
Monday 27 December 2021

T Stands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

 Hi Everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend! This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting. She has chosen  Time and clocks as her theme, and I hope to see lots of people joining in. The challenge goes live this evening at 9 p.m. As always tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Here is my tag:

And for my 'doors' challenge at AJJ I have another journal page. This is especially for my friend David:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

Today I'm offering you a choice of cherry and almond pie:

Or perhaps a waffle with stewed apples and cream.

And my drink is cappuccino, but I have various tea sorts in the kitchen for those who prefer tea:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your baking is delicious! Lovely art and fun memes.

  2. Stew apples does sound good on waffles.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, it was very delicious! Stay safe!

  3. Ohh this is a lovely post. As for the food, may I have a little of both? LOL Have a great day today.

    1. Nicole, you can take as much as you want! Hugs!

  4. Snoopy is the best-loved the kitties too.
    I would choose the pie for sure. Great art too-Love your doors challenge page.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. The pie is a good choice, it was very delicious! Hugs!

  5. Lovely art and yummy food. I like Snoopy.

    1. Thanks Nancy, we all like Snoopy! Have a great week!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope your weekend wasn't too bad, I can imagine how you felt. t's still very cold here but supposed to warm up a bit later, let's hope they're right! Little S gets her first Covid shot today, she knows what it's all about, and say she won't cry -we shall see! Hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad all is well at your end. S is very brave, give her a hug from me! Have a great week, stay safe!

  7. Hi Valerie. the sentiments today are lovely and very true too. Your tag is great and getting me in the mood to make something. Thanks for being so inspiring. Hugs, Angela xXx

  8. Thanks so much! Tags are always fun to make! Have a good week and a happy and healthy New Year! Stay safe!

  9. Hey Valerie, I just about collapsed in laughter at your last cartoon! As for the treatment of the doors theme, you hit all the high points. Birds galore, I am pleased to note, especially CANADA Geese, those strong and mighty birds that have conquered the world. In your picture they look like they have selected a table and are about to order a cappuccino. And, having chided you for a while about not creating men as well as women you go right ahead and do it. Bravo! All of your baked goods look delicious. If only I were there to have a nibble or two. The New Year is looming now and we will go through that familiar ritual of forgetting to change the year when we write something. I once gave someone a cheque and it was already stale-dated! I wonder if he thought I did it deliberately? I hope that 2022 will be good for all of us and that finally we can show COVID the back door. Omicron is running rampant here and restrictions on gatherings are being reimposed. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! Glad you liked your portrait in front of a coffee shop with Canadian Geese sitting outside waiting for their goosepuccino. The baked goods are indeed delicious, I wish I could beam some over. Now that's something that people could develop! I always need weeks to get used to a new year, old age doesn't help either. My radiator was broken, the thermostat had fallen off and I couldn't switch the heating on, but my dear neighbour Wolfgang mended it for me, he really is a treasure. I had no idea how to fix it. Yes, it would be nice if Omicron pissed off for ever - we shall see! The rules here have been tightened, too, and they've made a huge campaign to get people vaccinated, and another 1 million people were vaccinated over the Christmas days.Even the Church is getting busy, they're visiting every Catholic church in the town with a vaccination bus. Glad you liked the joke about the 50 bucks, I was drinking coffee when I first saw it on FB and nearly choked because I couldn't stop laughing! Have a nice day, David, take care, hugs!

  10. Nice new theme at Tag Tuesday. It is very appropriate for ending and starting a new year. And your tag is perfect for it. And I also like your AJJ page. I can see why David would like it, but hopefully those birds don't get too jazzed up on caffeine. And that is also a wonderful piece of art for T day. I think right now coco in that mug would taste good. And I'll take the waffle with apples and cream since it is breakfast time for me. It looks delicious, as does your pie. Maybe I will need a piece of that too. I hope your week starts off well. More snow or ice is due here tonight so winter has really arrived! hugs-Erika

    1. I just wrote you a long reply and it disappeared! Don't worry, the birds are only served caffein-free water! Eat as many waffles as you like, and then take a slice of pie! Here the weather is supposed to get a bit milder, that would be good. Enjoy your ice and snow! take care, hugs, Valerie

  11. What a lovely post, Valerie!

    The pie looks amazing and your tag is awesome!

    1. Thanks so much Veronica, that pie is really special! Have a great week and a happy and healthy new year!

  12. That cherry and almond pie looks absolutely delicious -- and fattening! LOL. Hey, that's why it is delicious! I'll have a bite. Happy Holidays!

    1. There used to be a song in England, If you like it and you want it you can be sure that it's illegal, it's immoral or it makes you fat! Have a great week!

  13. What a lovely tag! I love your coffee drinking geese...and the man in the Santa hat!. The Cherry and Almond pie looks delicious...and capuccinno - always!! Love the funnies and here's another for you - I am trying to catch up! Hugs, Chrisxx

    1. I am always trying to catch up, too - with my housework! The cherry and almond pie is more than delicious, take a slice. The geese are dinking goosepuccino! Hugs!

  14. "Live in the moment" is an inspiration :) Your food choices look delicious, yummy!

    Happy T Day!

  15. omom this coffee and those cakes :)

  16. I wish you very Happy Christmas days dear Valerie !! And also all the best for the New Year, especially health.
    I really like your tag with watches, and the beautiful art journal page, yes, birds in the head ohh.
    Happy T-day !! love this card! But that pie with cherries and almonds has to be more more than delicious!
    The Catmas card is fantastic.
    Stay safe and healthy, I send you big hugs,

    1. Thanks so much Caty! The pie was indeed delicious. Have a great week! Hugs!

  17. One of these days I'm actually going to be here on time. That is a darling tag. I actually made one for Christmas, but didn't get it photographed and now it's to late. I really LOVE yours for time! It is beautiful.

    I also love the one you created for David and for your theme at AJJ. It is a great page, too.

    I loved the Merry Catmas. The cat on the lower left is Squiggles with a bit of a bleach job (grin).

    Gosh, now I'm hungry. I need to find something sweet. Oh wait, I have something sweet I can eat. I'll join you with a cappuccino, too. Yours looks so good. Thanks for sharing your art, your funnies, and your baked goods and cappuccino with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I thought you would Like the Catmas one! Tonight I needed something salty, so I enjoyed a bag of sweet chili crisps, yummy!

  18. What a lovely tag with the watches, and David will love the one with the birds :)

    Food looks delicious and I enjoyed your memes.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  19. Food looks delicious. I want some. Enjoy.

  20. Lovely art work Valerie, The food all looks amazing!

  21. Such a festive post. Fab art - thoughful, full of fabulous details, and love the colors. Your coffee always looks so good and I would definitely eat that waffle or pie (not now as I am on a diet - lol). Always love your funnies. Hope you have a wonderful New Years - I will be in bed at 8:30PM as always but am looking forward to the fresh new start and chance of a better year. Happy T-day and hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I need to go on diet, too! I will be in bed early on New Year, too, it will be quieter this time as fireworks have been forbidden. Some folks will break the rues, though, that's for sure! Happy New Year, stay healthy! Hugs!

  22. Have a wonderful New Year!

    best... mae at

  23. I love your tag -- that's a jackpot of timepieces there! and the kid reminds me of the Artful Dodger from Oliver! happy week! xo

    1. The clocks belonged to a colleague of mine, and he allowed me to take photos of them, which I often use in challenges! Have a great day!

  24. Your posts are always bursting with beauty fun and kindness thank you for sharing this one today. Hugs June xxxx

    1. Thanks June, happy new year, take good care of yourself, stay safe! Hugs!

  25. What a great post! Lots of beautiful art and two cakes to choose from! I'll be greedy and have a slice of each. It's coffee time here too, and I usually make cappuccino too, so a slice of cherry pie will go nicely thank you, But i love waffles too, so I'll have a little bit of that (without the cream) and keep it for breakfast.
    I love all the 'thinkies', so true. And then I nearly choked when I saw the funny about poor Comet! Must show my husband later (he's working but will come down at 1 o'clock).
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Eat as much as you like, you're welcome. I was drinking coffee when I first saw the Comet funny, and made such a mess with my coffee, I couldn't stop laughing! I wish you and your hubby a healthy and happy New Year, stay safe!

  26. Both your tag and page are awesome! All your choices sound delicious. Thank you. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon, Happy New Year to you and yours!

  27. Fun tag and page. Tough choice between cherry almond pie and waffles with apples. Your waffle iron is cute with the heart-shaped waffles. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks. I Chose my Waffle maker extra because it made such pretty waffles!

  28. Warm Winter Wishes and Happy T Day, love your tag and the catmas tree Elle/EOTC xx

  29. Love the funnies! And I choose the apple and cream! (or custard!)
    Keep on crafting. See you in 2022! Happy Late T for Tuesday ((Lyn))

  30. wow, a lot of clocks in your tags :)
    And I love yout birds, all well known to me. :)
    Happy New Year.


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