
Wednesday 3 November 2021

Midweek post

Hi everybody!

I have been painting more faces, I want to practice, and this time I have another girl with red and gold hair, and gold earrings to match. I am having fun with these faces, and there will be more coming with different hair colours! I still have a lot of pain, but I take lots of rests in between adding the layers and letting the paint dry. On the 2nd one I have placed some words, I haven't glued them down yet as I was unsure. What do you think - with or without them? I would be grateful for your opinions:

Tuesday's beautiful sunrise: 

And some thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like with the words Valerie. Beautiful sunrise photos, I hope the pain eases for you.

  2. This face is great. I like how you used so many shades and how they add depth to this face. Plus the tinge of white in the eyes on on the lips. She is a beauty, and I love her hair too. Wonderful sunrise today, and I love the quotes in your memes. Its hard to pick one I like better than the other today. Have a wonderful mid-week, and I hope you don't need long rests while the paint dries. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  3. I love your faces Valerie, I would not put the words on just so the viewer can decide what their thoughts are about your art piece.
    Lovely sky photos-thanks praying for less pain
    Happy mid week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks for your advice about the words, that's a good thought. And thanks for the prayers! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. I am in the no-words category. On the other hand, when it comes to your sunsets, I have lots of words -- all fabulous and admiring!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. The sunrise and sunsets here are often spectacular!

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Lovely art, I like the words in that painting I would keep them. Lovely photos and quotes

    1. Thanks Christine, and thanks for your advice about the words! Have a great day!

  6. I vote for the words and your face is very expressive.
    The sunrise---glorious and enjoyed the memes.
    Hope the pain recedes.
    Thinking of you,

    1. Thanks so much, Sandra! And thanks for your opinion about the words. Have a great day, hugs!

  7. Your face painting is very good. Very expressive. Beautiful sunrise. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nancy. The sunrise was really beautiful. Today we just have dark clouds! Have a great day, hugs!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Love your beautiful art, really fantastic. I hope your pains soon get less, I wish you would go to a specialist, perhaps you have injured something in your knee joint! I wish I was nearer and could drag you to the doctor's! Have a good day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I could just imagine you dragging me along by my hair! I have an appointment by the orthopaedic specialist, but in January! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  9. I love this girl. She seems to be looking at the words, like thought bubbles. I think the words really bring it to life. It would also be fun to let the viewer imagine what she is thinking.

    1. Thanks Teresa. Yes, it does look like she's looking at the words! Tanks for our opinion! Have a great day, hugs!

  10. She is a stunner, Valerie! Look at that face and look at that hair! You do let your imagination run wild when you create these beauties and the results are amazing! It's too bad that you are still experiencing so much pain, and it's a testament to your determined spirit that you continue to produce these little mistresspieces. There, I just coined a new word, and I like it. Seems appropriate for a corner of the world where rare and exotic birds appear randomly and girls like this sashay off the pages of the artistes of the Balconia compound. I think I will call this one Zelda. Who wouldn't want to get to know a femme fatale named Zelda? Just ask F. Scott Fitzgerald. I can only imagine calling on my friends and introducing my new belle, Zelda. It would be exciting just saying her name. And with that hair, no one would forget her! I hope your pains abate soon, your fingers cooperate and you deliver more beautiful women to us. Hugs and kisses. David

  11. Thanks, dear David, I'm glad you are enjoying the lovely ladies painted to enhance your days! And Zelda is a good name, I had a school friend called Zelda when I was at primary school, and she had flaming red hair, too! Here's to Zelda! Mistresspieces is a good name, too, you are really on the ball today! My balcony is being visited by lots of frequent flyers who live in the tree in front of my bedroom window. The leaves are nearly all gone now, so I can see them flying in and out of their home. The Tits visit the most, and once a twice a day the blackbird comes by. I will do my best to continue to supple you with beautiful woman day by day! Have a great one, hugs!

  12. Glorious face and I like the words. Awesome sunrise photos. The red highlights, I don't know what to call them, remind me of the hair of the woman you painted. Enjoy your new toys!

    1. Thanks CJ! I call them sun spots, but have no idea what they should be called. I always enjoy new toys, who doesn't? Have a great day!

  13. I love this face. That hair! and I love her features and that expression. She's great without the words. Or with them. Either way is a win :)

    What a glorious sunrise!

  14. That second to last meme shows the South Korean flag, the Yin Yang symbol. As for your painting, I like it without the words. And, oh my, the paint should not have dripped. Splendid painting otherwise.

    1. The Paint drips are meant to be there and are part of this style of art!

  15. ist lebendig, gerade die Augen das ist wichtig, ausdruckstark und sie gefällt mir sehr gut.Gesichter male ich so lange schon aber jedes mal wird es anders, so wie ich mich ach fühle!
    Wunderschön deine Fotos und das andere!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Dir einen schönen Tag!

  16. Love your faces. They are fun aren't they. I like seeing you on FB too.

    1. Thanks Nicole, and yes, it's nice to meet up on FB!

  17. Beautiful painting! I'm so happy you are staying with it. I'm praying for you to not be in pain. I love your sky!

  18. Your face is beautiful. I really like it. She reminds me of the famous actress Kerry Washington. You don't need to ask me. I am not a big fan of words in my art, but I have found art journalers prefer a few words. I say you don't need the words. The beauty of the art speaks for itself.

    Lovely sky shots, too. PLEASE don't overdo anything dear. Please rest your hands.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Thanks for giving your opinion. Today I had a lazy day and watched Halloween films, it was fun. Have a great day, hugs!

  19. She's amazing Valerie! I love the drips and her beautiful face. I like the words, but I usually like to include some words on my art.
    Beautiful sunrises too.
    Take care,

    1. Thanks Alison, t like using words, too! Have a great day!

  20. Beautiful painting Valerie, she is gorgeous...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. Your red-haired girl is wearing an awfully pretty sweater:)

  22. She is beautiful Valerie, I love her hair and gold earrings! I like the words also. Gorgeous sunrise photos today! Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks so much Tammy, I really appreciate your comments. Have a great day, hugs!

  23. This lady is gorgeous, Valerie! To me she is complete without the added words, but then I'm not used to putting words in art. Your words are appropriate though. I might add mysterious! I'm sorry that you are in pain. I admire your determination to persist despite the pain. We have to keep moving forward through challenges, don't we? I love the thinks, and your sunrise was magnificent! Take care, my friend! Sending you a big hug!

    1. Thanks Louise, glad yoü Like my Lady, got another one coming up tomorrow. You Take Care, too!

  24. I would go with no words ...
    I just love her hair.

    A beautiful sunrise photograph.
    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan


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