
Tuesday 28 December 2021

Tuesday-Wednesday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Especially at holiday time I miss my home town London.  Although I have lived in Germany for more years than I did in London, I still feel like a Londoner, and am hoping when Corona gets better that I can visit there again, and look around the places where we lived, and where I spent my childhood. So I made a journal page for my doors challenge at AJJ. I was born just a few hundred metres from The Tower and Tower  Bridge, and this was one of our playgrounds. Back then the bridge was dark with smoke and now it is clean and white. There are lots of doors here, in the pub and the houses, and of course in the towers of the bridge, and we mustn't forget the taxi and the red telephone box :

I got some  money for my birthday and bought myself a wonderful set of new paints and 2 huge blocks of good quality paper. There are 24 large bottles of paint in the set, and it is such a lovely quality. Now I can't stop painting. Who needs housework!

And some funnies:

My kind of alarm clock!

Enjoy the remaining few days of the year, and  to those who I wont be 'seeing' again in this year, a great new year.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art to celebrate your memories in London. Beautiful art supplies for your birthday. Enjoyed your memes and Happy New Year when it comes Valerie.

  2. I just want this covid thing to be over. So I can adventure out more.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. We all want it to be over, at least under control! Stay safe!

  3. I think your London page is wonderful. I hope you can get back there soon. My husband's family has friends (who we saw in California) and she is from the same area in London. And I think those paints look fantastic. Painting is far better than housework that is for certain. I hope we get to see your creations soon. Have a wonderful next few days. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. yes, painting certainly beats housework! I've been painting lots of faces! You will gte to see them soon! Hugs!

  4. Lovely to do a page with happy memories. That is a great paint collection, enjoy using it, the house work can wait!!

    1. Yes, happy memories keep us going! Have a great day, hugs!

  5. Hi Valerie your painting is so lovely I agree painting is so much better than housework-hugs. glad you were able to get new paints for your birtday.
    Loved Snoopy-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. Snoopy is always good! Have a great day!

  6. A lovely post, so many beautiful things. V xx

    1. Thanks so much Vee, have a great week, take care!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you are feeling well and fit as I know you have a lot to do today. S was very brave with her injection yesterday, no tears, and proud of her pirate plaster they put on her! Have a great day, take things slowly, you will get everything done on time! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, so glad all went well with S, she was really brave, give her a hug from me! Take care, hugs to all!

  8. It's good that you have such fond memories of the area of London where you grew up. I am sure that COVID will want to let you return and do the decent thing and go hide in the depths of the ocean, or something like that. From what I know of London, Valerie, I hope you have someone to stay with, because it is a VERY expensive city. The last time I was there we did some of the principal touristy things, but I spent quite a bit of time too in some of the wonderful parks that are found throughout the city. I should have gone out late at night to Berkley Square to see if the nightingales still sing there, but I passed on that pleasure. Looks like you put your birthday money to great use and with all these new paints and high quality paper I expect you will be painting your own portrait of my recently deceased hero, E.O. Wilson. I have no doubt that with your discerning eye you noticed that the artist had included a couple of butterflies, a snail and a spider, but the best touch of all was the ant on his finger. I shall look forward to seeing what you come up with! Naturally i shall wish to buy it, paying at least sufficient to keep you in cappuccinos for a week! You will readily see what a generous chap I am. We plan on going for a walk this morning, but ai will check the weather before we leave. Freezing rain was forecast for the overnight and if it's icy underfoot I will be staying right where I am. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, short reply today as I have to go into the clinic for a few days/weeks. I'm taking my laptop, so normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. As you know, men aren't really my faves for painting! London has lots of beautiful parks and gardens, often hidden between blocks of offices or reached through narrow alleys, and they are always beautiful and fascinating. And near the Tower of London is a wonderful garden in a ruined church, you sit there surrounded by this garden inside the ruins, it's really beautiful. I will post again on Thursday, so I'll say see you then! And be careful when there's ice outside! Hugs!

    2. I am truly saddened that you need to fo to the clinic again, Valerie. Damn!

    3. It's okay here, I have a lovely, big room and WiFi, what more do I need? Take care, hugs!

  9. A fabulous page to celebrate your memories of London Valerie, it is many years since I was there, it would be to busy for me to cope with now. The new paints sound good and I'm sure we will be seeing how you are using them in the coming days.
    Stay safe Valerie and I hope the New Year will be a good one for you.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The new paints are wonderful, and I can't stop painting! I just need more paper, which I've ordered from Amazon. Take care of yourself, have a happy new year, and stay safe!Hugs!

  10. Your London page is beautifully done. Birthday money well spent on the paints. When we are immersed in our hobby, we have no time for housework. Wishing you and yours Happy New Year 2022.

    1. Thanks Nancy, painting is better for me than housework! Happy New year, and take care of yourself, stay safe! Hugs!

  11. I know you have a real fondness for London, and I hope you will be able to go there one of these days soon. When it's safe to travel again, that is. This is a wonderful entry for your theme at AJJ, dear. I can almost feel like I have magically been transported there. Thanks for sharing this idea of where home really feels like to you. And of course, there has to be lots and lots of doors, too.

    1. I got all excited and forgot to congratulate you on your Christmas gift of new paints. And I was super impressed with the paper you used in the handmade book you sent me, so I would be curious how much nicer your new paper can be. I like unconditional love, but I'll stick with my cats. I don't have to take them outside three to five times a day, regardless the weather. I just have to clean their sandbox in the comfort of my heated or cooled home.

    2. Thanks Elizabeth. I am hoping that sooner or later I will be able to travel again. I have to sleep on the sofa of a cousin and his wife, and their place is tiny, London is unbelievably expensive. But I don't care as long as I can go back once more! The new paper is not necessarily nicer, it's different, and suitable for 'wet' painting without staining or leaking though. And I got the things for a super price from Amazon, and still have money leftover from my birthday voucher, so that's great! Yes, cats are content to be home, dogs always want to go out and play, they're a bit like kids! Have a great day!

  12. Oh my gosh Valerie your painting is fantastic!

    1. Thanks Debra, glad you like it! Happy New year to you and your family!

  13. Ohh Valerie, this painting is really wonderful !! Happy belated Birthday dear friend, Hope you had a gorgeous day. I´m waiting to see your great creations soon. And oh yes, You are right, housework can wait jaja.. Happy end of the year, and all the best for 2022!
    Big big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Kathy, and to you and your family. Stay safe!

  14. I have visited London before and really dont need empathy to understand you. London city is really BEAUTIFUL. Happy and healthy 2022.

    1. Yes, London is a fascinating place. I hope I can visit there soon. Have a great new year! Hugs!

  15. I do like your London Page, I do hope you will be able to visit again.

    Suggestion ...
    Leave the housework and enjoy your new paints :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week and Happy New Year Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. Who needs housework indeed! LOL. Your London page is gorgeous.

  17. So schön deine Londoner seite und das kann ich verstehen deine Sehnsucht!
    Toll deine neuen Farben und dass du Spass hast daran, die Witze sind auch klasse. Ich wünsche dir noch die restliche Tage viel Freude, lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke. Ich hoffe es geht dir gut! Ich habe Spaß mit den Farben. Dir ein gutes und gesundes neues Jahr!

  18. I love your London page Valerie! I've always loved that part of London, seeing Tower Bridge from the train as I used to travel to work, and walking through the Tower of London on my way to work. That was over 30 years ago now.
    Enjoy the rest of 2021!

    1. It's a fun place to be. Time goes by so quickly!

  19. Love this post Valerie. The London pics are fab and wow those paints look yummy !! Enjoy.
    Have a lovely day dear friend xxxx

    1. Those paints are yummy indeed! Have a great week, Take care! Hugs

  20. Such iconic London images. Have fun with those paints. Art beats housework any day!

  21. Your blog is a delight to visit.

  22. That is such a nice picture of the bridge and towers! I just love it! A keeper for sure! That Charlie Brown cartoon made me smile - yes, if you want unconditional love, adopt a dog!

  23. Love this Valerie. Ohhh how fun to get some new art supplies. There is nothing like it. Thanks for the laughs too. Have a wonderful day.

  24. Your last picture wishing everyone a good new year has lots of doors in it, it could have been another page.
    I loved your journal page, I never thought of a car for your theme of doors or a telephone box, very clever thinking. It was really interesting to hear about your childhood Valerie, how lucky to live so close to such attractions. Now you have mentioned things other than houses that have doors I wish your theme could go on and on. I have two things I have coloured whilst isn the caravan but need some other papers to add to make the into pages. So little time and now I have more ideas, drat!
    Lovely gift for Christmas, those paints look gorgeous and the thoughts of 2 pads of good paper, pure delight! Do enjoy.
    Sending Hugs
    Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Lots of things have doors when you think of it! It's a theme I like. Have a good week and a great new year! Hugs, Valerie

  25. How did you get that pic of my alarm clock? Heh.
    What lovely memories you have and what a historic area to grow up in. Here's hoping you get to visit soon.

  26. What a wonderful view of London - we don't go often, and even then it is usually a walk from one station to another. When we got to stay overnight in September it was great to walk in some unfamiliar places to visit our friend.
    That's a great way to treat yourself - I'm sure we'll be seeing more wonderful art next year.
    Sad to see you have to return to the clinic for a while. Hope all is OK.
    Big Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Love your hometown scene - so fun, Valerie. I still think of where I grew up as my home as well so I get that. Fun birthday present you purchased - wise choice! Can't wait to see what you make with it.

    Love the funnies!



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