
Thursday 9 September 2021

Vintage, minimalist and more

Hi Everybody!

First of all I have a recycled tag to share for my re-use, recycle challenge at Tag Tuesday. The script tag was in my bit box. I added a white flower rub-on to cover a scratched patch and then the TH people, standing on a strip of washi tape. The sentiment was also in one of my boxes:

Then I recycled the tag into a 7" x 7" journal page to fit Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. I used a piece of a LaBlanche designer paper as background, and added some other embellishments. I cut into the page to make a pocket for the tag to fit it. Then I sewed it to a piece of recycled corrugated card:

Today is also Rain's TAD, and her theme this week is Minimalism. Hmm, as a friend of happy chaos this is not my thing, but I have some photos to show:

And last but not least, some photos from my balcony:

This is growing out of my lavender, I have no idea what it is. Perhaps Jack planted it....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your art ...
    Great take on Rain's theme ...
    Another lovely selection of photographs ...

    Thank you, wishing you a happy Thursday :)

    All the best Jan

  2. Love your tag. Minimalism isn’t for me either but I do love your photos.

    1. Thanks a lot. My place would be a nightmare for minimalists! Have a great day!

  3. Nice tag, and it works great on your journal page. The feminine tag contrasts but works so nicely the more industrial page with the clocks and the cardboard. And I'm not a minimalist either. But it is nice to see. Hope your week is going well, and hope you saw my comment on your last post about the bees. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad you enjoyed the article about the bees, I thought of you when I saw it on TV. I have a minimalist friend, we are both total opposites, perhaps that's why we get on well! Have a great day!

  4. I Love your art, and the photos too-hugs

  5. Gorgeous tag and page Valerie! I love the all of the textures and fabulous stitching, beautiful designer paper too! Fabulous photos from your balcony.
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a wonderful day, take care! Hugs!

  6. Wonderful minimalism and photos. Have a great evening.

  7. Beautiful art Valerie.
    I love your minimalism photos! Lovely balcony photos.

  8. Your art is always lovely. The sky photos are lovely with touch of pink in them.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Great tag Valerie and page. Not sure about the minimalism, needs colour for me! Cheeky new plant growing on your balcony!

    1. Thanks Sue, I need colour and variety too! I wonder what that plant is....

  10. hi, love the finished tag with all the clocks. :) And the old fashion style :)
    Also love the reathers for Rains promt. :)

  11. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are feeling a bit better. Love all the art and photos. With so many kids I can't claim minimalism as my style either! have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, you have a happy chaos home, too, that's the way I like it!

  12. Great tag brilliant photos on it too. Oh I love that art, wish I could save from here as a few would work great as backgrounds for my cards. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, you can save them to Pinterest. Have a great day!

  13. Nice and creative page. Beautiful flowers from your balcony. Have a great day.

  14. I wish I could be a minimalist but I am too sentimental and so I am a "clutter-ist" unfortunately. Enjoyed the photos though.
    Love the journal page and what a great idea to combine the tags you make into pages. I love tags, making them etc but I never know what to do with them, they just pile up - this is a great way to include them in my journals.
    Lovely script, lovely background paper and great individual things with wings to tie it all in to the clocks.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps have a nice day and weekend ahead

    1. Thanks Neet, clutterist is a wonderful description! I often re-use tags this way, s sometimes I have too many flying about, and in a journal the have a new life! Your have a great day, too, hope you have good weather for the weekend! Hugs!

  15. Good morning Valerie: Minimalist is not a term that I would have applied to you meine liebe. I think of your life as one of delightful clutter, with stacks of scraps from previous projects, and pages cut from magazines and advertising flyers for future use, and glue sticks, and brayers, and ink stamps, and stencils, and markers, and paint brushes, and journals, and art paper, to say nothing of stacks of books (neatly shelved I must add) and eighteen pairs of funky shoes overflowing the closet. But who wants to be minimalist anyway? That's no fun! We all agree that we don't need more stuff, and then we go about acquiring more! So far, on this trip, I have not bought a thing. Now that may be because I haven't been anywhere that I had the opportunity to. No promises if I get into a nature book store though. Yesterday we had lunch with a fellow blogger and it was quite delightful, and she and her husband showed us some great birding spots. The weather was lovely too. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David. Nice to see you! You're right, minimalist doesn't fit me! I feel happy in my chaos. My books are mostly nicely shelved, that's true. But you have exaggerated with the shoes. I only have 16 pairs of sneakers and 8 pairs of boots. And still space in the closets - well, sort of! Book stores are always tempting, although these days I mostly read with Kindle as I can enlarge the print. But books always feel and look nicer. And books smell nice! Glad you were able to meet up with a fellow blogger, and now know about more good birding spots. Here the weather is sunny and warm, but from this evening we have rain and thunderstorms forecasted. Have a fun time, keep taking lots of photos! Hugs to you both!

  16. Your tag is beautiful and it was clever to use it on your journal page. I love that wee birdie you added. The minimalism photos were great too. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. I like re-using things wherever possible. have a great day!

  17. Wonderful tag and then it looks even better on your journal page with all your vintage elements! The stitching and time theme are such a treat, Valerie. Love your minimalism photos and those from your balcony too. Hope you are doing well, my friend.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I enjoyed making these things, and it keeps me occupied. I am very shaky just now, not so good, but some days are better! Have a great day!

  18. What a wonderful tag, and I love the way you have combined it in your journal page of AJJ. Te page is fabulous, I love it.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, I'm taking my recycling theme seriously, and combining with your theme! Have a great day!

  19. Valerie,

    Your paper art is always such fun to see. Your examples of minimalism is perfect! Everyone but me seems to know what to do with Rain's prompts. I hope mine passes the challenge some how. *cross fingers* Have a doodletastic day, my dear!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Your Art today was great, your Posts are always special! Hugs!

  20. Love your Tag/journal page creation. Just beautiful. Great photography as always.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  21. Terrific tag! I feel like I've achieved minimalism in some rooms of my home, but never my craft room :) great photo collection too ~ Enjoy

    1. Thanks Karen. I'm only minimalistic in my approach to housework!

  22. Good Thursday Valerie. Your post today is stunning.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today. You should pass again. I have added more to my post today


    1. Thanks Gillena, I will hop over to your blog again! Hugs!

  23. You asked about the third plant on my post today (from Berkshire Gardens). It is a pitcher plant, a type of carnivorous plant. They had a couple of giant pots filled with them. It was a really interesting display and idea. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I will look it up on the net, it was fascinating! Hugs!

  24. I love your minimalist photos! And your expression "friend of happy chaos," LOL!

  25. Love the tag and the page you created. The colours and textures are beautiful. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha

  26. The wall art certainly seems to me an extreme example of minimalism. Not my thing, but I like the sculptures.

  27. Beautiful art Valerie, and great photos! The wall art is a bit extreme, lol!

  28. I love your tag and what you did with it. Very very nice layout!

  29. Happy Chaos!!!! I love that! You chose some nice photos to share Valerie, I love the feathers and the marbles! You have some nice views from your balcony! Your tag brings out the sentiment in me! ♥

    1. Thanks Rain, happy chaos fits to me! Good to ha e a pic of my marbles before I lose them all!

    2. HA HA HA HA! I think my marbles are long gone tee hee!! ☺

    3. Yes, I think I'm reaching say-goodbye-to-your-marbles time!

  30. I love that piece. And as always the pictures are great.
    Like clutter, minimalism can sometimes be taken to extremes, in my humble opinion;)

    1. Thanks Sandra. Extremism is never a good idea, whatever it is that people are being extrme bout! Have a great day!

  31. I'd love to be would mean less of everything. But I need all kinds of stuff :)
    Happy PPF!

  32. Sorry I am so late visiting. I was so sick yesterday, I could barely sit up. Something I ate, I guess. I'm marginally better today, at least. Needless to say, I love your tag and the awesome way you turned it into a journal page for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    Love the minimalist art you chose, too. Nice that your flowers are doing so well on your balcony, dear. Wish you felt better, too.

    1. Sorry to hear it, be careful what you eat! Hope you soon feel better.

  33. Your tag is darling! So many wonderful details! Not too sure about some of that minimalism:) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Jean. Some minimalist Art is rather exaggerated! Happy PPF!

  34. You make it look so easy to just pull those beautiful ideas out of your head and translate them to three dimension. Your tag is awesome and your minimalist photo's are the best. I love all of them and did you draw the feather? Anyway, your minimalist pictures are the most minimal I have seen today :) As for a volunteer growing in your garden, I would bet the birds planted it. I find all kinds of interesting (what some people would call weeds)plants in my gardens. I always let them grow to see what they will become and I invariably end up liking them as well as my intentional flowers. You have quite a nice view from your window ... Love the Dove at the end. Stay well Valerie and have a wonderful week :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, my head is always full of ideas, just not ideas to do housework etc! The feather is a photo. I'm sure the plant is from the birds, too, and I'm looking forward to seeing the flowers. I let anything that's green grow. I like te view from my balcony, it's the best thing in my apartment! Have a great weekended!

  35. Awesome tag art collage work and your minimalist photos are divine ~ Xo ~

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  36. I am not a minimalist, either. How I love your landscape photos! So pretty.

    1. Thanks a lot. The countryside here is pretty. Have a great weekend!

  37. Happy PPF Valerie. Thanks for dropping by my blog today.


  38. You've made a gorgeous piece of art combining your tag with a page! I love vintage. I do enjoy modern as well and appreciate it but it's just not something personally for me.
    Beautiful scenes from your balcony. Enjoy what's left of summer. happy PPF!

  39. Your recycled tag and the vintage picture are lovely, Valerie! You create beauty out of eclectic scraps. I had no idea that you could sew cardboard. TAD is expanding my definition of art! My home is a place of happy chaos too. You captured the spirit of minimalism in your monochromatic photos and other shots. I would be very unhappy sitting in that chair below the black-framed white rectangles. I like puffy comfort.
    The lambent colors in your sky photos are soothing, always a welcome sight. Tricky capture of that bird ~ awesome! Have a happy and relaxing weekend, and hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Louise! Comfort and colour are so important, I could never live in such a sterile surrounding. Cardboard is easy to sew, No problem. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  40. That clock and watch background in your piece is fun. I love the way you made some of them 3 dimensional.
    Take special care.

  41. Your recycled tag fits like a glove into your vintage journal page pocked, have fabulous gold is against those browns. I don't think I could ever be a minimalist, too many little bit n bobs that always end up on my arty pages, great find with the pics. People pay good money for seeing things just like this.
    Looks like you have a seed squatter in your lavender pot, I hope it blooms.
    Happy weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Minimalism is Impossible for me! Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  42. Super Tag, one of the ladies dosen't look too happy though, must be the school holidays,lol.x

    1. I was a teacher, so always happy during the holidays!

  43. This is a lovely piece. I love the tag within a larger piece idea.


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