
Saturday 24 July 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody. 

It's weekend, enjoy! Here life goes on as always. The repairs to the street where I live are an ongoing project, they have to replace 60 meters of drainage pipes in the canalisation, and this will probably take months, as the special pipes they need have to be made to measure. They're hoping to be finished by the end of the year....  And we have new, heavy rainfall and storms forecasted for the weekend.

Today I have another piece to share, this time a collage, inspired by a fun lesson by Barb Nicholson in the art is magic course from last weekend. The background of my A3 piece was painted and collaged with some tissue. The face from a magazine was painted over, and I chose to work in shades of green. Then I added the fussy-cut eagle and the flowers and bee. I am linking to Alison's country summer challenge at AJJ:

I treated myself to some sunflowers:

My motto is always 'live in the moment'. So I'm wondering why my sign has been wrong for months and I didn't notice it. Sometimes I think we see what we want to see:

Now it's right! 

The giant building site is here to stay for a few months:

The Nile geese made the best of the flooded meadows:

Looking towards the river from the Churchyard:

On this day last year I took an evening stroll through the fields and saw these lovely creatures:

Have a great weekend, stay safe from floods, Corona, fires, storms  and  whatever other catastrophes might be about. 
And s always, thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful art and sunflowers.

  2. Love the art as always! Sunflowers are my favorite flowers :). Haha! Finding mistakes in things can be hard sometimes.

    1. Thanks Aishu. Sunflowers are always very special! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Beautiful art Valerie! I'm glad to know you are still safe from the floods. I hope things are improving there. We don't see much on the news here except for the extreme stuff. Beautiful sunflowers, glad you treated yourself. I love those photos too, especially the sweet deer. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs :)

    1. Thanks Martha. People are trying to clear away the rubble but it's very difficult as many roads are completely unpassable. Here things are quiet, the Rhine is receding. Have a great weekend, take care!

  4. Green is so attractive for this beautiful lady. What a lovely page Valerie. Sorry to hear the road repair is going to take so long. Hopefully they aren't making too much repair noise all day. I also bought some sunflowers this week. It is the time for them, isn't it? And you had a great look at some deer too, along with an adorable fawn. Nice photos. Funny about the sign too. That would be me. Have a wonderful weekend-hope the weather people are wrong about the rain. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I don't hear too much street noise as my apartment is at the back, looking to the fields. Yes, it's sunflower time, I saw huge fields of them yesterday when we went shopping. Strange that mistakes like that can fool us! Enjoy your weekend, happy boating!

  5. Beautiful art, love your sunflowers, and all the photos-Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  6. Lovely collage, sunflowers and photos.

  7. Just beautiful, the colors are so soft and blend together so well! I LOVE the deer! That's so sweet you caught them in motion - my photos would be blurry! Love the bold sunflower. Praying still for Deutschland and hoping that the rebuid will be fast and safe! xx

    1. Thanks Kelly, and especially for the prayers, so many people are suffering just now! It's hard catching deer on photos, they move very quickly. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. LOVE your green lady, so beautiful. Had to laugh at your live in the moment - things like that happen to me all the time! As you said, we see what we want to see! Sorry the road repairs will take so long. Have a good weekend, stay safe! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot. I had a good sleep last night, so I'm thankful for that! Yes, mistakes happen! Have a great weekend with the family, hugs to you all!

  9. What an awesome and creative post and photos, lovely....enjoy your weekend. xx


  10. "Only moments are important in life ..." are very true words. Great job. Have a nice weekend:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. The moments are always important! Have a great weekend!

  11. Those deer granted you a very nice photo shoot, didn't they?

    I had to chuckle at your sign. Such a reflection of the lock down. What I read was, "Live in. Hate the moment." LOL. I'm glad you got it switch around and we are starting to have more opportunities to do things again.

    Your mixed media piece is beautiful. I really like all the lovely and interesting things in the background and the face is gorgeous. The eagle on the woman's head makes me think of being strong-minded.

    Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog. I really do appreciate it.


    1. Thanks Teresa, the deer were really dears to stay and let me take some photos. I have often looked at that sig and wondered what was wrong with it....But hate the moment is funny, too! For me eagles are a sign of freedom, strength and beauty. I wish we had more of them here. I love visiting your blog, it's always uplifting! Have a great weekend!

  12. I love your painting, such a beautiful face. The photos of the deers are so charming. Hope the work does not disrupt you too much. Have great week. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha. I think the building site won't disturb me, it's just hard on those who usually drive through here, as this stretch of road is now closed, and it means less parking spaces for people who live here! Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Good morning and Happy Weekend, Your Exquisite Valerieness: My word you do create some exotic looking women to make the spirits of an old man soar, and then you add the incitement, "Let's do this"! Now if I had not foresworn to be on my best behaviour I could have some fun with that, but I will present myself this morning as a paragon of propriety, and not touch it with the proverbial ten foot pole! The fact that you have taken the time to fussy cut (I even know what that means) a Bald Eagle and add it to the image causes your star to rise even higher. It is a fabulous bird, and one that is reasonably common around here. The street repairs are no doubt an annoyance, but you will have peace of mine knowing that the pipes beneath your feet are solid and functional. Here,one could be forgiven for thinking that the crews never get it right the first time since they always seem to get it finished, and then start to dig it up again! I hope you will be spared such aggravation and prolonged inconvenience. The ducks,the deer and the crow are all delightful, and your motto is spot on. The moment is all we have. I hope that you will have a great weekend, maybe even be able to eat a little real food. Last night we had chicken tacos for dinner, spicy and delicious. Hugs and kisses for Saturday, hugs and kisses for Sunday. I'll be sure to have lots left for next week. Your Canadian devotee, David

    1. Yes David, I'm mean like that - get you excited and all for nothing! I'm glad you are managing to be a paragon of propriety, I wonder how long it will last? I often do fussy cutting when I'm watching TV, it's probably more exciting than the rubbish they show here. It was a bit shocking to realise the extent of the damage under the road, so perhaps good that that hole opened up and laid it bare. And the town is nor planning extensive works to renovate and repair the dikes along the Rhine to keep people safe. I just had some real food, mashed potatoes! But yesterday I even had some chicken, luxury. I hope it will get better sooner or later. Spicy tacos sound very good, wish I had been there! Thanks for all the hugs and kisses, they will keep me going over the weekend. How did your Zoom project go? I'm sure it was good. I'm off for an afternoon nap now, so I wish you a great weekend, have fun, take care. Hugs to you and Miriam!

  14. I hope this does not come across as immodest, Valerie, but it was a huge success. They had the largest audience for the current series of lectures, and many people who had attended my events in person before COVID signed up for the Zoom presentation. There were so many questions at the end they finally had to cut it off. The audience was very enthusiastic. I was happy with it.

    1. That's great, Well done! Can I have an Autogramme? I'm happy for you, and you can be proud of yourself!

    2. I would send you an autographed picture but that would probably scare the living daylights out of you!

    3. Okay, then perhaps better not!

  15. Beautiful roe. Have a nice day :)

  16. Glad that you are safe. Hopefully, the repairs won't take so long to complete. The girl with green hair is very striking like a nature goddess. The sunflowers are so pretty and the fawns adorable. The one turned looking over his back looks Bambi. He just needs a butterfly.

    1. Thanks CJ. A real Bambi! Here we are safe now, for which I am really thankful.

  17. I love your green haired lady Valerie, she looks such fun! Those sunflowers are beautiful, they always look so happy when they are in full bloom, and they are still lovely when they are passed their best. I wish you a happy and peaceful weekend, no virus, flood, or collapsing road for you the week! Take care, Sue xx

  18. I love those shades of green, very refreshing to look at. Yes, stay away from disasters, I say!

    1. Thanks, we have all had enough of disasters!

  19. Beautiful photos and art Valerie!
    I hope the roadworks don't disturb your peace too much.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison. My flat is on the other side of the house.

  20. The world has gone crazy with the weather at the moment. Tragic to see the floods you have experienced and the fires in America. Parts of the UK were under an amber warning because of the heat and now they are under a warning for floods! Crazy!
    Love the deer you saw, how lucky to see the so close and your sunflowers are beautiful. I almost bought a pot of them myself but today they seemed to be lacking water so I refrained. Maybe I should have bought one pot and saved it.
    Love your green lady in your latest journal page.I think she is the Goddess of Nature, perhaps Mother Nature herself.
    Hugs Neet xx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Neet. The world weather is really crazy, I hope the climate changes can be somewhat reversed before it's too late. I wanted my green lady to represent nature in summer! Have a great day!

  21. Lovely art.
    Sunflowers are such a cheerful flower aren't they, I think you did right to treat yourself.
    So nice to see the fawns.

    Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, sunflowers are lovely, they make me happy. Have a great Sunday!

  22. Beautiful art work once again Valerie, always interesting to have a look around where you live. Sunflowers are happy flowers aren't they. Sometimes I think we scan when we read and don't always pick every word up.

    1. Thanks Sue! That's true with scanning, and then we see what we think it should be! Have a great day!

  23. Wonderful art pages and photos to see today. I hope you don't get to much disruption from the repairs and they manage to get all the materials they need, building supplies etc are taking longer to source here just now as well as finding staff to do the work.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I am sure it will take some time before they get the new pipes, so man places need them just now. We shall see! Have a great Sunday, take care, hugs!

  24. Repairs always take longer than we think they ought to. And in your case, they'll need to consider this latest "event" and plan for the repairs to survive if/when that happens again.

    Love your sunflowers :)

  25. What a stunning page Valerie, I love her hair, lips & eyes- green is one of my favorite colors, she is gorgeous! The sunflowers are beautiful! Have a great week ahead and I hope the repairs don't take too long.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I love green, too. Have a wonderful day!

  26. It seem that the hole in your street has turned up some surprises(or shocks even) I hope they fix it properly! Your page is wonderful, a soaring eagle would make everything better - matching your words! I was tempted with Sunflowers but went for gladioli instead - they have been fascinating to watch. I hope they have more sunflowers this week though. How lovely to see the young deer - I wonder where they are this year?
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend , Hugs, Chrisx

    1. It has indeed! I think the powers that be know that they will be being watched this time, and do a good job! But it will also take a long time! Gladioli are also beautiful, I recently got some from a neighbour's garden and they were lovely. Have a good start in the new week!

  27. I love this green woman!!! Great shading. Wonderful photos.

  28. I left a LONG message yesterday, then when I tried to leave one today, Firefox wouldn't publish it. This is a test.

    Nice green woman, loved the sunflowers, nice revisiting the deer, and your street is going to be famous for a long time. Hope this goes through because I don't have time to do it a fourth time.

  29. I love your green woman of the countryside - I think she must be a dryad or tree nymph taking care of the summer leaves and grasses. Beautiful. We've got storms forecast here too - I hope that they won't be as bad this time for anyone as last time. Oh, and you're certainly right about us only seeing what we want to see!
    Alison x

  30. I love your green goddess!!! Beautiful!
    Sorry about the work being done on the road!
    Love seeing the deer! So precious!
    That was interesting about your sign! Maybe you are right, we only see what we want to see! Big Hugs!


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