" originated? I would think it has something to do with him. Thanks for another lovely lady with long flowing hair. Imagine having locks like that and washing your hair? The budget for shampoo would be substantial! After seeing the dashboard in the car at four degrees I am going to have to pay close attention to mine and see if the same image is conjured up. I got a chuckle out of that! I glanced outside and it looks like a ton of snow fell overnight, so I will be shovelling the driveway later. We plan to drive to Belleville tomorrow so the highways should have been cleared by then. Fingers crossed. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David! Yes Erika spotted Charles D well! I have no idea where that saying originated, I must look it up some day! Yes that image of the 4 was funny, it made me laugh, too! Hope you can get to your daughter at the weekend, take care in the snow! I wish you safe travel and a great weekend, hugs!

    2. I couldn't resist looking it up, and my suspicions were right: "Dickens is a euphemism for the word devil, possibly via devilkins." SO it's a way to say "What the devil?" without being profane.

      Good luck with your recovery, Valerie.

      best... mae at

    3. Thanks Mae, that's interesting! Have a great day!

  10. Its a great tag and a beautiful lady you painted for today's post Valerie. I hope you were able to have a good rest, the routine at the clinic must keep you on the go most of the day if you are not getting enough rest .
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

  11. I love your art-both are really good. I always have loved that color blue and red together. That last funny is hilarious! Hope you feel better soon. Please rest...

    1. Yes, I laughed at that last funny, too! Stay safe!

  12. Very cool lady painting. The eye is stunning. Your tag is fabulous. I really like the textured background and steampunk elements.

  13. That last funny made me last out loud Valerie!
    Gorgeous art as always.

    1. Thanks, I think we all got a laugh out of that last funny!

  14. I hope you get a chance for some rest. Rest is part of healing, but I know the work is doing you good.

  15. today i feel totaly like this sleeping cat

  16. Luv your Week2 steampunk. And other art. Enjoyed the quotes LOL
    Happy Thursday

    Much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena, have a lovely day! Hugs, Valerie

  17. Love the steam punk tag Valerie, and the ladies with amazing hair! Enjoyed the funnies. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  18. I love the clock collage and the painting. They are both so beautiful.

  19. The memes were hilarious. Loved the steam punk and always your faces.
    YOU take special care.

  20. I like Steampunk Dickens and his wind up hat. Always love your ladies with the flowing hair. 5 am kitties. I have 2 of them. Take care

    1. My Kitty was a 6 a.m. kitty, always very punctual!

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Hi Valerie, I love the Steampunk tag and your new lady is gorgeous. But Oh! the funnies are brilliant. I can so relate to the laundry one, it's so me. Happy creative weekend, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I'm good at Things like that, too!

  23. This is a brilliant piece of art work. Of course I love your faces too, especially the hair. Hope you return home soon.

  24. Ha- what great funnies:):) Your steampunk tag is fab!! Steampunk is just not my thing and something I'm not good at making either. Love that red haired lady- gorgeous!! Happy PPF!

  25. I love the red hair! The list of sins joke made me laugh. Didn't expect that punch line!

  26. Great steampunk tag and the red haired lady it charming ~ love the jokes ~ especially the cat on the couch ~ I can relate ~ Xo

    Wishing you joy in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. I like your steampunk tag. The funnies were funny, I can understand how the laundry didn't get done.

    1. Thanks, I think we all know things like that!

  28. Oh no, I didn't realise that you were at the clinic again, I hope you're feeling better and can return home quickly. I really like your tag, and your lady is amazing! The funnies made me smile too, especially the one with the car photo lol. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

  29. LOVE your steampunk tag. Please lay low and take good care (I know you are). I'm sure it's hard to be away from home so long; I hope you'll soon get to go home.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I Hope to be home in 2 or 3 weeks.

  30. Fab tag Valerie but i'm extremely drawn to your painted lady with her red flowing hair. she is stunning. Thanks for all those funnies just what I needed to wind down a very busy day. TGIF.. Glad to read life is good at the clinic, continue to heal and gather strength.
    Hugs Tracey & Happy PPF xx

  31. Hello my friend, fantastic painting of that lady, you are so amazing. xx

  32. Beautiful long haired lady painting. I love everyone of those you do! Super fun steampunk tag. I also enjoyed your funnies - one described my free time to a T (I am easily distracted - lol). Fun and beautiful post, Valerie. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I am very easily distracted Just now, too! Hugs!

  33. I enjoy all the art work you shared.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  34. Still backtracking - so far - so good! I love this lady with her fabulous red hair. I was concerned about your tiredness but know that you are now feeling better. Take care, Hugs, Chrisx

  35. I do like your steampunk tag ... it's brilliant.
    Great selection of funnies too :)

    Take care.

    All the best Jan


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