
Wednesday 27 October 2021

Midweek post - Flowers in your hair

Hi Everybody!

It's Wednesday already, where do the days go?

Today I have another piece from the Lifebook Taster Sessions to share, which was by the lovely Christa Forrest  - What's on your crown? We had to take a photo of ourselves, cut it out and then overpaint it, and make a crown. My crown is full of flowers, which I found in my bit-box. They've been there for years, but they were spot on for this project. I added a few stickers, too. I wasn't happy with my painted over face, or with my shaky writing, but it is as it is to repeat my mantra!

I liked this digitally altered version, too!

I have used this owl picture from Gecko Galz for many years. I printed the image on canvas  8 times, and am slowly using them up. I still have 2!

I am linking to Tracey's colours of October challenge at AJJ:

I love misty mornings!

The fishing crow:

More photos from my walkabout in Hofgarten:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fun memes, lovely art and beautiful misty morning photos. The Chinese turnip is mild tasting and can be eaten raw. When cooked it tastes a lot like regular turnip.

    1. Thanks Christine, if I ever see Chinese turnips over here I will try them!

  2. Lovely flowers in your hair, I will be singing that song in my head now!! Great post Valerie.

    1. Oh fine, let's sing together, it's been going around in my head all day!

  3. I love the quote and the picture you created. The flowers in her hair look fabulous! Great job!

    Misty mornings are some of my favorites. :)

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks Jess. I love misty mornings, and there's mist outside today, so beautiful seeing the autumn trees peeking though! Have a great week, hugs!

  4. I like how you caught bird in first photo.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Lovely art and photos, your face Looks beautiful with the crown of flowers. And I'm singing already! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks. Had a bad night here, my back is very painful. We can sing together all day! Hope all is well in your tribe! Hugs!

  6. I love the flowers on your crown and the misty morning. Wonderful photos from your walks. I used to sing in the showers but now my voice crack when I sing. Lol!

    1. Thanks Nancy, my voice is more of a croak these days! Have a great day, hugs!

  7. Love your painting and that fabulous crown of flowers.
    I have those owls too - they look great on canvas and this is a great page for Tracey's theme at AJJ.
    Fabulous misty photos and I love the colours at Hofgarten. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Those owls are great, always my faves! Have a great day!

  8. Good morning Valerie: I had better not go to San Francisco, since I have no hair in which to lodge the flowers. I have actually visited San Francisco twice, both times only for a day, and that was insufficient time to discover its vaunted charms. The cable cars were less picturesque than the postcards of them, and despite careful searching I was unable to find Tony Bennett's heart, which we all know he left there. I did visit Alcatraz and paid due homage to Robert Stroud, the Birdman of Alcatraz, as dubbed by the movie, and played by Burt Lancaster. Spelled Burt it sounds Hollywoodish and masculine, whereas as Bert it's just a muppet. Let's not forget that George VI was known as Bertie, and we wouldn't think of him as a paragon of masculinity. The crow in your picture is quite splendid. I wonder if the Birdman of Alcatraz would have liked him/ her. I expect they would have got along splendidly and become firm friends. I am quite sure I will see some crows this morning as I lead my eager bird spotters along the wooded dales hard by the Grand River. Huge numbers of American Robins are gorging on buckthorn berries and Blue Jays are migrating in elegant flocks. The great outdoors beckons. Last night for dinner I made lemon chicken with an excellent mushroom sauce, baked potato and broccoli drizzled with a light coating of cheese sauce, which finished a little asiago left in the refrigerator. A glass of Chablis was the perfect companion for it all, and Miriam smacked her lips, ate heartily and raved about it. And that, after all, was what I wanted to hear! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. If you have no hair you could glue the flowers on with double sided adhesive tape. The birds would love it, they would be nesting among your flowers and feeling happy on your head! I loved San Francisco, I had a fun holiday there back in the 70s. I enjoyed the 'Birdman of Alcatraz' film, but haven't visited the prison. Hmmm, we could think of lots of ideas about Burts and Berts, I think I prefer the 2nd was to spell it. There are several crows who always go fishing, it's fun watching them. They are clever birds. They seem to live in the caste ruins, so it's home territory for them. Your dinner last nicht sounded wonderful, no wonder Miriam raved over it. I made veggie soup yesterday, no comparison to your masterpiece, but tasty al the same! Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  9. Your portrait reminds me of Frida Kahlo. Very classy. Looks like a lovely walk in golden light.

    1. Thanks CJ! Wish I looked more like Frida! It's not a golden October day today, perhaps tomorrow? Have a happy day!

  10. I like your "selfie" fixed up Valerie. No need to worry about the writing from me; mine is always messy and hard to read. Computers did make my life easier. I love the flowers and how you put the clock in their too. And nice owl piece. There are some images that are just great and it is nice to have many copies of, and I can see why that would be one. and I'm with you with the misty morning. It makes fantastic photos, especially with some leaves on the ground. You can see how some of the spooky Halloween images and stories came to be. Hope your mid-week is going well for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. My painted version is at least wearing make-up, which I mostly forget! Yes, misty mornings, falling leaves etc definitely create a sort of spooky atmosphere! Have a great day, hope the bees are doing well. Hugs!

  11. Cool face. I love the crown, especially the addition of the clock.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I had fun making this one! Have a great day!

  12. I love your autumn colors, something we don't see in green Hawaii. Also love the colors in your Lady painting.

    1. Thanks a lot, autumn is a fantastic season here!

  13. Hi Val, Bill here. Beautiful art and photos, have a nice day!

  14. Good portrait work vj. Lovely autumn photo series

  15. I really love that owl on canvas. The texture the canvas it provides is really beautiful and that's a very striking piece.

  16. this art with flowers is truly amazing:) and photos with misty landscape are very misterious!

  17. You are absolutely beautiful in that selfie drawing. I love the flowers and the clock you added in your hair. It's glorious. I also love the owls and your sewing, which adds that extra special touch to your canvas. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Tracey's theme. It's really great.

    I love your photos, but the first one where you captured the bird is my favorite. My second favorite is the couple walking on the leaf littered road. Of course, it all looks like autumn in your world right now. Cute funnies, too. The word porn reminds me of Scott at times. Hope you are feeling better today.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, the face was very challenging. Glad you Like the photos, too. I think that Word porn describes a lot of men!

  18. I LOVE your floral head Valerie it is amazing with such gorgeous colours and your owls on canvas are FABulous..great projects..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you like my head! Have a great week, hugs!

  19. Beautiful art Valerie, I love your crown of flowers, so pretty and colorful! Love that owl too, the textures look amazing! Gorgeous misty pictures today.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. Hope you have a wonderful day. Take Care, hugs!


  20. Your works are extraordinary, I really like your portrait in a wreath of flowers. Beautiful, magical photos of autumn. Good health:)

  21. Bellísimos paisajes otoñales!!

    Excelente composición artística, me gusta tu cabeza llena de flores y de color.


  22. Your selfie based creation is really great. I can rember being a little girl and singing along to that song! Too croaky frog nowadays! Those owls are powerful. Leanne has some lovely images. One of the misty days here recently had puffs of mist trapped in among trees it was unusual and thought it was owing to humidity which is very high in Scotland these days and we are really not used to it. Vee xx

    1. Oh yes, I know that croaky frog voice, same here! I loved that song back in the day, and remember sitting outside a pub on a warm summer evening, the music playing, and we all sang along. Those were the days! I've never seen mist trapped between the trees, how unusual! Have a great day, hugs!

  23. That's a mighty crown Valerie one fit for a queen, beautiful paintwork and layers. I do love to overpaint faces and watch them transform, great digi mix you've sent her back into the 19th century. Your tag is fab, what a superb printed image that is, photographed beautifully with that berry frame.
    You've shown exactly what I see in October, misty mornings that clear into crisp dry blue skies.. I love October.. Thanks for sharing your love of it too with me @ AJJ.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. October is always my fave month, too, such a riot of beautiful colours. Have a great day, hugs!

  24. Beautiful art Valerie, and wonderful photos!

  25. You made a great job of painting over your own face, the shading is very good. I do like the garland of flowers you chose to put in your hair, they definitely compliment your eyes.
    Your canvas printed owl is very grand in his hat - a perfect picture for halloween just as is the photograph below it with the mist. I like misty morning too, but only when driving is not involved. I also like the bright days when you can see the wonderful colours in the leaves on the trees as in your other photographs.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it was strange to paint over my own face! I find this time of year very inspiring with the colours and misty mornings, but as you say, not good for driving! Have a great day, hugs!

  26. Wow your art is amazing-especially love the first one. and those misty photos are so October-really enjoyed seeing all the photos today-hugs


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