
Thursday 4 November 2021

Thursday/Friday Post with TAD, AJJ and PPF

Hi Everybody! 

Hope your week is going well, mine is going by too fast and I am not getting as much done as I would like to! Today I am sharing another of my colourful ladies. I love the colour of her hair:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday
And this is a hybrid piece made with a beautiful autumn photo taken from my balcony, showing truly beautiful weather, made for Chris' challenge 'all kinds of weather' at AJJ:

It's also time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and her theme is ' The workshop'.
I don't have a workshop, but I do my painting and crafting in the kitchen, and have stash stored at various places through my apartment. Today you are going to get an exclusive look into my messy art-space, enjoy, I will probably never show it again!

Some art pieces from me and from friends:

Sorry, this one is blurred:

I'm not letting you look inside, it's too full:

I haven't shown you what's inside that floor to ceiling closet, but it is also full, and there is a large, 3 drawer commode also full to the brim. This is my world, my workshop, my happy place!

And some thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This week has flown by I can't believe it's Thursday already!

    Love your hybrid piece and what beautiful colour hair your lady has.
    Thanks for sharing your art-space.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I wish I had hair like that! The week really has flown by!

  2. Hi Valerie, this week is flying by too fast for sure. I love your art very much-and I really enjoyed seeing your art space-thanks for sharing with us. I have a closet like that-with steps up to the ceiling-packed haha

    1. Hi Kath! I think we all have closets like that, I call mine my horror closet! When I open the door things start tumbling it! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Love the piece with the beautiful rainbow. We all need a private place of our own.

    1. Thanks Nancy, that's true! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Beautiful. Great colours and style with extra added. Love the walk into your crafting area, looks so homely xxx

    1. Thanks Annie. Homely is a good word for messy! Have a great day, hugs to you and Miss B!

  5. What a beautiful craft room, Valerie. I admire the wall with your works and the works of your friends. I also love your journals and journal pages. You have a lovely place, my friend.
    Your lady is very pretty. And I love how you made her dress/shoulders. Very clever. Nice hybrid page too for AJJ.
    Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, nice to see you again! My working space is messy, but I feel well there, and that's what's important. Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling a tad better. Love your blue haired girl. D you remember when we both wore big, blue wigs for the carnival party at the old people's home? I think I have a photo somewhere! Your workshop looks good. Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Yes, I can remember the blue wigs, but I also had a gold one one year! Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  7. I'm really enjoying your lovely ladies. Thanks for the peek inside your creative space. It looks like a very happy space indeed. I really like that art page with the bee and honeycomb too. And it looks to me like you've been accomplishing quite a lot, especially when you are dealing with pain. Art is much better therapy than sitting in front of the TV. Well done, my friend. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. Art is getting me through a rough patch just now, it really is a wonderful therapy in my happy space! Hugs!

  8. I love how you get all that texture into the hair of your paintings, your blue lady is magnificent.
    What a beautiful view you must have from your balcony - you take the most amazing photographs and this one of a rainbow is just ... beautiful. Again you have done a sterling job framing it as you have. You could have a set of lovely photographs around your home with these.
    I so enjoyed seeing your creative space in your kitchen. It is a true artists corner of your life that you are sharing. Thank you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, glad you like my ladies. The view from my window is the best part of my flat! Glad you liked the colourful frame for the photo, I think it sets it off well! Glad you enjoyed seeing my messy kitchen! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Oy my word, you created another one. These gorgeous women just keep coming. And this one has blue hair even! Exoticism really does reside at Balconia-by-the-Rhine, where the chief guru, Valerie The Creator, reigns supreme. Mind you, no one has actually seen her of late. It has been rumoured that the stash in her apartment is so large, resisting any semblance of control, scattered hither and yon, overflowing tables, taking over entire cupboards, that she is lost in there somewhere, paint brush in her mouth, scissors in hand. She was last seen hanging out with girls with multicoloured hair. From time to time my desk gets a little cluttered but i cannot begin to compete with your glorious disarray! It is all quite wonderful. I hope that very soon you will be feeling much better. Getting old is not always fun. Whoever called old age "The Golden Years" was obviously young! Reality awaits them! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, glad I've been able to provide you with some gorgeous women this week, I'll probably be making more over the weekend! Yes this is an exclusive and exotic place, from strange birds to strange women, we have everything. I am one of the women who is naturally strange! I live in the middle of m chaos, and don't really see it unless I take photos, but I do sometimes see that visitors get wide eyed when they see it, and then tell me that it's okay, but I wonder what they are thinking....No, getting old is not fun, I could do without all of the pains and other things, but I try to make the best of it. Have a wonderful day, David. Are you leading a bird walk again today? Hugs!

  10. Today we will be meeting Heather and Lily. Tomorrow Miriam needs the car so I will be housebound. Then Saturday I will be leading a walk for a group of kids and on Sunday meeting my good friends Kayla and Jonah,with Jonah's parents at Riverside Park to take them on a walk. Jonah's parents are visiting from Ottawa, and barely know a bird from a butterfly, but they are keen to have the experience!

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Heather and cutie pie Lily! Sounds like you have a good week in front of you still, enjoy!

  11. First of all, I enjoyed your mess and I'm glad you shared it because it doesn't look all that messy to me. I tend to be messy too, and it is good to know I am not the only one. Smile. It is tough in a small space to store supplies, so I think you're doing the best you can. I am in a small extra bedroom, but it is full to the brim also, with my sewing things near my table where we eat. That is hard enough to store supplies in an extra bedroom, so I think you've done a super job in your space Valerie. I also love the lady with the blue hair and her dimensional clothing. Very nice. Your piece for AJJ has a great rainbow photo. I like the digital frame. OH, and I love your wall of art too. This was a fun and inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your mess-smile again.

    1. Thanks Erika, it really isn't easy to be tidy when the space is so confined, but for me it's functional and even though some visitors raise their eyebrows when they come in, it's okay for me. As you say, it's not easy having no extra room so I have to try to make the best of it, and I am happy in my space. Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Thanks for sharing your artspace with us!

  13. Love your kitchen workshop! Lovely art for the challenges. I should do a quotes day I love inspirational memes.

    1. Thanks Christine, a quotes day is a great Idea!

  14. Love that glorious blue hair. So fun to see how you transform your kitchen table into a studio.

    1. Thanks CJ, I am the Queen of mess! Have a great day!

  15. Looks like you have great light in your art space.

  16. Great pics. Wonderful blue hair.
    Happy Thursday


  17. Oh I love your Lady with Blue Hair,
    looks awesome.

    Have a great week ♥


  18. Love your drawing, beautiful paintings. Thanks for sharing your creative space. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  19. Wow you are really getting excellent with these faces. I enjoyed this post. I liked seeing where you create.

  20. Another wonderful beauty, this time with blue hair and looking NOTHING like Kerry Washington.

    Your rainbow is so much lovlier than the one I created. It is a beautiful scene and a great background, too. So glad you shared it with us at Art Journal Journey and Chris's theme.

    OK, I admit I'm a neat freak and your table would make my teeth itch. However, it really ISN'T that bad, that a few minutes would clean it even for the most obsessive visitor. You have great storage spaces, great storage containers, and all your "like" items are together. I really enjoyed seeing this space you work in, Valerie.

    1. Ha, you should see my table when it's REALLY untidy! Yes, I try to put like to like to save me time when looking for things. And I forgot to show the huge storage containers under the bed. Only the bathroom is stash free, there's no place to put anything there! Have a great day! Hugs!

  21. Wonderful art Valerie, and great to see where you create these beauties!
    Have a lovely evening,

    1. Thanks Alison! Glad you enjoyed seeing my mess! You have a great evening, too!

  22. Another gorgeous lady Valerie, I love her fun blue hair! Love all of the art pieces on your wall, great to see where you create.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Oh yes, I would like blue hair! Have a great day!

  23. What a fabulous post Valerie! I love your blue haired lady, and your hybrid piece is stunning. I've really enjoyed my journey around your craft space too! Take care and have a great evening, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I bet I have the messiest kitchen in the street! Take care!

  24. Loving your ladies:)AND your framed view out your window AND your wonderful wall pieces AND the memes.

  25. I really love your beautiful blue haired lady, love how you gave her such textured curly hair! Your hybrid page for my theme at AJJ is absolutely wonderful- that's a great view. How lovely to see how you store your art making tools and that wall of art looks amazing. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, wish I had hair like that! Have a great day, hugs!

  26. Amazing hair on your blue haired lady, your craft space and supplies looks great too, everything to hand and we can never have too much, you never know what you might need!!

    1. Thanks, you have the right attitude, we MIGHT need it, yessssssss! Hugs!

  27. Your art is vibrant and fun and I think your art area is delighfully busy and full of colour.

    1. Thanks Betty, some call it mess, I call it fun, too!

  28. Her blue hair is beautiful. The background of your photo collage is amazing. I love your creative space(s), and your collection of journals. your creative space certainly is a very happy one. Beautiful quotes, Valerie!


  29. Another great post and art that you shared with us today and I thank you for the tour of your art spaces. It is good to know that I am not the only one who has things scattered all around the house, the thing is these days I cannot remember where I put all the stuff over the past year.
    Have a good weekend..
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, now you know my mess! Mostly I remember where what it, but sometimes I have to search! Have a great day!

  30. love your Rainbow piece. Really a great job and stunning result.
    Your workshop seem busy. I would like to have even half of it :)

    1. If you live nearer I would give you half of it, I have too much!

  31. What a colourful lady and a fabulous rainbow page, love them. Very brave to show your workspace, well done for producing such great art from your kitchen table. I am so lucky to have a studio where I can work and loose my vast supply of stuff.
    Hugs Wendy.

    1. I would love to have a studio, but my kitchen table is okay, too! Have a great weekend!

  32. Lovely portrait with the blue hair- it sets off her skin tone so beautifully. Love the AJJ entry too! Like you, I have MANY art supplies- thanks for sharing your art space, and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. I think we somehow acquire too many things for crafting and painting! Have a great weekend!

  33. Oh I love your workshops all over the place. You would not like my place because it is uncluttered and too neat. I am a neat freak. Hahaha. Of course, I am not an artist like you so that may be why. Enjoy your creative life!!!

  34. love seeing your creative space! The quotes are awesome as is that blue hair

    1. Thanks LeeAnna! Glad you enjoyed seeing my mess! Have a great weekend!

  35. Divine creative portrait and what a studio ~ everything you could need and more ~ Happy Weekend creating ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I certainly have more than I need! Have a great weekend!

  36. I love your space!! So very fun! And what a wonderful portrait! Happy PPF!

  37. I really like her hair colour too. The hybrid piece is wonderful. A great creative space. V xx

  38. I have a messy studio [one of the kids bedrooms, they have their own place now] but I spread out into other rooms too. Wish I was brave enough to have hair that colour.

  39. Wow, your ladies get prettier and prettier ... I love the blue hair. May be my favorite :) As for messy artists, I do believe in them. How can you create if you are busy trying to put things away and get them back out. I admit to being messy, the difference between us is I haven't worked up the courage to show my mess. You own it Valerie and that is why you are so loved by your followers. And, love your advise ... would love to be able to do all of those things (especially eat the Chocolate cake) but it is getting harder and harder to be free spirited and positive in our ever so negative world. But, I do plan to try and your advise reminds me that I have strayed from all of those happy forms of living life ... Thank you, you made my day.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  40. I love your art studio kitchen or your kitchen art studio, what a treat to see all your goodies. I also love your girl's blue hair, she looks fab. Elle/EOTC xx

  41. Oh I LOVE your "thinkies"!!! Lovely messages! And your workshop Valerie...I zoomed in on each photo, I LOVE seeing all of the art goodies, I'm so happy you shared all of those photos! Your blue-haired lady is beautiful!!! :)

  42. Thanks Rain. It was hard for me to share my messy workspace, but it is as it is! Hugs!


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