
Tuesday 7 September 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

I can't really believe it, this is the third day in a row that we've had good weather!

Today I have another page for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. I made an A4 mixed media page using part of a napkin which was sent to me sometime back. I can't remember who sent it, sorry, so if it was YOU, thanks a lot! This was the last quarter of the napkin, so I must have used it in other projects, too. The napkin was collaged with matt medium on to a page which had been grounded with gesso and a bit of leftover colour. The postmarks, words etc were stamped with some Artemio stamps. I used some vintage stamps on it, too. I went over the lettering and the Eiffel Tower with glossy  accents:

 Some people asked about our hole in the road - it's still there, nothing has been done up till now!

I walked through the castle, and always enjoy seeing the plants growing out of the stones: 

This used to be the 'living room'

The leaves are turning:

Light and shadow, as in life:

This sign warns people not to climb up the stones, and then I wonder why I see parents encouraging their kids to climb it so they can get a good video:

The horses always look so contented:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art piece Valerie, napkins can be so good for collage can't they. I like seeing plants growing in difficult places, they are tenacious. People seem to have to challenge signs I find. We went to an o,d army place a few years ago, signs said not to climb the fence as there could be unexploded ordanence, and there were two young men who had climbed the fence posing by the sign for photos!

    1. Yes I like playing with napkins, quick and easy. I always wonder how those plants can grow through the stones. Yes, people go to great lengths to get selfies, and don't care if they endanger themselves!

  2. Lovely page and wonderful photos at the castle. Oh no on the hole in the road, at least it is safely fenced off.

    1. Thanks Christine, I think the hole will be with us for a long time!

  3. That page is the perfect postcard to Paris. There's so many wonderful images, and I love the vintage lady. She is tres chic. And nice views of the castle. I am glad you've had some sun. Our day started off wonderful and then a line of storms came through. After that it felt very cold. Oh well, it is September. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Here it's still warm, but we also have storms on the way, autumn is creeping up on us!

  4. Great photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  5. You did a great page. The hole is big and scary. Nice outing and photos at the castle.

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love the pretty Paris page, Males me want to visit again! Great photos and funnies, too. I would certainly Not allow my kids to climb those walls! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I can't imagine anyone in their right mind letting their kids climb those stones! Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  7. Love your page today - Paris is a favourite subject of mine but in all the time I have been stamping have never thought to use the Eiffel Tower as a letter. Good thinking Valerie.
    I like the way you have used the colours of red white and blue throughout and the chic lady standing so elegantly on the letter "I" is the perfect touch.
    Lovely photos and great funnies.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Paris is always a good theme. Have a lovely day, take care and stay safe! Hugs!

  8. A most adorable creation and post.... chat soon. x xx

  9. Just wanted to say thanks for you comment on my T day post about Woolverstone Hall. I wonder if the Crane Estate on my blog post was modeled after that estate. They are very similar. Hope you're have a nice day and all is well. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, they are very similar. My brother went to Boarding School there. I'm sure it was made to look like Woolverstone Hall.

  10. Love your art piece, Valerie.

    And your most beautiful photos too.

    Happy Tuesday!

  11. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art and photos!

  12. I have a Facebook friend who is getting to go back to Paris, and she's started a FB group so we can go with her virtually. I'm excited about my upcoming trip :)

    It would be tempting to climb it, but I'm risk-averse and a rule-obeyer. I'd definitely keep my kids off it. That's a lovely setting. Such a pretty place for photos.

    They may be dealing with exactly how to manage that repair. I bet just-like-it-was wouldn't be a good idea considering the weather changes.

    1. Ah, Paris, so nice. Perhaps I will manage a trip soon, it#s not even far, about 6 hours by car! Apparently they are still waiting for the new drainage pipes and no sign of them yet! I don't mind, it's so nice and quiet on our street!

  13. Enjoy that good weather! Our temps dropped significantly and we're in the middle of a thunderstorm. I adore your Paris piece. It really captures the essence of a city I love. And you are a lot closer than we are! I so enjoyed this post, places and funnies, too!

    1. I think the warm weather will soon be over, but I'm enjoying it as long as it lasts! Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  14. ROFL. Love those memes. Also love the mugs in your header.
    The piece is all sorts of fun and ahhhh, the white horse.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I'm drinking my coffee out of the super power mug right now!

  15. The blue stones are quite pretty.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  16. Here in the UK we've had some lovely sunny days ... but I think that's going to change!

    Lovely art and another great selection of photographs.
    I hope they get round to mending that large hole soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, we have to enjoy the good weather as long as it#s there!

  17. What a fabulous collage, anything to do with Paris is a winner by me. We've had 3 hot, sunny days too, but I think today is the last one. The cat 'asking a question' made me snort my coffee lol. Take care x

    1. Thanks Sue! From tomorrow it will get wet and stormy again.

  18. I love napkins on pages and yours is fabulous! Super page and love the stamps too. Wonder when they will fix that hole! Super cool castle pics - thanks for sharing them and your funnies! Another smile this morning with my coffee! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! They can't fix the whole til they get the drainage pipes....who knows when it will be finished?! Have a great day!

  19. Lovely photos of your walk Valerie, and beautiful art!
    I love the funnies too :D


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