
Tuesday 26 October 2021

New challenge at TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -

🕚 It's all about time  🕑

As always you have 2 weeks to link to us, and projects of all formats are welcome. Don't forget to hop over to our blog and see the lovely pieces from my teamies!

Blogger is playing up at the moment. The photos keep disappearing, so I hope they will be visible. I made  a mixed media piece using painting, collage, sewing, stamping and more :

And a piece for Tracey's challenge at AJJ:

Some funnies, thinkies and photos:

The harvest moon:

A spooky moon from Sunday evening:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful phots and your art, well, it's amazing as always...x

  2. Wow amazing art work Valerie and your photo are beautiful too. I love Autumn, so many changing colours in the trees,toadstalls,mushrooms,squirrels & hedgehogs foraging. Wonderful harvest moon photos too. Hope all is well with you. Michelle x

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! This is indeed a beautiful season! Stay safe!

  3. Those are great art pieces for both challenges. The funnies are great AND that first photo is very striking. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, the fist photo is our market place. Have a great day!

  4. Beautiful photos art and thinkies!

  5. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.
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  6. Your TioT page is outstanding. I absolutely adore the clocks you chose. All so very different, yet wonderful. Beautifully done, Valerie.

    That's also a stunning entry for Tracey's theme, too. It's like the birds are looking into the windows and seeing the beauty of the colors of October. Thanks for sharing this on AJJ, too.

    Love the moon shots and the beautiful autumn colors in your town. Cute funnies, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The clocks were all in my stash, made years ago, and I found them on time to use them here! The moon has been beautiful lately, I'm always happy when I see it! Happy T day!

  7. Nice art pieces. 1st one is creative. Lots of leaves need to be swept. Beautiful autumn colours. Great shots of the harvest moon.

    1. Thanks Nancy! The leaves are everywhere just now!

  8. Hi Val,Good morning, hope you are well! Love both your art pieces, and the photos are gorgeous. All is well here. Take care, I hope the pain from your fall are getting better. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for our nice comments, as always! I still have a lot of pain in my right leg, I need to be more careful! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Beautiful post Valerie! LOVE your time art journal spread.. so many cool details.. and of course, your photos!! Just lovely! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen, ou have a great week, too - take care! Hugs!

  10. The gent is certainly keeping time on his mind. Gorgeous colors in your art and your photos. The moon pics are spooky awesome. Enjoy your day

    1. Yes, he has time on his mind! I saw the moon on Sunday evening and rushed outside in my pyjamas to get the photos! Have a great day, hugs!

  11. Such a fabulous mixed media page! Loving all those different clock faces cascading out of the man's head - perfect 😁. The autumnal colours and framed images are gorgeous too, as are your autumnal photos with those pretty colours in the sunshine. Your harvest moon and spooky skies are such a treat too. Thanks for sharing and Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The spooky moon came just right for Halloween! Have agreat week, take care, hugs!

  12. Sewing and stamping, collaging and amalgamating, painting and more. What a busy woman you have been, Valerie. I stamped my feet a couple of times to scare a stray cat from the backyard. Does that count? Yesterday morning we had frost here and I had to scrape the windshield on the car. That was foot-stamping weather. Nothing to sew, however, no collages to create. Miriam has been the creative one of late, working on new quilt patterns and designs, and selling up a storm in her ETSY shop. Yesterday we had an appointment with the bank to go over our vast holdings and tax implications and all that esoteric stuff. It's great because the young lady we now deal with has gone from a lowly teller when I first met her about a dozen years ago to a certified financial advisor. She is quite charming too, and fair of face and form. I am sure she will have a grand career. It's already Tuesday, and I will be going out the door shortly to meet my Tuesday group to conduct them on an ornithological ramble to stir their hearts. Then, a large group has signed up for another walk I will be leading for our nature club tomorrow. Many of that group will be total rookies,eager to learn, full of questions, amazed at what we will see. I will bask in the glory of being their guru, if only for a couple of hours. Then, I will come home, make lunch for Miriam and me, and do the dishes. That will knock me off my cloud in a hurry! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I like to keep myself busy, stops me thinking about housew**k! Stamping your feet on the ground is not quite the stamping we indulge in! I am sure Miriam does all of the sewing at your place, while you are left to stamp your feet and scrape ice and make lunch! Have a lovely ramble, I'm sure you will be able to enthrall your acolytes with dozens of bird names and types, and they will be amazed at what you know, as I always am when I read about you adventures. Have fun, and don'T break the dishes when ou do the washing up! Hugs to you both!

  13. What a fabulous page, certainly has time on his mind. Your moon pictures are so beautiful even the spooky ones

    Joan x

  14. That is such a clever take on time. Wow. Wow. Wow. I LOVE the clocks and the head. You outdid yourself with that one dear Valerie. And your AJJ piece is amazing also. I like how you used a window. Very clever also. And definitely perfect for Tracey's challenge. The moon shot's are amazing as well. I love the Native American meme you included too. I hope you are having another beautiful sunshine autumn day today like in your photos, and hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Today is sunny, cloudy and cold. I'm staying home and having a reading and painting day. My knee is very painful just now. Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  15. Oh I love your piece and all the stuff spilling out of his head, that is very cleverly done. Also love your photos especially all those moon photos, fantastic. Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle, but it was hard cutting his head apart! The moon is always fabulous. Happy T Day,hugs!

  16. Lovely piece and terrific photos and funnies, too! You are getting lots of color and I loved the show-off witch!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that witchy piece is really too funny! Have a great week!

  17. Those are fabulous art pieces for both challenges, Valerie.

    Love the funnies.

  18. Hi Val, Bill here. Wonderful art and photos!

  19. Your moon shots are gorgeous vj

  20. this time-men art looks amazing:D

  21. WOW Valerie, what an awesome page! I love all of the clocks and textures, fantastic stitching too! Gorgeous autumn page and beautiful photos today.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like it. Autumn is my fave season! Have a great day! Hugs!

  22. A great variety of time pieces on the first one.

  23. I can't believe it's another TioT challenge, time (no pun intended) is definitely running away with itself this month. Love the theme, and a clever composition with all those elements. Your October theme windows are quite eerie with the girls face and ravens a waiting.. I nearly choked on my hot chocolate at the Broom stick show off haa haa!!! Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, that broomstick show off was really funny. Time is really fling, have a great day, hugs!

  24. Wonderful art and autumn photos Valerie.

  25. A fabulous page Valerie, love the impression of time running through his head and that's a great quote, perfect for the image. Love the AJJ page, such gorgeous colours. The funnies are great and there are some gorgeous colours in your autumnal photos - and such amazing shots of the moon.
    Have a good week, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Have a great week, enjoy your adorable little pumpkins! Hugs!

  26. Had my catch up session Valerie and enjoyed seeing all the fantastic art pages you have been creating recently. I love the clocks seeming to be coming out of her head on this page. I loved the photos and night sky ones of the moon looked amazing. Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I love playing with clocks and time! And the moon is always beautiful! Hugs!

  27. What delight of a mixed media piece Valerie! Your journal page is fabulous, great images and beautiful background. Your photos , as ever, really are wonderful, the moon pics especially! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I was so happy when I saw that moon and went onto the balcony in my pyjamas to get the photos, good that nobody can see me! Hugs!

  28. Great photos!:) Have a nice day ;)

  29. Fantastic art and wonderful photos Valerie! I love those moons!

    1. Thanks Alison, the spooky moon was great, really, well, spooky! Have a great day, hugs!


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