
Monday 31 January 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody! 

Here's wishing us all a great week. I am sorry that I still haven't visited some people, but I think I am almost caught up now.

Today I have 2 last faces to share for Erika's Let's face it challenge at AJJ. This was the first of the big haired ladies I made, an A3 piece painted with acrylics:

And this is a photos of me at 5 to complete the row of faces:

This evening we are celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here.  I found this advert for a coffee shop here:

And this one needs no explanations!

Sorry, this is much shorter than usual. Did I here someone say 'thank goodness'?! I am very low on energy just now and need to cut back a bit.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You are so talented Valerie, your art is fantastic as always. Here's to a great week - cheers!

  2. Lovely art and coffee advert. Feel stronger soon Valerie.

  3. Beautiful art Valerie, loved the last funny-perfect-Happy T-take care of You-hugs Kathy

  4. I'm so glad you had so many ladies' face with that great flowing hair this month. They were all so wonderful, and this lady with the red hair is beautiful. And you were a cutie at age 5. What a fun page. You look so excited. And you have a couple of great T day photos. I hope your energy comes back soon, and I hope you not only have a wonderful T day, but great week ahead. And of course, thank you so much for all your pages this month. It is much appreciated, especially since I know you haven't been feeling well. Take care. Hugs-Erika

  5. Beautiful art and design. Great showcase.
    Sorry been MIA, it's been very hot here so have been pooling it...xx
    I would love you to share your art in my group, xx

  6. I like her red hair with design in it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Your post maybe sorter but it packs a big punch with your beautiful faces, loving the colour choice of reds & blacks in the first and how happy you look Valerie on your first day at school. My Mom has picks of me on my first day, I can picture it as if it were yesterday. I'm hoping February gives you that extra energy you need.
    Take care of yourself Big Hugs TRacey xx

    1. Thanks dear Tracey, I can still remember my first day at school, too! Have a great week!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you enjoyed your weekend and that you are less tired. Have a great week, take care, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, much appreciated! Have a great week!

  9. Your lady is gorgeous, Valerie!!! Please take care of yourself, my friend.

  10. Beautiful art, Valerie!

    Happy Monday!

  11. Good morning Valerie: First there were two eyes, then there were three, and now we are down to one. Not only that, but it's closed. However, I think she is winking at me coyly and you just captured her in mid wink. She and I will get together later and hatch our nefarious plans. As for that little girl of five, pictured in front of George Washington, she is SOOOOOO cute, and looks so happy. Of course, she grew up to be a knockout version later in life, and along the way discovered more exciting and unusual birds than anyone EVER in the long and storied history of ornithology going all the way back to Plato - and that was even before George Washington. I hope that today you are feeling a little better. You are overdue some serious relief. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Hi David! The eyes may vary, but you can't say I haven't offered you a variety of nice girls this month! I'm wondering about your nefarious plans.... Glad you like the little Valerie, she enjoyed going to school and learning! And recently she has seen more strange birds! Short answer today, I hope I soon have more energy! BIG hugs, Valerie

  12. i'm amazed in every your art lady Valery. she has a great red hair and sexy are very talented Dear. Have a nice day and stay safe ^^

    1. Thanks so much, glad you like my girl! Take care and stay safe! Hugs!

  13. Get your health and energy back soon! Your lady in red is very cheerful, I hope you will be too.

    best... mae at

  14. Your red woman is just fabulous! I love her (and the cat, too!) Please take good care and I hope your energy returns soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that cat is really something, huh?

  15. Lovely faces. Yes to coffee and like the Cat News.

  16. Beautiful face art Valerie! That's such a sweet photo of you.
    Have a good new week.

  17. Oh, that last cat picture made me laugh. Hilarious!!! Where do you get this type of humor? Anyway, keep on chugging along. I am trying to do the same.

    1. Oh yes, chugging along is a good expression! Take care!

  18. I can tell she's cherishing that moment :) Winter seems a good time to cut back. Happy T Day!

  19. Feel better soon, dear friend. I love the lady with the stunning red hair. She is a real beauty. You created SO many wonderful faces this month and you have done AJJ proud. To see you as a child for the final face for Erika's theme was pure joy. It's a lovely journal page with you as the terrific focal point.

    Welcome Prince Coffee House. I'm sure when you are feeling better and able to get out and about you will take us there. Thanks for sharing this new coffee establishment with us for T this Tuesday.

    I'm still laughing at the cat drinking coffee and reading the paper. It's adorable, dear Valerie.

    1. I just saw your request. I will gladly link you, but I may be late, because the hair appointment I was supposed to have yesterday got changed to this afternoon. I may not be home by 4 pm, but I will try to be.

    2. Thanks E, don't worry if you're late, have fun at the hairdressers!

    3. I knew you would Love the cat!

    4. I no sooner walked in the door and it was shortly after 4 pm. I didn't even have time to remove my clothes that are filled with excess hair.

  20. haha this cat with a newspapper made my day:)

  21. What a fabulous piece this one is Valerie, loving the red and white with the flowers and leaves, so awesome..and the cute first day of school, love it.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. The big haired lady is gorgeous and first day of school is so sweet. The cat and dog made me laugh. Made me think of the ads If you're cold, their cold. Bring them (pets or spouses) in! 😺

    1. Thanks CJ. I don't know that ad, Sounds Like a good one!

  23. You're doing just fine Valerie, another gorgeous face and loving the kitty funny. Hope you have a restful week. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

  24. Love your big haired lady, she looks very serene. Lovely photo of you too. Take care and look after yourself.

  25. Your painting is lovely. Love the photo of you at 5.
    I know what you mean about being low on energy. Blogging does take a certain amount and sometimes you just don't feel like doing it. Feel better soon!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I hate this feeling of being totally drained, but hope it will soon get better. Happy T Day!

  26. I LOVE your red haired lady Valerie!! And what a sweet photo you used of yourself as a child. I almost didn't get a post in this week, but it's only because I sometimes try to do too much at once. Please rest up and take care. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda- Doing too much at once seems to be a common problem! Happy T Day!

  27. I like your face pages a lot, but I especially love that sweet photo of your younger self. How cute! I wish for you that your energy comes back full force. All the best to you!

    1. Thanks Carla, sometimes I wonder what happened to that sweet child! Hugs and happy T Day!

  28. Your 'face'is lovely, I like it a lot. Red is a colour of confidence for a woman. And your little 5 yr old face is so sweet.
    I do hope that you will soon get some strenght back.It must be really tiring.
    Wishing you all the best and
    Happy T-Day

    1. Thanks Lisca. I'm sure I will soon feel better. Happy T Day, hugs!

  29. Ohhh Valeries this is magnificent. I love her so much. Just take it one day at a time. Sending healing energy to you.

  30. Oh she is fab Valerie, reminds me of an Effy Wild BOD style. You were so cute at 5, and so happy to go to school lol, I was less happy to go at that age I seem to remember haha. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  31. Your ladies hair is stunning.
    I did laugh at your cat funny ... so good!

    Happy February wishes.

    All the best Jan

  32. Fabulous artwork. Rest and get your energy back. :) Happy T Day. Oh, love the cat reading the newspaper. LOL

  33. Valerie,

    Love your big haired lady - so fun, moody, and full of color. You at age 5 is super fun. All your other goodies are fun as well. Take care sweet friend and happy T-day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, I think all Kids are cute at that age!

  34. What a beautiful page Valerie ! I really like that red hair that you have painted, full of flowers. And I love that face of yours when you were a girl and it was your first day of school, what an illusion!
    Nice photo of the cafe with Dusseldorf in the background, Happy belated T-day!
    That cat made me laugh :)
    I hope you are a little better today, and that you have more energy. Take care of yourself, and happy afternoon.
    Sending big hugs, Caty

  35. Fabulous portrait. Love the coffee pics Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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